LONG nap!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinzmom2b, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I posted earlier about my girls being really whiney today. Well, I think they needed a good long nap and that's what they are doing. I can't believe they are still asleep. I'm getting ready to get them up here soon. They've been asleep for 3 hours now! I hope they are in a better mood when they get up!
  2. traceyru

    traceyru Well-Known Member

    my boys did that last week, and they were sooooooooooooooo much better when they woke up...i think they just get in there own crabby moods and need a nice long rest to snap out of it................
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I read your post before and didn't get to respond, but I was going to say they need a good nap! I've had days like that, and after naptime the rest of the day is usually much better! Thankfully! :)
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    How nice!!! I hope you got to do something fun during the 3 hours they were sleeping :)
  5. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Can someone please show my girls how to nap- for longer than an hour ? ? ? ? HEHE! Way to go girls!! ;)

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