Let's talk haircuts

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by caba, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. caba

    caba Banned

    Ok, so mine are 1 year, 2 months and change, and neither has had a hair cut ... well, except for mommy trimming their bangs. Jake has the cutest curls in the back, that I just know when I cut off, will be gone forever. Hailey really doesn't even have enough hair for a haircut.

    But Jakey is starting to look a bit silly. Me and DH call him the 5th Beatle, because he has that kind of hair cut ... it's like a bowl ... and I keep letting it grow, and the more I cut the bangs, the more we are treading into mullet territory. Oh man, but I really don't want to cut it ... Opinions?

    And when you did make the haircut decision, did you do it yourself? or bring them somewhere ... like one of those kiddie cut places?


    The 5th Beatle
    Back shot of curls
    Side shot
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Lauren has crazy hair like that too! Her first cut was done by my hairdresser and the subsequent cuts have been done by a kiddie cut place locally. I went to my hairdresser the first time because I wanted it to be very special and I have been going to this woman forever. It's just too far away to take her all the time. We go for bang trims about every 4-5 weeks. :blink:
  3. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt cut it !! I'd get a trim, maybe, but its SO cute !! If you do decide on a haircut .. we took the boys to a kiddie cut place and they did a wonderful job .. but it was a little pricey. Now I just take them to the mall. :)
  4. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    It took me a looong time to finally cut their hair but I honestly love it and glad I finally did it. I was getting really tired of people mistaking them for girls even though they were notably dressed as boys. Summertime also made me give in as they were always sweaty because of all that hair. We took them to a Barber Shop in our neighborhood and that is where I will be taking them in the future. They had a ball even though the one picture looks otherwise.

    Before haircut:

    Evan after haircut:

    Ian after haircut:
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I took Bea to the Hair Cuttery and they did a good job. We don't have any of those kiddie haircut places around here. She was really rockin' the baby mullet, and also had those back curls, so I didn't want to cut them off either, but it was starting to look kind of dumb. She looked much better after the back got evened out. Still haven't taken Ainsley for a haircut! I think she might be 5 or 6 before she needs one!
  6. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Don't cut it! Just trim his bangs, but hold on to those gorgeous curls for a bit longer! He will probably lose them after they are cut off, John did. :(
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    OMGosh he is so cute!!! Ana has those curls in the back.. but I guess its a little different with girls..

    DH and my SIL have trimmed the girls' hair, but when I take them for their first cut (soon!) I will take them to the woman who cuts my hair (like Michelle, I want it to be special).. after that I'll probably go to the kiddie place around the corner.
  8. Babytimes2

    Babytimes2 Well-Known Member

    I took the boys to my hair stylist for their first and second hair cuts. After that, we went to a local kiddie cuts place for several months. I loved the way she cut Cam's hair, but she always did a bad job on Slaton's hair. I finally quit going to her and started taking them back to my stylist.
  9. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We took ours for their first haircut at 14 months. It was just getting out of control and they needed it. We went to a kids place called Cool Cuts for Kids. Like your little man my DS had curls in the back. I was sad to see them go and they have not come back. :( I think the biggest change after the 1st haircut is that they just look more big-kid and not so babyish anymore. It was sad-- so prepare yourself! :D
  10. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    I did not have the boys hair cut until they were about 18 months old. Once Noah with curls was mistaken for a girl one to many times my DH insisted that it happen. I took them to my stylist.
  11. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice because you've taken bigger steps than I have already! I know I need to trim poor McKenna's bangs, but I feel weird with her getting a "first haircut" without Genevieve. I know that doesn't make sense thought, because it could be a year or more if we wait for Genevieve to need a haircut! I've been clipping back McKenna's bangs and trying to "train" them to sweep to the side, but it just isn't working out. BTW, they both have the adorable back curls and I don't want to touch them yet either!

    You can really see the differences in their hair in this picture: watching Baby Einstein with their Papa (my dad).
  12. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I think Jake is absolutely gorgeous just the way he is! :wub: I probably wouldn't trim at all. Love the back curls!

    I've been clipping back McKenna's bangs and trying to "train" them to sweep to the side, but it just isn't working out.

    Ivy's got the exact same issue... And I really don't want to cut her hair either. Andrew OTOH has had 3 haircuts already, because he has crazy curls on top and starts getting a fro if it gets too long!
  13. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I like keeping them looking babyish for as long as possible, so mine have not had any offical haircuts yet. Dd still has barely any hair so it will be a while for her and I just trim ds's hair so that it is still long and babyish, if you want details how just me know :) I have cut it about 4-5 times so far.

    recent pic
  14. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I didn't get Andrew's hair cut until he was almost 2! I couldn't stand to cut it! Then for atleast another year I had them give him a longish wedge style cut. I love little boys with little boy haircuts!!! I didn't want Andrew to have a short man haircut until this year!
  15. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mac+evie @ Jun 22 2008, 10:28 PM) [snapback]839991[/snapback]
    I don't have any advice because you've taken bigger steps than I have already! I know I need to trim poor McKenna's bangs, but I feel weird with her getting a "first haircut" without Genevieve. I know that doesn't make sense thought, because it could be a year or more if we wait for Genevieve to need a haircut!

    [SIZE=10pt]This is exactly why I haven't got DS hair cut yet either :p DS isn't curly, but it is overlapping his ears and he has the "comb over" look. DD on the other hand has almost NOTHING!!

    April :)
  16. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    At almost four, my girls are 100% mommy styled! For better or worse. :)
  17. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We went at 13 months and my hairdresser did it (she is now in Westfield :) ) Now I take them to a local family salon, she does a great job with kids!
  18. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    At one year, I trimmed around their ears and stuff but couldn't bring myself to cut it. They were getting those cute curls but they were heading into baby mullet land big time. Made the decision to cut their hair 3 weeks ago and they look good. I did it at home with the clippers that DH uses (I cut his hair) and they did really well...plus they are not near as sweaty with the new cuts. They do look more like little boys now though...
  19. lleddinger

    lleddinger Well-Known Member

    DD let me take the boys in for their first haircut about 3 weeks ago. We went to Cool Cuts 4 Kids and it went well... they also had the curly baby mullet thing going... They look SO cute with their big guy cuts..
  20. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    Holy crap he is getting so big!!!! His curls are so cute, but I think I would have to cut it. He will look just as darn cute with his hair cut.

    Can you PM me pics of Haley too! I just think your two are soooooo cute!

  21. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Shadyfeline @ Jun 22 2008, 06:50 AM) [snapback]839421[/snapback]
    Summertime also made me give in as they were always sweaty because of all that hair.

    That's a big part of why we finally gave in and got our boys' hair cut. Every time we got them out of the carseat, the back of their head was all matted with wet curls....very cute, but kind of annoying as well!
    QUOTE(NicoleT @ Jun 22 2008, 02:38 PM) [snapback]839924[/snapback]
    I think the biggest change after the 1st haircut is that they just look more big-kid and not so babyish anymore.

    Absolutely our impression as well. They look like little boys now, not babies anymore. Which is good and bad, I guess.

    Now, as for where to get it done, that remains an issue for us. The first time we went to a kids haircut place, there were cool videos playing, and they got to sit in an airplane, and Bridger screamed bloody murder the entire time. Porter was appeased by a sucker, not Bridger. So he got a terrible haircut because she just tried to get it done as quickly as possible all the while he was screaming and kept trying to stand up.

    Based on that experience, next time I think I'm going to do it myself. At least then they'll be in the comfort of familiar surroundings and without a stranger coming at them with scissors. I didn't want to do it myself at first because I wasn't sure I'd do a very good job, but Bridger is proof that it looks cute no matter how good the haircut is. His haircut is actually pretty bad when you look closely, but he still looks perfectly adorable. So I'm sure I won't be able to screw him up too badly!
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