Light travel packing

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Fran27, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    We're going to my MIL for 3 days for Christmas... The problem is, we only have a Honda Civic, and needless to say, the storage is very limited. We're trying to get some storage for the top of the car but so far we haven't found any place that would install it for us... We have two PeaPods for them to sleep, which will take 1/3 of the trunk alone, so I'm wondering what we really should bring. Any advice would be great... We're planning to leave the house around 6pm so they hopefully sleep in the car both ways (it's a 5 hour drive).
  2. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    We just went to my mom's in FL, we really did not want to have to pack up high chairs, bouncy seats and all mom contacted everyone she knew, mostly other grandmas and borrowed all the big stuff...worked out great. Could your MIL find the bigger items from people to borrow. All we had to pack were clothes, diapers and that kind of stuff.

  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I agree.. try to see if you can borrow stuff. If you can't borrow high chairs or boosters, FP makes a booster that is only $20, or you could use the car seats. We did that one trip and it certainly wasn't ideal, but it wasn't terrible either. Don't bother packing toys, just a couple favorite lovies. At that age my girls loved things that weren't toys so some bowls and tupperware stuff could keep them entertained for a long time. Don't pack diapers or wipes (except for what you'll need to get you there)... either send your MIL to the store before, or just go to the store once you get there. Same thing for baby food and formula (if you use it). Only pack 2 bottles per baby and if they are using sippies only pack one sippy per kid. For 3 days you probably can get back with very little. GL and have fun!
  4. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    sorry, i have no advice for you (though i love the borrowing idea). but, i did take a look at your blog and i loved reading your story! congrats on your adoption. we were also going to do adoption. dh got cold feet so we tried one last ivf (w/"the works," as they say). that did it. but i did hold a grudge against dh for a long time for backing out of the adoption process. it's such a great thing.

    have a great trip! i hope you get all the advice you need:).
  5. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I would definitely say high chairs (or travel chairs, such as Bumbos with trays) and any favorite toys you can fit. Have fun!
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies! Thanks happychk!

    I was thinking of getting those foldable booster chairs from BJs to save room... Just hate spending $40 for something we won't use much! The good news is that dh found a place that can install a top carrier on my car so he's going to go tonight... So maybe we can find room for normal boosters... Now I just hope our usual kennel isn't full or so much for the trip! Gotta love last-minute dhs (he only asked his boss yesterday if he could take a couple days)!

    I didn't think about borrowing... I don't think MIL has a lot of friends who have baby stuff though, if any. Definitely a good idea about not bringing many toys, was thinking of just getting a few and they can play with MIL's stuff I guess (if she doesn't mind... lol). I don't think I'd trust her to buy what we need either... but at least formula and diapers shouldn't take too much room (even if we need 3 types of diapers, lol).

    I'm really dreading it... They're crawling (DD is just starting) so it's going to be fun to keep an eye on them all the time... At least I know my MIL keeps a clean house and there shouldn't be any hazard on the floor.
  7. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i think the booster seats we have (from bru, fisher price healthy care) only cost 25 bucks. they are great! also, maybe if you feed the two separately you only have to buy one chair? could save space!
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