Laying the foundation...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by swilhite25, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    Hi all! DH and I have really been talking up potty training lately to the kiddos (now 19 months old). We bought each baby a book about it that they love, talk about going potty, how to flush the toilet, washing hands, etc. They can tell us when they are pooping and know where their pee-pee and poop come from (they point when we ask). When I'm done changing their diapers I ask them "doesn't that feel better to have the pee-pee and poop off of you?" to which they always say "yes" or nod their head. We also let them watch us go to the bathroom sometimes so they see mommy and daddy do it too. They walk past the toilet and go "shoo" which means dirty.

    When should I actually attempt to let them try going potty? I'm not in any kind of a rush, (don't get me wrong, we'll throw a small party when the twins are out of diapers) but they seem really aware of what's going on and I didn't know if I should go for it or just keep doing what we're doing. I know when the time is right it should be a quick process and the last thing I want to do is drag out the process and discourage them b/c they aren't ready. Any thoughts? Anyone out there who had early potty-trainers or started potty training at this age? Thanks!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    What I did is start having them practice sitting on the potty, first fully dressed and then without bottoms (we started the practice around 19 months) I did read some good advice in this months Parenting magazine that I wish someone told me a year ago, is to put your little ones in underwear for a weekend and if they show no inclination to really use the potty after that weekend, then just put them back in diapers and try again another time...they just might not be ready. My DS started peeing on the potty at 23 and was doing great for 3-4 months and then totally regressed where he has not gone in the potty since Easter. So I am just not pushing it with him right now. My DD started to pee on it around 25 months and she's doing real well with it, she is now mainly in big girl undies for all day except nap time and bedtime.
    So it really just depends if your twosome is showing can always try and if they aren't having it right now, just shelve it for a bit and try again later. Good luck!
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    if you're talking it up so much now and they are as responsive as you say, I'd say go for it!!! we started PT before 24 mo. and are pretty much done during the day at home... I still need to work on going out in public... but I totally say they are trainable. its so cute to see them gain independance and just take their underwear off and go on the potty. just don't stress yourself out with it!

    there was a website someone on the 2yr forum mentioned a little while ago and the lady pretty much guarantees if they child is 22 months old she can help you train them in 3 days... I didn't do that, but she seems convinced about the 22 mo. mark... if yours get it earlier - YAY!
  4. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    When my oldest was at the stage your two were at, we let him sit on the potty before bath and if he went, we cheered. We did that for about 6 months then we added in other times during the day he could sit on the potty. After his third birthday, once we were comfortable that he could tell us he had to go, we stuck him in underwear and never went back.
  5. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies...good ideas! I'm not sure what our plan is yet, but your thoughts will help me in the near future I know. I want the timing to be right so no one is stressed and the babies are confident about potty-training. I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks again.
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