Looking for advice on dealing with vomiting

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by atina, May 31, 2009.

  1. atina

    atina Well-Known Member


    One of my twins is experiencing vomiting. I called the ped she prescribed Motilium rectal suppositories (which is a real agony for my son) and babylight.

    I wonder the causes of vomiting in babies. what was the cause of the vomiting of your baby??? could it be the milk or because I occasionally used another water for bottle feeding?? also appreicate to know how much the vomiting lasted and what was the cure given.

    I welcome any hint or advice on how to give this rectal suppository without the trouble it involves.

    Many thanks in advance for your sharing your experience.
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It could be a stomach virus, or it could be that the food didn't settle right.

    And for giving the suppository, just take the diaper off, push the knees up into the belly, and slowly insert the suppository (it should be coated in lubricant, but if it's not, use some KY jelly or vaseline). However, I'm really surprised that the doctor gave you a Rx instead of having you come in considering the age of the baby.
  3. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    What kind of vomiting is it? Projectile?

    My DD was sick all the way through to about 6-7 months and I thought she had reflux until the tests proved otherwise. She was just a very gassy baby with a lot of air in her stomach. We went through so many bibs and onsies it was incredible. We just kept her sat up as much as possible post-feeds though that didn´t always work. I also used to lie her across my legs face down & massage her back which sometimes helped the air come out. Also, elevating their mattresses at an angle may help when it´s nap time.

    Our pedi gave my DD Motilium, but the liquid form, and it didnt do anything for her. Your poor LOs with the suppositories! I agree with the PP´s advice of how to insert them. I also agree that the Dr should have seen your LO first before subscribing them!

    GL, I hope you find a solution very soon. KUP!
  4. atina

    atina Well-Known Member

  5. atina

    atina Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becasquared @ Jun 1 2009, 03:29 PM) [snapback]1335916[/snapback]
    And for giving the suppository, just take the diaper off, push the knees up into the belly, and slowly insert the suppository (it should be coated in lubricant, but if it's not, use some KY jelly or vaseline). However, I'm really surprised that the doctor gave you a Rx instead of having you come in considering the age of the baby.

    I wish that putting the suppository was so easy. the trouble is that my baby tries hardly every time to get it out....but I was given the advice to close his knees together after given the suppository preventing it thus from getting out.
  6. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    i have a puker too. i'm BF and my ped encouraged me to eliminate dairy to see if it was a mild milk protein allergy. i've been dairy free for 4 weeks and we've had a big improvement, when i cheat, he gets pukey again. we supplement with one bottle of formula a day and we use Alimentum (Sp?), which is milk free. It's expensive, but since we only use it once a day it's not too bad.

    If the dairy-free diet didn't work I was going to try reflux meds. If your LO is in pain, it might be reflux.

    One last thought, how much are you feeding and are you using slow flow nipples? Maybe he's getting too much at once? My puker could only tolerate 2oz or so a feeding with a slow flow nipple up until a week or so ago.
  7. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(atina @ Jun 1 2009, 06:35 PM) [snapback]1336338[/snapback]
    It's not a projectile vomiting. At first I thought it's a reflux but then got worried when I noticed that all the quantity he's taking he's crashing it at once. He seems to be getting better with the treatment. But still I don't know the reason of the vomiting and still wonder what it could be.

    Maybe your pedi could get him tested for a milk intolerance and for reflux? I´d push for that. Also, is he still gaining weight?
  8. atina

    atina Well-Known Member

    Many thanks indeed for all your valuable advices and input.

    I've used 4 suppositories of Motilium and thanks God he's been better since yesterday. Hope that this will go on like that, because I stopped using Motilium without asking the ped but because as I said it's a real agony for him this rectal suppository. I don't know why they don't create other means of medication for newborn babies!!!!!!!!
  9. 4Wmama

    4Wmama Active Member

    I have one twin that I believe has a milk allergy and has been suffering from constant spit up and eczema. My ped just said to burp more and keep him elevated....which is great but he would still vomit. I switched him to the soy formula and not only saw a huge improvement w/ the eczema but he also spits up a LOT less. No experience here w/ the supposetories though. Good luck I hope you find answers soon.
  10. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    Could be a number of things. My ds just got over the stomach bug. But when my dd was that young, she started vomitting a lot with mucousy stools. She had a milk allergy. Once we changed her formula it cleared up. We had to go to a GI specialist to get the diagnosis.

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