
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by gina_leigh, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We got the LeapPads for Christmas. And so far the kids mostly like them. But they usually stick with the art studio and just draw. When they do play with a game, they don't listen to the instructions and then get frustrated. Especially if it requires the d-pad and A/B buttons. This is their first game system, so I know I need to give them time. But we're all getting a little frustrated right now. (Me because they won't listen. :aggressive: )

    What games do your kids like? How long did it take them to get understand how to play the games?
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have the Leapster Explorers, and got them when they were 3.5. They honestly picked up on them pretty quickly. Some of the games were a bit trickier, but with some help, they got the hang of it. They got four games this Christmas-Dinosaur Dig, Pixar Pals, Up, and ISpy. I would say Dinosaur Dig is a BIG hit! Pixar Pals is too as well. Anthony did ask to play ISpy the other day, and I see that becoming a big hit too.

    I would say within a month they got the hang of it. We were in Italy, so whatever it was they did-they learned quickly because I don't remember helping them much. Maybe stick to one game each until they get the hang of it? They had Toy Story and Dora while we were in Italy.
  3. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    My girls love their leap pads, they do get frustrated and we have to help them from time to time or I make them turn if off and take a break. A few of the games are to hard so they just dont play them but they love pet pals 2(fight over daily) My mom just won another pet pals 2 game and is sending it to me so that problem soon will be solved, I would of never went out and bought another one for that reason unless we were taking them to pick new games and that was their choice!!! The batteries dying are our problem, they always seem to die at the same time and only have 1 extra set(2 rechargable packs and 3 sets of batteries) Out of everything they got for christmas this toy is by far their favorite!!!!
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My 5 yr old likes Mr. Pencil, she's finished it 5-6 times since her birthday in september. She got Pet Pals 2 for Christmas, I knew she'd like it, she loved the first Pet Pals she had for her big bro's leapster that she used to play with. She needs more games so I can't really help you on what else to get!
  5. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I saw the I-Spy game and thought about getting it, but went with the Penguin game (with the penguins from Madagascar) on it because it was rated younger. I wish I had gotten it!
    DD did love the Pet Pals game I got her, but for some reason has refused to play it the past two days. Not sure what happened there. She has been playing the pet game that came on it though, and doing well with the letter tracing on it.

    Thanks ya'll. I think I just need to be more patient with them while I teach them how to play the games. Maybe I was expecting a little too much.
  6. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have the same issues. They usually draw, take pics, or play pet pals. We also have a stretch monkey game they will play every once in awhile bug I don't think they get what they are supposed to be doing, they just like flinging the monkey;)
    R&RMama, do u have the leap frog connect on your computer? If so you can sync the leap pads to have all the same games, for example I got $40 in app center card, so I got 5 games for $7.50 each, I then put them on both leap pads so essentially got 10 games for $40:)
  7. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    This is helpful! We bought the boys the LeapPad's for Christmas and they love them but do get frustrated so we do limit their time. I know they are on the young side for it but I know they will get the hang of it eventually. So far they like the train game and the art studio. But for the most part they are just getting the hang of how it works and what buttons to push.

    How do you get the games on both leappads?
  8. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Download leap frog connect and then when you connect the device you can sync it with what you want on it. (Left side menu, I think it's at the bottom.)

    We downloaded the stretch monkey game earlier, but so far neither has played with it too much.
  9. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    We have Explorers and Toy Story 3 and the Dora game are favorites here. My daughter also really likes the Tangled game. I downloaded this Train Track Building game from Leapster and my son loves that one. It took them a few weeks to get the hang of the buttons and they still sometimes ask for help and they have had them for almost a year.
  10. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Apps that A&R love:
    Jewel Train (Royce beat it in a day when they first got them last xmas.)
    Sugar Bugs
    Jewel Train 2

    Mr. Pencil saves Doodleburg
    Toy Story
    Globe (I don't remember the real name, has some adventury type people on the cover

    Royce has beaten all three of those games a few times. He plays more often and more intensely than Alice, she's beaten Mr. Pencil.

    We also have a Princess game that Alice doesn't like. I wanted to get them a new game for xmas, but we ran out of xmas money to shop with.
  11. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We have the penguin game and it's hard the girls really don't play it much as it is like a platform game(ratchet and clank ex.).

    They love the pet pals 2 and the Dino game and ni hai Kai LAN and tangled. Even at six they prefer games without d pad use. With their first leapster they were closer to 4 before it wasn't frustrating.

    Tinkerbell is good but contains a lot of math so maybe hard for littles.

    Toy story is game board based with mini games.

    Mr pencil was a big hit as its more art based.

    Scooby doo has lots of puzzles

    Princess and the frog they cook a lot.

    They haven't played the reading game but we have it.

    Up we have but it's missing in their room
  12. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    This is all good info, thanks for posting Gina and thanks for the tip MrsWright(I didnt know). My girls dont really like Dora, Kai lan or I spy:(
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD loves the Penguins of Madagascar game and the Pet Pad game. DS loves the Ozzie and Mack book and the art studio and Pet Pad game. He has not played any of the game cartridges yet.
  14. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    you can also download some of the cartridges straight from the connect. The ultra books are supposed to be like choose your own adventure books but we havent downloaded any yet
  15. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I bought him the Mr Pencil Game which he likes, but he is all about Jewel train and his Pet Pad. By him I mean my oldest Donevan lol
  16. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Does anyone else find it irritating that with the Pet Pad or Pal – the one that came included on the system you have to constantly sync to your computer to get more treats or shampoo? Is there a way around this?
  17. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I do and I don't think they is a way around it.
  18. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    You just don't buy them treats. I sync the girls about once a week

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