Leaking boy....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AandI, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. AandI

    AandI Active Member

    I am training one of our boys, he's almost 3. I gave it a try almost 2 months ago and just ended up with puddles on the floor, no awareness. I gave it more time and he seemed more ready. On some levels he's doing great, this was only the second day. He totally gets the concept, goes on his own, and even forgets about the treat sometimes. However, we're going through 12-15 pairs of underwear each day. He seems to go a tiny bit in his underwear, realizes he needs to go, and then goes and sits on the potty (not a toilet). About 2 times today there was a decent amount, otherwise there is a tiny amount in the potty, like the size of 2 quarters or so. Maybe 10% of the time his underwear is dry, or just a drop.

    Like I said, it's only day 2! I understand things take time but wondering if anyone else has had something similar and if it's a case of maybe he's not quite ready to "hold it" or if it will just taper off. The first day I gave him a lot of water and today I was hoping that maybe it would change if he didn't have to go so much. He went through more underwear today than yesterday. When I bought underwear I was hoping it would be enough for both boys but not if this keeps up!

    Thanks for any help or suggestions!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know with my son the first 3 days he had a lot of accidents mingled in with success too. By day 4 he started staying completely dry when he was awake and just having accidents at nap and night time. It took a couple of weeks for him to stay dry during nap and probably a month later he started staying dry at night...but even now he might wet himself at night once every two weeks.
    I would just keep encouraging him and telling him that pee goes in the potty and if he is still having more accidents then you care to see, there is no harm in stopping and starting over again in a month or two.
    Good luck!
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    If he is interested and wants to do it I would keep up with it. My son trained very quickly and easily (I did the bottomless training) and he had one accident the first day and then not again for a few days later when I tried putting underwear and pants on him. I eventually went to just pants no underwear for a week or two until he seemed to be used to the pants and then put him in underwear and pants. He seemed to do much better that way. After he was fully trained for a while (probably 2mths or more) when he started to stand and pee he would leak on his underwear and he would have to have them changed or he would let a little out just getting his underwear damp before peeing and want them changed again. We had a period of him changing his underwear constantly because they were a little damp.

    I think he is learning when he wets a little and then goes on the potty so eventually he will get better at holding it and make it without wetting.
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I had this with Bryony. It was like she would start going then think 'wait, I'm supposed to go on the potty' and stop to run to the potty and finish the pee in the potty. I think there was also an element of her not wanting to stop what she was doing so she'd hold on to the last second, and that would make her leak a little. I would just tell her that she needed to leave enough time to get to the potty before her pee started coming out. I also watched her closely for signs of needing to go so that I could remind her to use the potty and made sure that if she was playing with something Alyssa didn't take it while she was on the potty.
    For us it tapered off, 2 or 3 weeks after starting potty training she had the hang of leaving herself enough time. I'd definitely give him a while longer and see if it resolves itself.

    Good luck!
  5. AandI

    AandI Active Member

    Thanks for the help. I'm mostly surprised that he gets such a tiny amount in the potty! It's not that he's full. Anyway, we will certainly keep on because he totally gets it....and maybe that will help his brother! I'm going to do a pull up over underwear when we go out but he doesn't have to leave the house for 2 more days so he can keep up til then. I know he doesn't like his legs wet but neither of my boys would run around totally naked. This one even wants pants on but we've just done underwear for now-for the effiency of it all!

    Thanks again.
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Sometimes the sphincter muscle between the bladder and urethra takes some time to train as well. My oldest ds had the most trouble with it. Seemed like he just wasn't able to close it completely off at first. It does get better with time.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I remember reading that damp underwear is a great sign that they are actually catching themselves... and understanding what to do... a pain for us who have to do laundry... but progress! hopefully you'll see great improvement soon!
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