little red bumps

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by les, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. les

    les Active Member

    One of my girls has little red bumps all over her diaper area and two on her lower belly I have never seen this before, Its not like any diaper rash she's had before. Anyone have any idea what this might be?
  2. les

    les Active Member

    One of my girls has little red bumps all over her diaper area and two on her lower belly I have never seen this before, Its not like any diaper rash she's had before. Anyone have any idea what this might be?
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Yeast?? Try Lotrimin or Monistat. [​IMG]
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Could be a yeast infection. It could be heat rash, if maybe you had her over dressed. My kids always got/get little red bumps on their diaper area when I eat something they are allergic to. Also, they get it when on amoxicillin. Just some thoughts.
  5. ThankG-d

    ThankG-d Active Member

    I have the exact same question about my baby girl too. Wondering if I should ask the doctor? It doesn't look like a typical diaper rash to me, and I think it may be yeast.
  6. ems9882

    ems9882 Well-Known Member

    my oldest had that b4 also like the others were syng he accually had a yeast infection. wierd i never knew boys could get that but they gave his some cream and it was gona in a day or so. but it kept comming back. i would calll ur pedi and let then know im pretty sure thats all it is. if so make sure after u changer her diaper u wash ur hands. my dr couldnt stress that enough to me b/c u can get it i guess. good luck.
  7. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    Katelyn got a yeast infection after being on antibiotics and that sounds like what her yeast infection rash looked like.

  8. ABeeCDandE!

    ABeeCDandE! Well-Known Member

    My little girl had a pimply rash that would come and never quite go away with diaper cream. Red bumps, sometimes a little whitehead. Ped said it was a staph infection/fasciculitis and try antibiotic wash and ointment. Did the trick after a few days. This was on her leg area right where the diaper runs so I was always thinking it was an allergy to the diapers.
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