Learning to talk is cracking me up

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debid, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I know they can have a tendency to overextend words (like every adult male right now is Dada) but this is ridiculous. They've taken to calling random things they point at but don't have a word for "baby". [​IMG] Also, every animal is "Lennon" (our dog's name) whether it's a cat or a horse or another dog.

    But hey, at least I can finally tell the difference between Grandma (ga-ga) and gargoyle (ga-go). Oh, and why can they say something like Lennon clearly enough for a stranger to understand but pocket is "paw-um", button is "bu-um", and belly button is "ba-uh-um"?
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I know they can have a tendency to overextend words (like every adult male right now is Dada) but this is ridiculous. They've taken to calling random things they point at but don't have a word for "baby". [​IMG] Also, every animal is "Lennon" (our dog's name) whether it's a cat or a horse or another dog.

    But hey, at least I can finally tell the difference between Grandma (ga-ga) and gargoyle (ga-go). Oh, and why can they say something like Lennon clearly enough for a stranger to understand but pocket is "paw-um", button is "bu-um", and belly button is "ba-uh-um"?
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Bea is just starting to talk and do a lot more signs. Right now, every round object is a ball, and for ball she does the same sign as "more", which confuses me sometimes. She does the same sign for me and my mother, points to her chin, although she gets the Daddy sign right. At Gymboree another mom asked if she hurt her chin when she was doing the Mommy/Oma sign. She's also been obsessed with flowers lately, although she does the apple sign for flower. This signing stuff would be easier if they did the right signs. They both make up signs too.

    All large animals are "moo", binkies are "ba", and they point to everything and go "DAT!".
  4. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I love that phase!! It cracks me up! My youngest is in it right now... Its super funny to have the twins and her older brother try to teach her how to say things!! LOL!
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I can't wait for that phase! (I'm also mighty impressed that your kids can say "gargoyle." [​IMG])

    Mine have barely any spoken words yet, but every time they want something, they sign "milk." (Either that, or they just point, whine, and grunt.) Before they learned milk, they signed "more" for everything. I don't know when they'll get the ability to keep more than one sign in their brains at a time?
  6. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    We're having a hard time with one of Emily's word. I swear the child is saying "daddy's" BUT we're wondering if it really is THAT. Everytime she has something she wants to hand to you it's "dad-dy's". We don't get it. We're thinking that maybe, although it sounds like that, it may not actually be that. They crack me up. They still don't come to me saying Mommy or bret daddy or poppa as I refer to him as, but you say Elmo and they immediately say "mel-mo". They are really starting to speak more understandable words like in the past 2 or 3 weeks. I mean, it's just been a language explosion. I just can't imagine what they'll be telling us by the time they turn 2 in April. It's so exciting! (that is, until they learn to tell you "NO")
  7. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    Aww, that is so cute. [​IMG]

    I miss having babies. [​IMG]
  8. Holdentwins

    Holdentwins Well-Known Member

    luke says "cra-ka" for cracker, cookie, and cake. it's cute.. and he says "ca" for car. Jack hasnt really said those yet, but he says
    "a-da?" and hold up everything to you, like he is asking you a question.
  9. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    the funny thing here is that they are both mimicking each other. Rachel for the longest time has been saying, Ah-Coo when something falls, is broken, etc. Now Alexis has picked it up as if it's a real word/phrase. The other thing is the way they construct words. They can say "Turning" for when they are putting a lid on/off things. Now instead of adding ING to the end of a word they add NING. So we have blowning, stirrning, etc.
  10. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    Mine crack me up with all the interspersing of Spanish and English. A lot of times I can't figure out a new word they're saying and I have to ask my daycare provider if she knows what it is -- with a lot of their Spanish words, I can't understand what they're saying even if it's a word I do know since I don't have the context of when they use it during the day with her, LOL. But I am always having to wrack my brain through my Spanish vocab when they come up with a new word! It's so funny to me which words they choose to use in Spanish all the time, like they almost always say "manos" instead of "hands" and they call their MagnaDoodles "scribbies" (for "escribe") and they say "uvas" a lot instead of "grapes."

    But yes, for like 3-4 months ALL animals were "ki-cat-meow!" LOL!!
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