Let her go or keep her home

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by ljcrochet, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Wednesday night Dani came downstairs at 10:40 crying that her stomach hurt. She was shaking. We got her back to bed (with a barf bucket just in case). She came in to us at about 12:30am with the barf bucket after she used it. Get her back to bed. She come in to us one other time during the night. Wakes up a 6ish. barfs again.
    She spend most of the day on the couch. Had a slight fever during the day, drank Gatorade and water but did not eat all day. Right before bed she had a 101 fever. I gave her Tylenol. She slept all night.
    But this morning (Friday) she woke up around 6:50, barfed again. Mostly phlegm. She was chatting up a storme. Went down to the family room couch. She drank about 6 oz of Gatorade in probably 10 mintues. Within the hour she barfed it up (all over the blanket she was wrapped in)
    Switched to water to drink, barfed at least one other time, but felt like she was going to barf most of the day. Complained that she did not want to stand up since she was dizzy. Took her to the dr at 1:30 this afternoon. Dr was great, check her over. Said just a bug and to give her Pedilyte . Mentioned the Pedilyte ice pops.
    Dr gave us a sample of the powder fruit punch pdilyte. I make it for her. Dr said to have little sips. So I have her take a few sips then 10 minutes later a few more. Expect for her nap she did that from 2:30 till 7ish when she said she was hungry had some cucumber slices and some pretzels (dr said pretzels, dry cheerios) .
    She probably drank 1/2 the 8 ounce glass of pedlyte.

    Tomorrow was supposed to be a day camping trip with Brownies. DH had made plans when he thought that I and the girls were spending the day camping. Sydney is able to go with the troop leader so she won't miss the trip.
    Dani started to feel better (100.4 fever though), DH and I are having different opinions on if Dani should go tomorrow if she feels better.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Keep her home. 24 hour unmedicated fever free must happen before any participation in activities. :( Hope she feels better soon. I bet she's pretty weak.
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  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would keep her home too, unfortunately :(

    If it helps at all, we had a stomach virus rip through our house last spring. About 2 weeks before Sean was supposed to go on a day field trip to the beach, about 2 hrs away. The day of the trip he woke up not feeling great. He hadn't been sick yet, and no-one had been sick in about a week. We debated, but ended up keeping him home. What if he'd gotten sick on the bus?? Or 2 hrs away from us??

    Anyways, he ended up not getting sick, but he did have diarrhea, and that trip cost us $55, and we couldn't get our money back :( He was devastated!! But better safe than sorry, he'd have been stuck on the bus when he had to use the bathroom. We took a family trip to the beach instead, about a month later, and he at least got the see the things they were going to see on the school field trip.
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Yes no doubt keep her home :(. Sad that she has to miss it. Kids get sick at the worst times
  5. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Definitely keep her home. Even if she feels better she could still be infectious, plus she may well feel better in the morning but still be run down and not eating properly or be up to having a full day of exciting activity.

    Sorry she's going to miss out. :( I hope she doesn't feel too bad about it.
  6. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I would keep her home too, I wouldn't want to get the other kids sick. Poor kid, I always had so much fun on girl scout camping trips!
  7. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Keep her home!

    A fever is supposed to be gone 24 hours minimum. Plus if she is still infectious she may get the others sick and/or relapse if she has an exciting/tiring day.

    My thought- if she is too sick to go to school ( and the school would send her home w/ a fever of 100), too sick to do anything else!

    As another parent-- I would be upset if a parent sent a sick kiddo on a field/camping trip. Plus- what is she got worse and you had to try to get home??

    Stomach viruses tend to be VERY contagious. I would not be surprised if other people in your house got it as well. Plus- no need to spread it to the other Girl Scouts.

    Bummer though-- we have missed Birthday Parties and other fun stuff due to illness, it happens. When she feels better make sure to do something fun with her!
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would keep her home until her fever has been down & she hasn't thrown up for 24 hours.
  9. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I hope you kept her home. Even if she feels better, she will still be contagious. Honestly, I would have kept Sydney home as well for fear she would come down with it next and sharing. Tummy bugs are no fun for anyone involved.
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