Lets talk mucus plug

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by citizenpelikan, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. citizenpelikan

    citizenpelikan Well-Known Member

    I always get lots of BH contractions. With my two singletons the BH started to get more frequent around week 34-35. I started losing the plug after week 38 both times. I never was dilated though and I went into labor both times at 40 weeks 4 days.

    This time the BH started to get more frequent (and a lot stronger than with my singletons) around week 31-32. At 33,5 weeks there's still no sign of the plug.

    How about you?

    When did you start losing the plug in previous pregnancies (singleton or twin)?
    How much time between starting to lose the plug until going into labor?
    Did you have a lot of BH? For how long had you had considerable BH when the plug started going?
  2. Sunny

    Sunny Well-Known Member

    With my singleton, I lost the plug at exactly 40 weeks, and then I went into labor several hours later (my water broke around that same time). At my OB appointment the previous day, I was 1 cm dilated. It was the first appointment that had shown any change in my cervix. If I had any Braxton Hicks during that pregnancy, I did not notice them.

    With these twins, I have not lost the plug yet (38 weeks + 2 days). I have had relatively frequent Braxton Hicks for months. My cervix has been dilated to at least 4 cm for the past three weeks. I am shocked labor has not begun yet, but so far, no mucus plug or water breaking or active labor.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I never lost my plug with either pregnancies. My girls came at 35 weeks, my son at 41 weeks. I had braxton hicks thoughout both pregnancies..especially with my girls.
  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    With my oldest, I lost my plug at 38 weeks. He was born at 39 weeks 5days. Never had any BH with him

    For the twins I starting loosing my plug at 30 weeks. They were born at 37 weeks. I had tons of contractions though with them and not BH. I went into ptl 5 times first time being at 24 weeks.
  5. pandax3

    pandax3 Well-Known Member

    With DS I lost mucus plug on a wednesday and did not go into labor until saturday(my water broke) DS was born at 39 weeks.
  6. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I never lost my mucus plug with my singleton, delivered at 39 weeks.

    I lost my mucus plug at 31 weeks with the twins-was having contractions, went to the hospital and was dilating (that day) was given the steroid shot, put on medication to stop labor and finally sent home on full bedrest for 4 weeks when I finally delivered.
  7. chatongris

    chatongris Well-Known Member

    with my first pregnancy I was induced on his edd (May 1st) and had bloody show/lost my mucous plug on April 22nd

    with my second pregnancy I went into labor 2 days past her edd (born on Dec 19) and had bloody show/lost plug early that am.
  8. gyzmotwins

    gyzmotwins Well-Known Member

    I lost my plug at 35 weeks... didn't do anything though to put me into labor
  9. Crystal_K

    Crystal_K Member

    With my singleton I lost my plug that morning and 8pm that night I went to the hospital and I was in active labor and 8cm dilated and had my son an hour later and I didn't have bh
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