Let's brag!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Her Royal Jennyness, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    OK mamas - let's brag about all our "big" boys and girls! Let's celebrate our children's fantastic accomplishments and brag to our hearts content! Don't be shy - what are those glorious kids doing??
  2. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    James is my big man. He is almost walking and he is soo happy. He really brightens up any room with his sparkling personality! There is nothing better than walking in after his nap is over and hearing him scream "Hi!!!!" and dance around.

    Sean is my "dual personality" baby. At home is a blast. Screaming and laughing and playing. Around "strangers" he is just a sweet angel-boy. He draws in people with eyes and his wonderful warm personality. He knows a lot of words, he seems to collect them. His new word is "Die!!" :blush: (That's what Daddy says while he gives out "vicious" ticklings.)

    Emma is quite the little lady lately. She has learned all the parts of her body and she can count to 10. She knows all her colors and she can sing a few simple songs. I'm terribly proud of her. Her big thing right now is learning to talk a LOT! She wants to know the correct word for everything. I think she's wonderful for a 2.5 yo!
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Hannah is drawing an entire person...face, body, arms, legs, hands, hair. Attached is a pic of her in action.

    Ben is talking up a storm. Turns out my little mute, is quite the little ham.
  4. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    My Emma is potty training. She is doing so well. Ethan is such a rotten little man. He fights with DH over whose "woman" I am.
  5. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    Peyton and Paige have been doing great using a real potty! We still have a fair share of cleanups, but I am amazed by thier progress. They also are talking up a storm... and making sentences!
  6. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twoin2005 @ Jul 23 2007, 01:19 PM) [snapback]341490[/snapback]
    Hannah is drawing an entire person...face, body, arms, legs, hands, hair. Attached is a pic of her in action.

    Ben is talking up a storm. Turns out my little mute, is quite the little ham.

    Wow, Kate, that's quite an impressive drawing. My girls aren't doing that at all!!

    QUOTE(hudsonfour @ Jul 23 2007, 01:32 PM) [snapback]341503[/snapback]
    Peyton and Paige have been doing great using a real potty!

    Heh, heh. We're not doing that either!
  7. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Jade is quite the little swimmer! She LOVES the water and loves going "down under water." She's really trying to swim too -- kicking and scooping. Here's a picture of her at the "townpool" (they both say it like it's one word): http://www.flickr.com/photos/mascher/715355810/ . She's also doing great great great with her special instruction and speech -- so well that she's not going to qualify for cpse speech. I'm so proud of her!!

    Melissa is my hypersensitive one and she's come a long long long way...she's opening herself to new experiences and people, taking chances, and really growing into the little charmer she naturally is. She is such a non-stop talker, wants to know everything and likes nothing more than to help mommy clean :wub:
  8. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    OK, you asked for it...

    They're learning their alphabet! I heard them practicing when I went in to get them first thing this morning. They don't get all the letters in order yet but they sure work hard at it. Their favorite letter is W so their practice is peppered with Ws.

    I've lost count of individual words they've learned, they can name and identify 19 body parts, and they're stringing together 3-4 word sentences. I love all of the talking!

    Yes, I know I'm referring to them as a set instead of individuals but they do seem to learn the same things at the same time and language development, in particular, is a group effort.
  9. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They are all becoming little people aren't they??

    Kate, that picture of Hannah's is amazing. My kids are nowhere near that.

    Meghan can say her alphabet and carries on conversations with people all the time. She can sing any song that she hears, she has a pretty good repertoire there. She will sing to Liam when he starts fussing. She is a social butterfly. We have had a couple of events at our summer place in the last couple of weeks involving a DJ or a singer. She gets right up and dances in front of the crowd. She has also got an eye for the older men. There is one little boy named Griffin that she particularly likes.....his family teases him. He is 5, she is 2 1/2 (almost).....I've attached a picture of them with the Limbo bar.

    Nolan is singing, too. He doesn't quite get all the words like she does, but he's getting there. He loves to tumble. He can do a somersault and I often catch him doing them on the beach. He has such an imagination. He is constantly "making supper" or getting me a drink....it is the cutest thing.

    I tell you, I am enjoying this stage so much (save for that hour I was in the supermarket today :) ).
  10. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jazzy can count to 3 and can say anything she wants to. Our big thing right now is "swing" and "swim". She would really like to be able to jump. She can identify everything on her face(hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth etc.). She knows some of her colors (pink, blue, red, white). She loves to draw.

    Jessy is still a bit behind when compared to Jazzy. She doesn't talk as much but speaks much clearer than Jazzy. She can also count to three and can identify most things on her face but loses interest faster than Jazz. I beleive she analyzes things more than Jazz. You can really tell she thinks about things. Jessy is afraid of bugs. She can throw, catch and kick a ball.
  11. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    Neat to read what other children around this age are doing!!

    I'll start with Ryan since he was born first; knows alphabet, counts up to 20, loves to be chased, very physical; likes to run, wrestle, hug, etc.... loves being read to, often sits and "reads" by himself, remembers things that happened months ago and will talk about it, has a great imagination and will often walk up to me and tell me "I a farmer wearing overalls" :huh: (we go to the farm ALOT) is a great helper, and still lets me cuddle and sing him a song before nap. :wub:

    And Colin will ask to be carried about half way through a walk, still loves to push things up and down the road, often pretends he is a mouse and will ask me for cheese, loves to be read to, lays on the floor with a matchbox making up a story ("and the crane is in the mud....."), can count to 10, knows some of the letters of the alphabet, cleans up any spills right away, has started to enjoy the wrestling around his brother had been waiting for half his life!

    They both love animals, any time we are out and see a dog, they both ask to "pet the dog".

    And I just love this language development!!! Hearing them say longer and longer sentences is just the coolest thing!!!!
  12. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Let's see....

    Nathan has finally started using phrases. His current one is "let me go" when being pinned by his siblings, he has also shown a dislike for Walmart with a "no like shop there" phrase as we drive by. Although Twinkle Twinkle is still his "go to" song he has added Row Row Row your boat to his songs to sing. He counts up to 15ish without help, and knows most of his colors if I can get him to stop and look at something. He is completely day trained.

    William has finally started potty training, although I fear a really long drawn out process with him. He is really trying to sing his ABC's. He makes it to E and jumps to XYZ, but he is trying. People can really understand him when he speaks up, which he is doing more and more (he can talk just chooses not to most of the time).

    Brandon is Brandon. The little bugger won't walk for us still. We had such optimism a few weeks back when he finally started taking steps, but alas he doesn't find the "game" interesting anymore and has given up on it for now. He has learned how to ride his push toy by himself. He has learned that tomatoes are not the bane of all evil (he leaves that title to green beans). He likes to say bye bye (his only word yet) and can blow kisses. He is just the happiest toddler on the block right now.
  13. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    Chloe has really started to talk more. She says more phrases then words. Her favorite phrase is, "Oh-no, where shoes go" when she is barefoot. She also says "Bye, see you later doggy" to all the dogs we encounter at the park. She also loves to draw and can spot a pen from accross the room.

    Cole is doing his best to jump with both feet. Ever time we head out on a walk, it takes him longer because every other step he is crouched down trying to launch. He has also added "quack quack" to his vocabulary of maybe 4 words.
  14. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Wow, our little ones are all growing up! :)

    Katelyn is little miss independent. She can do it all and by herself!! Her latest includes being able to fully undress and dress herself. She has also pretty much learned how to put on her own diaper! (We start potty training in 2 weeks.) She loves to sing and knows many songs including all of her ABC’s and can even identify about 10 of the letters by herself and can count to 16 right on cue. She has also started to do the hand motions and dance moves to many Barney songs! It is adorable to watch. She is all about being a mom and loves to take her babies shopping, change their clothes and feed them. Each night she loves to help me do the dishes and does them quite well I might add. Her vocabulary is amazing and I find myself constantly reminding myself that she is only 2 ½!

    Blake is ALL boy. Give him a truck, train or any vehicle and he will call it by its proper name. No joke we were at a train crossing and he is saying, “Mommy, look it’s a double decker passenger Amtrak train.” Hmm- how do argue with that when that is EXACTLY what it was!!! He loves to look at books and has quite the imagination when it comes to playing with his trucks and Thomas trains. He also loves to sing and knows his ABC’s and can count to 13. This summer he has been swimming a TON and loves to go underwater and appears to have no fear of it! Blake has also caught on to playing baseball and golf. He loves to be outside hitting off of his tee with DH and using his golf club to putt!

    Both will start preschool in the fall for 2 mornings a week.
  15. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Well Sofia is a little chatter box. All day long all she does is talk talk talk. And she is so headstrong. She can count to 19. She has so many words and speaks in practically full sentences.

    Ryan is talking in 3-4 word sentences and he too loves anything on wheels. He can identify every letter of the alphabet, knows all his colors (including chartreuse) and can count to 8.

    They are such big kids and I am incredibly proud to be their Mommy!
  16. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Well, I just heard Bea singing "Elmo's World" in her crib. It was so cute, hard not to bust out laughing. Bea is also really talking up a storm and saying lots of phrases. My mom taught her to say "almost two" when you ask "How old are you?" She also says cute things like "Ahsie sister!" (Ainsley sister), "next time ___" when we are leaving something, like "next time playground". She can really jump, with both feet off the ground.

    Ainsley is doing great with walking and is sort-of running. She doesn't cling to my hand with a death grip as much outside. Ainsley loves to figure things out, and can put her shoes on all by herself. She likes to cuddle, and will come up to me and say "Lay down, Mama" when she wants to lay on me.

    Oh yeah, they both know all their colors, are starting to pick out letters, know tons of signs, and Bea can count to three.
  17. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    How fun! Its nice to read what my girls will be doing in the future.

    My MIL is PT that works for Early On. About a month ago when we went up to see them and she did a evaluation on the girls to see where they were at. Both ranked in the 18-24 month milestones. I couldn't believe it, I knew they were a little advanced but that just blew me away. The only things they don't do that 18-24 months children do is pretend play, and Leighanna doesn't talk.

    Both are walking, running, climbing, and generally misbehaving. :) They get into everything, if theres a way they find it. If they want something and theres obstacles in their way, they will figure out how to get by the obstacle to get what they want. Both are very high maintains, and very energetic. They both follow general commands very well, when they have their listening ears on. :) Its really amazing how much they understand.

    Liberty knows where her belly, belly button, head, leg, ear, hair, mouth, and where her nose is. She can also point at different animals in a book. We have a Clifford board book that she loves and if I ask her where the dog is she will point him out. If you ask her where so and so are she will point at their pictures. She also said her first sentence a couple days ago.

    Leighanna knows where her belly, belly button, head, and where her earrings are. I believe that she actually knows more but shes to busy with everything else she can do to really show off. She can climb up in a lawn chair all by herself and sit properly. She can open any door, or cabinet. She is very mechanical inclined, if theres a way to get something opened she will figure it out. One of her favorite toys is a ball and she can bounce it back and forth with a adult. She will stop for any and all music, she loves to dance and has to hold on to something so she can really get down. :) Its the funniest thing.

    I could go on and on with all the things they do, but then again what parent can't. :) So I think I'll stop now. :)
  18. happy_mumma

    happy_mumma Well-Known Member

    Brie is very into her music at the moment, she sings along to anything and will dance when we're in the car.
    Harrison love love love's transformers, he is fascinated with then and is always holding one
    Jet has lost 2 teeth already (his two bottom teeth) and loved it when the 'toos fairy' came and gave him some money.
    when you ask him to smile he will do his 'fairy smile' and show his missing teeth. here.
  19. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    I love reading about what all the kids are doing. My boys just turned 2 last month (I need to get a new ticker).

    Anyway, Jackson sings and dances ALL the time. He can almost sing the entire ABC song, knows most of the words to Laurie Berkner's cds, Ralph's World cd, Barney and Wiggles cds. His vocabulary is off the charts and I can't even keep up with all he can say anymore. He can count to 10. He loves to read, color. He loves to be outdoors and is a great climber (he is my cautious child though), but he would be my couch potato if I let him :). We are working on jumping and shaking hands.

    Ethan is still my little boy of few words. He is trying so hard though. He loves to look at the airplanes in the sky and wave and say bye-bye and then signs "all gone!" He can identify all the letters of the alphabet and numbers to 10. He points to pretty much anything I ask him about. He loves to read and color. He is my very physical child and loves to run, climb, and slide. He can stack blocks 12+ high without them falling over, loves his Baby Einstein flash cards and studies them very intently. Ethan will give me "love-loves" whenever I ask (he gives the best kisses) and often when I don't ask :).

    Both boys are great at puzzles and their little fishing game they play for fine motor skills. They are love playing t-ball and love to throw, kick and catch their balls. They are both eating great and put their forks on their plates and hand them to me when they are done (I love this part :).

    That's all I can think of this early in the morning :)

  20. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    I can't wait till my girls can talk! How fun...
    For now, Hannah is walking steadily now, and tries to take off down the street for walks when we go out front. She is a lover, always breaking play to toddle over for a hug, and then right back to playing again... she seems to prefer circling the house to sitting down and playing with one toy... no real words, but she loves to play with her mouth and make raspberries. And for some reason they've switched roles and she's my eater now.
    Sarah is motorically advanced, climbing on anything and everything and taking things apart whenever possible to see how they work. She started pretend play this week, holding toy phones to her ear to talk (babble) and holding imaginary conversations in gibberish with her stuffed animals. She runs whenever its diaper time, feeding time, heck, whenever she knows I need her. And vegetables are the enemy, to be scorned at all costs.
  21. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    I'll start with Mia. She loves playing mommy to her baby brother and sister, always concerned with why they are crying and what they need. She loves to feed them baby food. She is daytime potty trained. She can count to 10 when she wants to and knows most all of her colors and she loves to dance! She is my laid back one, who will sit and read and be calm most of the time. She swims, does somersaults, skips, and jumps! Fully dresses and undressed herself. And talking up a storm-- "mommy,sit down" "mommy,go outside and go for walk now". I can't wait to hear what she says next.

    Matt is all boy. He does a lot of swimming and gymnastics (somersaults, headstands, and even cartwheels! Don't ask me where he learned them from?) He can count to 10 and knows all his colors. He is very interested in how things work and are put together. Fully dresses and undresses himself. He is daytime potty-trained for the most part,but has a new found fascination for "pointing".... as he calls it--anywhere,I might add! We're working on breaking this new habit. Also, he loves to play baseball and can hit a pitch.

  22. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I have one more thing to add, if thats alright. Today both learned their first animal sound! They learned what a cow says. I can't believe that it, it just blows me away. We've been working a animal sounds but I didn't think they would catch on for another month or two. Its just so amazing how much babies and toddlers can absorb.
  23. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I'm really enjoying reading about EVERYONE'S progress. It's exciting to see what my girls will possibly be doing in the future!

    Arwen: Arwen continues to be our little clown. She cracks us up constantly and she KNOWS it which makes it even funnier. She has been walking for 2 months now and loves to "run" away from me whenever it's time for a diaper change or time to eat. She loves to dance when I sing or she here's a song on the tv. When I say the names of body parts she can point to them (nose, eyes, mouth, ears, hair, belly, feet). She loves for me to read books to her and can point to many characters and objects in the book when I say them. Her vocabulary is increasing daily. She can say, mama, dada, ball, balloon, Dora, Diego, go, Elmo, Bert, JoJo, Blue, bye bye, banana, yum yum, mouth, agua, bubbles, yogurt, baby, good, good girl among a few others and understands lot's more. She can sign the words for more and eat which has been great for her to tell me that she is hungry. She can also do the Melissa and Doug puzzles we have and everytime she puts a piece in she says "good." Hmmmm, wonder where she got that from?? ;) She is very much a girly girl and is obsessed with shoes and will leave her sunglasses on when we go out which draws a lot of attention (and she LOVES it!).

    Lorien: Lorien continues to be a bit more serious and is really able to focus on a task at hand. When she gets into something, she is very dertermined to see it through. She can also do the puzzles for the most part but also likes to experiment a lot with the pieces and you can see she is really trying to figure out her world and how things work in it. She can throw a ball pretty well. She has no interest in naming body parts or identifying things in books (though I keep trying) but she can count to 3 (well, actually, I say 1 and she says 2 and 3). She can say the letters up to E (though again, I usually start off with A and she does the rest). She loves loves loves to look at books independently. If I say doggie she will make a barking sound. And if I say cat, she will meow. Her vocabulary is not as high as her sister but she can say a few words: up, go, bow wow, leche, agua, hi, bye bye, yogurt, and several others. She is incredibly affectionate and will sometimes even pucker her lips when I give her kisses. She is very athletic and has been climbing the couch for months now. She has finally learned to walk and walks about 60-70% of the time. She can actually chime in and sing several parts of the Wiggles songs which always amazes me and dh. She can also imitate the actions to various parts of the wiggles songs (both her and Arwen can do The Flap dance, and Rockabye your Bear). It's soooooooo cute!! :lol:
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