Learning how to nap - keep together or separate?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by juliannepercy, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. juliannepercy

    juliannepercy Well-Known Member

    My twins are 4 months old but on the small side. Although we haven't started any "nap training" yet I want them to learn to nap longer, which I think they can, but if one wakes early and is upset, they will often wake the other, ruining both of their naps. My DH thinks it would help to separate them for awhile. I'm just afraid that they won't nap well together again as I'm not willing to do it in separate rooms forever. If one is in a really deep sleep they don't wake the other (nights are fine) but not always the case with naps.

    Just looking for others experience with separating twins for sleeping, if you put them back together eventually etc. Thanks!
  2. Kludelhoven

    Kludelhoven Well-Known Member

    i always have kept mine together, i was fearful as well if i did separate them they wouldn't be able to sleep through eachother when they were put back together. They usually can sleep through each others waking but i'd be lying if I said they never woke each other up. If one wakes up, i don't run right in and get them, i usually wait a few minutes, sometimes they fall back asleep and sometimes I end up pulling one out. I don't think we really had a good daytime and nap schedule till about 6 months.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't separate for naptime. I wanted them to learn to sleep through each others cries, etc. But, I know many moms have separated them and put them back together as well. My boys napped in their swings for the first six months. Then we moved them to their crib and they've been there ever since. When you say one wakes-have you tried going to them right away and tried to get them back down? I know sometimes when they were really little, I would try to get the one who woke back to sleep quickly! Or maybe even both if they both woke up. If not, I would take the one who was awake downstairs and let the other sleep. Sometimes one doesn't need as much sleep as the other. It will drive you bonkers!

    I hope you get some advice from btdt moms!
  4. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    Ours usually don't nap in the crib. It seems they nap much better and longer out in the living area, usually in a swing, bouncy chair or their Boppy lounger. I've tried putting them down for naps in the crib, but they wake after only a short time and cry to be picked up. So, they sleep together at night but separately during the day, although the are often in the same room for their naps.
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