Less than a month until my girls turn 6

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Leighann, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    It's that time of year again where I have to convince my husband that the girls should have a birthday party. Last year we did a big party at a local bowling alley and the kids had a blast, but it was crazy (25 3-5 year olds doing mini bowling). This year I'm thinking about having the girls each invite 3 friends and have something small at the house. I am considering a pajama party, the night before their bday. I'm NOT insane so it's not a sleep over party. I'm thinking the party can be from 5-8 on a Saturday evening, have the girls make their own pizzas (English muffins), watch a movie and have pop corn, maybe do a craft, and have cake.

    Anyone else have a dh who grew up in a big family (mine is one of 8), who didn't have friend birthday parties growing up? His point is also that work is busy and why am I adding another thing to my already full plate, but I want our girls to have memories of special birthdays every year. Anyone else have to have this debate each year?
  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My husband and I are pretty much on the same page. My husband and I neither one had birthday parties when we were growing up. The girls didn't have a real birthday party where they invited friends until they were 6. I probably would have had a party for them earlier, but we had already been there done that with my son and I was just done with big parties every single birthday. We've always felt that close family and close friends were plenty for them. We've had a party the last two years, but I think this year when they turn 8 it will be a quiet get together with family only. I, personally, just don't want them to expect something big every single year, and my husband feels the same way. Not that I think it's bad to have big parties, it's just not something I want to do every single year.

    I actually think what you have planned sounds great. Having a sleep over to me is not like planning a big party. The girls could pretty much entertain themselves if you didn't want to do crafts.
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We did a bday party at 5 and I said I was done. I'd much rather spend the money on a trip. Last year we did great wolf lodge and this year we are cruising. We always went to the lake for my bday after about 10 or 11 yrs old. I have great memories and so do the girls. Nontradtional is just more fun.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Leighann, I think your plan with a couple of friends and a 5-8 pm pajama party sounds like a great & fun idea!

    My DH did not grow up in a big family (he was one of 4 kids) but when we talked about birthday parties, he and his sisters never had friend parties. When I mentioned it for the kids, his thought is why do they need to have friends over, we have our family. I'm not sure how it will be when they are 6, but they have not asked about friend parties yet. I do think he would be open to them having a little something with a couple of friends but I don't see my DH going for a big friend party blowout.
  5. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    We have a family party every year and this year we gave the kids a choice. A party with friends or a night at Great Wolf Lodge/Waterpark. They chose the waterpark and we are going next week. They are so excited for it.
  6. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We started a friends party for the boys at 3. But those friends are our friends from high school and their kids. This year, with them in preschool, they invited one child each from their classroom. We ended up having 15 kids! Lol! But I do everything at my house.

    This October, they are going to have a Halloween birthday party(I've wanted this since I knew they would be born in October!) at the house. We clean out the basement and decorate it for the theme. This may be the last year I do it at home. I'm not quite sure I'm saving any money this way either. Lol!

    But I totally think a 5-8 party sounds like a great idea! Dh had parties growing up and I know I did.
  7. 40+mom

    40+mom Well-Known Member

    We did small "at home" friend birthday parties last year for our kids 6 year old birthdays (separate parties for our boy/girl twins 4-5 kids each). They each had a great time at "their own" party and it wasn't too hard on me (or my budget or my house!).

    And, last year, my DD attended a "PJ party" like you are thinking about -- no sleepover, as it was done earlier in the evening (and wrapped up by 7 pm or so), but the girls wore PJs and slippers and had their nails painted and ate popcorn and watched a movie -- it was a HUGE hit!

    This year, we are doing a bigger party for 7 year old b-days. But, good friends are doing the Great Wolf Lodge thing instead (and next year, we may have to do that, as it sounds really fun!)

    Also, last year, my DD attended a "PJ party" like you are thinking about -- no sleepover, as it was done earlier in the evening (and wrapped up by 7 pm or so), but the girls wore PJs and slippers and had their nails painted and ate popcorn and watched a movie -- it was a HUGE hit with the kids.

    Every year, my DH and I talk about what to do. My thought is that these 2 are our only kids and we have (less than 18) birthdays where they are under our roof -- only 12 more left (and less than that, as they "age out" of the whole big birthday thing at some point, I guess), so we are enjoying it while it lasts.

    I figure that, at some point (not sure what age?) the big birthday party will go by the wayside, sort of like the strollers and the bottles and the diapers and the toy trains (sniff! sniff!)

  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'd totally do a small party at home with just a couple friends. It's what I'm planning to do next year (this year they know everyone at school so I'm inviting everyone to a bounce place and that will be the first and last party like that).

    Your idea sounds great. I wouldn't even bother with crafts, they'll entertain each other just fine until it's pizza time. When I was a kid we just invited a few friends at home and played, my parents never bothered with activities, and it was always fun. So I'm planning to do the same. I think it's important to celebrate their birthday with friends, and really, it's not much preparation except sending a couple invites, buying some food and a cake! I hope you get your dh on board.

    I do like the idea of great wolf lodge but it's really much more $$, and even worse to organize IMO (especially if you have pets).
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We did big parties up through their fifth birthday, then stopped. Last year we took them to an indoor waterpark hotel for their birthday. This year, we are going to Chicago for a couple days over spring break and going to the American Girl store for lunch. We do invite neighbors over for cake on their birthday, but ask "no gifts". We have a neighbor who is a good friend of theirs whose birthday is the day after theirs, so this year we're going to combine the cake and ice cream with her and invite over the neighborhood girls on Good Friday. No sleepover, just cupcakes and ice cream (and we may throw in an egg hunt for fun). We have so many children their age right in our immediate area, just inviting them makes it big enough. I don't really want to deal with classmates from two different classes too.

    I am hoping that next year for their birthday we go on vacation. I am thinking that a Royal Caribbean cruise with the Barbie Experience would be super fun!
  10. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! Now I'm deciding between this little party or taking the girls to the city for an overnight and doing the museum of natural history... And maybe American girl (might have to drug my husband to get him into that place though!).
  11. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Oh, DH is not going to Chicago with us. It's a girls' weekend (me, my girls, and two other neighbors and their girls). If he were to go with us, he'd probably golf or do anything else he could find to avoid the American Girl store. :)
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  12. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Susan...make AG a girls' weekend. My best friend and I traveled to Atlanta with our girls for a mini three-day AG vacation...just us girls...and we had a blast! Coupled our trip with a visit to the zoo and aquarium and it was a perfect little trip. Ours was celebrating the end of a great 1st year of school.
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