Little broken red capillaries and moles

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ReallyTiredMom, Jan 6, 2007.

  1. ReallyTiredMom

    ReallyTiredMom Well-Known Member

    OK - everyday I manage to get up the courage to look in a mirror, I notice these little red capillaries on my chest and upper arms - and I swear, they are multiplying like crazy! Anyone else have these? And if so - can we expect them to go away? If not, anyone know if there is a treatment to make them disappear (laser?) While I'm on the topic of body things that clearly become more noticable / increase in size with all these hormones - has anyone had their existing moles double (or triple!) in size? I've even had a few new ones pop up! I do NOT remember the broken capillaries with the single pregnancy, but I guess I do remember a few moles growing. I'm almost 100% Irish, so pretty fair skinned and I have always had an abundance of freckles... Just curious if others have had these issues and know the best way to get rid of them?
  2. ReallyTiredMom

    ReallyTiredMom Well-Known Member

    OK - everyday I manage to get up the courage to look in a mirror, I notice these little red capillaries on my chest and upper arms - and I swear, they are multiplying like crazy! Anyone else have these? And if so - can we expect them to go away? If not, anyone know if there is a treatment to make them disappear (laser?) While I'm on the topic of body things that clearly become more noticable / increase in size with all these hormones - has anyone had their existing moles double (or triple!) in size? I've even had a few new ones pop up! I do NOT remember the broken capillaries with the single pregnancy, but I guess I do remember a few moles growing. I'm almost 100% Irish, so pretty fair skinned and I have always had an abundance of freckles... Just curious if others have had these issues and know the best way to get rid of them?
  3. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you have spider veins, mine went away without treatment (I'm also Irish) but some people need to get laser treatment.

    Shin tags are also really common in twin pregnancy, they are caused by pregnancy hormones. My moles grew bigger and I developed these flat "hollow" looking clear mole things a.k.a. skin tags. They also usually go away without any treatment, but some people have to have them removed by a doctor.
  4. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    Yes, yes, yes, yes.

    I have these little red broken capilliaries popping up everywhere. Never seen anything like it. All over my upper body.

    And moles are not necessarily bigger but those I have look darker and I have some, I don't think I have had before.

    I never had any blemishes on my tummy and now its covered in little red dots and freckles.

    Please, please, let them go away once the babies come.

    (I am of Irish decent also - maybe its us pale girls.)
  5. miraclemama

    miraclemama Active Member

    Me too! I've always had a few "spider angiomas" (what a doc called them once) on my body, but they are rampant now - especially my chest and upper arms! How interesting. I've got a couple on my face too, but for some reason the ones on my chest bug me the most - I even cover them with makeup when I wear v-necks.

    And I've got some new skin tags too. And I do have some Irish blood in me as well, but mostly just a mish-mosh of pale Anglo-Saxon [​IMG].
  6. mvan

    mvan Member

    I had a few with my first single pregnancy & had to have them lasered after. It was a fairly easy procedure and had them all done at once. During this pregnancy they are spreading everywhere I even have a few on my face. I guess we will have to be patient & just another joy of a twin pregnancy.

    Due 2/18/07 - twin boys
  7. Babygus0

    Babygus0 Well-Known Member

    My veins seemed to have appeared on my face and nose. I hate them. I hope they go away after the babies get here!
  8. luv_my_kidz

    luv_my_kidz Well-Known Member

    Yep, I've got them all over my torso area. I got some with my last pg and they never went away. Now, I have LOTS more!! Maybe I can get them removed one day? You're not alone.
  9. ReallyTiredMom

    ReallyTiredMom Well-Known Member

    Well - looks as though I'm not alone! If I get some info on removal of these little veins/capillaries, I'll forward it! I just feel like this Alien at times - all these funky things happening to my body that didn't happen with the single pregnancy!
  10. infinity62202

    infinity62202 Well-Known Member

    I have them all over my chest and some on my arms too.
    People have even asked me about them and although I have never senn them on anyone else before, I read that it was normal. Vascular spiders. I read that it is due to the extra estrogen. ahhhh!!
    I read that they would go away after delivery.
    Now some of you are saying that they may be here to stay. I hope not!
  11. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    I've got two on my face (just LOVELY) and one on my shoulder....hoping they go away, because I can't seem to find anything that really covers up the facial ones! I guess it's a small price to pay, and a sense of how much of my vanity will disappear once i have two babies at home and barely time for a shower.

    i went to get a haircut the other day and told my hairdresser that I was considering chopping it off, although I knew that now was NOT the time to do it - she flat out refused. Made me laugh. She's young and has no kids but said sternly "you're going to want it long enough to put up once those babies are here". I had to laugh...
  12. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Ive had the same experience! My mom is fully Irish, Dad English. My skin was (and still is) a wreck from this pregnancy!

    The worst is acne on my back - gross! - but I also got a bizarre growth on my cheekbone - looks like a sea anenome. It grew nearly overnight and isn't going anywhere. The midwife said it's caused by extra progesterone.

    I'll be seeing a dermatologist asap.
  13. IVFmommy2b

    IVFmommy2b Well-Known Member

    I am not even close to iriah, but i seem to be getting small spider veins, which I'm sure will spread, but mine are on my belly and thighs and low back....oh well. what can you do?
  14. mhouse

    mhouse Well-Known Member

    i had the same problem with moles, but i also had skin tags which i can't stand - my moles def. doubled in size
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