Logan's trip to the ER

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kerihough, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. kerihough

    kerihough Member

    Well Monday night logan spiked a fever pretty quickly to 103.5. Was able to control it tylenol and motrin. Monday night, he threw up twice. Tuesday -Thursday he still had the fever, diarrhea and cramping but nothing else. Either Tuesday or Wed, my mom was in and she has an IV pole for her dialysis bags. Well, Logan was standing at the IV pole and it looked like he fell asleep standing up. I went and grabbed him up to make sure he was ok and he opened his eyes and started grinning. Not sure if he was sleeping or faking it or blacking out. Last night, the minute we got to a friend;s house he started acting really weird. All he wanted was to be held and go to sleep. If we woke him he would FLIP OUT! This went on for a couple hours when I felt something was really wrong and called the Doc. He told me to take him to children's just to get him checked out not thinking it was anything serious just exhaustion from being sick, but to be safe. The MINUTE I got in the car, he was up and atem. The second I walked into the ER, he was talking, laughing, running around. Since he was back to Normal and there was a FIVE HOUR WAIT, I brought him home. He was fine the whole way until I picked up Dakota at my friend's house. He saw them and got this huge sad look on his face and started balling. Pulled away from there and back to smiling and laughing. Came home, went right to sleep. Fine today. Still cramping a bit and the diarrhea, no fever, and running around like normal (except with about an hour cramping spell) Still tired. Between two naps slept for about 3.5 hours, and went to bed a half an hour early tonight with NO problems (usually screams for an hour cause he don't want to go to sleep). Was I wrong in not waiting to get him checked out? Should I call the doc Mon and have him tested for anything serious? or anything at all? Is there an intestinal virus going around?

  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh no, I'm so sorry. Yes, there is definitely some kind of virus going around. Trevor got it last week for 5 days and had a fever and threw up a few times. It was not fun. The pedi did say there was definitely something going around.
  3. kerihough

    kerihough Member

    I forgot to add, at the ER, yes there was a five hour wait. There were ONLY TWO people in the waiting room and they were the ONLY ones there for 3 hours and still not called back. I just found that ridiculous since he was back to "normal"
  4. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I hope he is feeling better. My girls both had a stomach virus for about 48 hours this week (at the same time). DH got it a day after they did. THankfully, I didn't get it. But there is all kids of stuff going around. We had the stomach virus here, my nephew had a fever virus and my cousin's little boy was hospitalized with viral pneumonia. Nothing like summer illness.
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I just took Lorien into ped office today cause she hasn't been acting like herself at all. She is hardly eating or drinking her milk and refuses to eat ANY table foods so we are giving her baby food again and yogurt. Last night she threw up and this am she had diarreah. She seems a bit lethargic and just very sleepy but has trouble staying asleep although she finally took a good nap from about 2:30-4 today. The ped said that she probably has a virus combined with teething and to just let it run it's course. Hope your little sweetie feels better and that whatever the heck is going around right now, goes far far away from our sweet little babies!
  6. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I would continue to watch him. I hope he feels better soon. :hug99:
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