Leaking colostrum so early?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Kristin N, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    I'm only 18 weeks along, and have already started leaking colostrum. I remember leaking a little early with dd, but maybe only a month early, certainly not this early. Has anyone else experienced this so early? I'm more curious than anything.
  2. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    I just posted a similar thing in the pregnant after twins forum. I started leaking at 16 weeks with the twins...to the point I had to wear nursing pads. And with this one, a singleton, I just started leaking again at only 23 weeks. I had an overly abundant milk supply with my twins, so I expect that this is a sign of the same with this baby. :)
  3. mholmes07

    mholmes07 Well-Known Member

    Yes. With DS I leaked from 4 months on and with this pregnancy I have been leaking since 5 months on. Dr said its normal with some woman. Ive been wearing breast pads for a while now.

    IVF TWINS Well-Known Member

    I was about 26 weeks with DD and I started this time at 15 weeks. I was told its normal to leak early with twins and so far mine isn't bad enough to need breast pads.
  5. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    I have a little bit, just enough to glob up on the skin of my nipple (singular, because it's mostly on the left), since about 10 wks. Great image, I know. Anyway, I was expecting this because I had problems getting pregnant due to high prolactin levels.
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