Looking for info

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Blonde_byChoice, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. Blonde_byChoice

    Blonde_byChoice New Member

    I am a grandmother of twin girls who are almost 4 years. I am wanting to find info on separating twins in the home...their father, he has visitation, talks on a regular basis about doing things to separate the girls because he wants them to be individuals. They are very individual. But he keeps doing things to push the issue. I would like to know if there is any info on this subject. I have already gotten info on separating at school. Thankx for any assistance on the subject.
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I don't have any info but I do have twin girls and am divorced from their father. I would never let him take just one. I would look for info on separating siblings too. This isn't parent trap. :devil:
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TS!
    I'm not sure what you mean by separating them in the home.... It's great that the father cares for their individuality but they love each other and separating them too much could possibly hurt them. I guess the only thing I can think of is maybe putting them into a different activity. LIke one does dance while the other does karate, just an example. That way they start learning to make other friends and have their own "thing". But none of this is necessary. They will build their individualality all by themselves without forcing them to separate.
    Good luck.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    if you're talking about doing an activity separately with the twins... I, personally, think it sounds great... but not to have everything done separately. I feel like I don't have time with the kids individually, and its really fun to have some free moments with one if they wake up early from a nap or something. I also think that if you get the kids to learn early that its ok to be separate its good... like doing errands with one and leaving one home... just so long that neither one is being favored.

    I don't have any research I base this on, just talking with other twin moms in my group etc.

    as far as their room... I do plan on keeping ours together as long as possible. many siblings share bedrooms, not just twins... and I think its a special time for them. I hope to have ours share until they request their own rooms... am hoping until after 1st grade or something.
  5. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    :welcome: to TS!

    I think giving them one on one time when you can is a good idea. DH and I try and do this when we are out of the house. We hope to start some kind of "date night" in the near future....take them out (DH take one, I take the other) and go do something fun with them. Right now it is mainly when we are running errands on the weekends.

    BUT...I tend to agree with Brigette. I don't think it is something that HAS to be done unless you are concerned with one twin being way more dominant than the other (in an unhealthy way). If that is not the issue, than I think in time they will develop their own individuality on their own without forcing the issue.
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