Lets talk sleep in the SY

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Leighann, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I know there have been a lot of changes in the last week here at TS, so I just wanted to remind you guys that the deadline for the Mr. Bobbles contest is July 6th (monday!).

    So lets talk SY sleep issues, funny stories, etc. to get those creative juices flowing so you can write a kick-butt essay and maybe win a gift certificate to Mr. Bobbles!!!

    I'll start... funny sleep story from the SY: My one and (*knock on wood*) only poop experience was with Meara when she was about 20 months old. She learned how to take her sleeper off one night and figured she'd take her diaper off too. I came into her room to find her huddled on one side of the crib looking terrified. On the other side of the bed was a poopy diaper, and there was poop on her favorite blankets and her kittens (2 stuffies that are her lovies). As soon as I came into the room she looked at me and said "OH NO!!! POOPY KITTENS!!!" She was so freaked out by that, she hasn't taken off another poopy diaper since... wet diapers, however, are a different story :rolleyes:

    Who is next? Think about something that you can then turn into a 500-1000 word essay for the contest!!! :)
    1 person likes this.
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I got nothing. My kids sleep pretty much perfectly. I ask them if they're ready to go to sleep and 90% of the time, they'll go running to their cribs and stand by them until I hoist them in. Then they snuggle their blankies, pop in their binkies, and go to sleep without a fuss. :)
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Come on gals!! This is a pretty cool prize!!! :clapping:
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Leighann :yahoo: great idea! It is a wonderful prize and I know we have some creative and talented members here in the SY that can tell some good sleeping stories.

    I think I can add something short: My DD likes to sleep with DS's black pirate hat and when we put her to bed, she has to run around the crib before she goes to sleep. Her room is above the kitchen and honestly, it sounds like a pack of elephants running through there. I had no idea such a short and light child could make that much noise!
  5. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    you're lucky i'm not a hit man! instead i'll just be the one to die--from jealosy!

    i have no stories as of yet. we're cosleeping doofuses w/two not that great sleepers:(. however, they do eat really well and smile a lot!

    anyways, if i think of something, i'll be back. 'till then i'll be salivating over beca's kids:).
  6. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    /thread bump to refresh it

    Yeah, my two are great sleepers once they finally started sleeping. Of course, it could be because I'm a great sleeper too. :)
  7. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    I've got a cute story & a gross story too, both involving DS. Here goes...

    Over the winter, DS was sick with bronchiolitis & I slept in the guest room with him in case he had any problems breathing during the night. He was in the same bed with me & I was lying on my side facing him. He woke up at one point, rolled over on his side & looked at me. And then with one hand he grabbed my thumb, and with his other hand he grabbed my pinky. And then he fell back asleep holding on to my hand & didn't let go the rest of the night. It was the sweetest thing!

    And for my gross story... On Sat. night, DS threw up during dinner. He seemed fine right after, no fever, no crankiness, so I chalked it up to a one time fluke. He played after dinner & then both he & DD went to bed. About an hour after that, I heard him crying which was unusual. I waited outside the door until he finally calmed down & went back to sleep (I didn't go in because if he sees me, forget it, he refuses to go back to bed by himself). When I was going to bed myself, I went in to check on him & discovered he had thrown up again. All over himself & his crib! I get him up & he's got vomit all over his face & in his curly hair, just looking so pitiful (and a little gross!). I really felt like a bad mommy at that point!! Luckily, he wasn't sick long & he recovered pretty quickly!
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