Light bulb moment!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OK. I know you are all probably so sick of this topic! But I am tired of my 30 minute napper-and I need to nap too! Anyways...

    I just took them for a SHORT walk up and down the street before lunch. The BOTH of them were PASSED OUT! So my question is...Do you think I am putting them down to late for a nap? Thus the 30 minute nap(from one)? Could it really be???

    For instance-they wake up between 7-7:30 usually(7 today). Then I don't put them down until 12:30/12:45pm. Is that took long to go between sleep? The reason I waited that long was because they NEVER acted tired before hand. No signs or anything. But after 5 minutes in the stroller-they were both passed out. Makes me wonder! So maybe Anthony is overtired when he goes down, thus the short naps?

    So-how do I go about earlier naps? Just do an earlier lunch? Then put them down? Right now lunch is at noon. They are eating, happily, as we speak. Anthony was NOT happy when I got him up out of the stroller!

    Thoughts are appreciated!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Could be. I would try moving lunch up a little bit at a time and laying them down right after lunch. GL figuring it out.
  3. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    We get up around 6:30/7:00, lunch at 11:00, in bed for nap around 11:30/11:45 and mine generally nap for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, In bed for the night by 7:00/7/15 p.m..

    This has worked well for us and has since they were 12 months old.
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(snoopytwins @ Feb 11 2009, 12:40 PM) [snapback]1186083[/snapback]
    We get up around 6:30/7:00, lunch at 11:00, in bed for nap around 11:30/11:45 and mine generally nap for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, In bed for the night by 7:00/7/15 p.m..

    This has worked well for us and has since they were 12 months old.

    Thanks! I may try that tomorrow! We go to bed at the same time as yours do. Hmmm... Let's see how mine nap today(probably angels of course!).
  5. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(megkc03 @ Feb 11 2009, 01:45 PM) [snapback]1186090[/snapback]
    Thanks! I may try that tomorrow! We go to bed at the same time as yours do. Hmmm... Let's see how mine nap today(probably angels of course!).

    It took about a week for the schedule to work really well but this was our transition from two naps to one nap and it's just stayed that way until now. If it's not broke, I'm not going to fix it.

    Good luck!
  6. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    Maybe they still need two naps? Maybe put them down at 9:30 and then again at 3:00? I don't know...I'm no expert as my two are the craziest nappers in the universe. I will most likely get it all figured out the day before they turn 5 and don't need naps anymore. UGH!

    I do think that keeping babies awake when they naturally want to sleep causes all sorts of sleep problems including short naps, night wakings and early wakings.
  7. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to add to what other people have said which is all good advice.

    Your boys are sleeping A LOT at night. I found that when mine do longer nite sleep they nap shorter. It is possible that that is the length his naps are going to be sometimes. Not all babies are the same and they will nap more on some days, less on others just like we would. I try to tell myself this when I get bent out of shape that someone woke up after an hour. Here's what I say LOLOL.. "They are people, just like us, and sometimes they aren't as tired.. or get woken early. They are not robots. " Then I feel better!! :) Good luck!

    I would put them down around 11ish and see what happens.

    We go down for naps between 11:15 am and 11:30am. mine could NEVER make it longer than that. We eat lunch after naps which is like 2ish.

    Good luck!! Wanted to add that mine go down at 6:30 or 6:45 pm and wake up at like 5:30. They nap for 2 or 2 and 1/2 hours which would end up equalling the SAME TOTAL SLEEP per day that your boys are getting... You kind of have to look at it as TOTAL hours per day not soo much where it takes place. If they woke earlier (like mine BOO), they'd nap longer.. It's kind of a pick your battle thing for us. I prefer longer naps :)
  8. naomi2

    naomi2 Active Member

    OMG! I am living your same life IVFBOUND. My boys (aged 17 months just like yours) go to sleep at around 6:30 PM and wake at 5:30-6 AM. I am currently in such a challenge from transitioning from 2 naps to 1. I work in the morning and am unable to pick my kids up before 12 PM. I don't want to ask my MIL to provide another meal for them and then have the clean-up (she already gives breakfast) so that I can wisk them home and put them to bed. My guys just can't go from wake up that early to 1:30 PM which is the earliest I can have them fed and put down. I'm thinking of having my MIL nap them later in the morning when they are clearly needing the rest and doing lunch after the nap instead of trying for the other way around (I prefer lunch then nap, but it's just too hard with all of our respective schedules). So, this works for you? Giving lunch at 2 PM seems a bit late though. What time do you give dinner?
  9. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    They wake up at 6:30, we do lunch at 11 and the nap following that, then bedtime at 7:30. Our bad napper usually naps anywhere from 1-2 hours. Our good napper is almost always out for 2 hours. Good luck!
  10. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    o+o.. YES. It somehow works. I don't know how or why but it does. They simply are not hungry BEFORE the nap and I do not think they should be, really.. 11 is early to eat when they ate at like 8ish and bkfst is usually their best meal. I do a GOOD bkfst and then a snack before the nap which usually consists of fruit. They will eat nothing else!

    My boys eat lunch at like 2:00pm and then we do dinner at 5:30pm. For some reason, they are hungry for dinner faster than they are for lunch so it works out GREAT!

    Give it a shot. My boys CANNOT go til 12 or any later cuz they get up too early!! If someone wakes up at 7 am.. then sure, they can go to 12:30 or 1:00pm but as it stands.. we are not going to be making it any time soon :)

    Today they only napped for an hour and 15 minutes and in spite of the VERY strong feeling of WANTING to shoot myself.. I made lunch and they "ate" at 1:20 instead. I use the term "ate" very loosely as they pretty much took ONE bite of it and threw the rest at the wall. WTHeck can you do?!

    Hope that helps :)
  11. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    At that age just after the transition to one nap we were doing 7P to 7A at night, lunch at 11 and nap from 11:30 to 2ish. It wasn't until closer to 2yrs that they could handle being up from 7 am to 1. I say try the earlier lunch/nap and see if that helps! My twinkies are 3.5 and still sleep 13+ hours a day, they just do it all at night now.
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