Latest observation of my babies...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by brianamurnion, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    These girls just wont stop changing (or getting cuter)! So here are my latest and greatest observations....

    Alyssa, My rough and tumble girl (despite Ashley's latest bonk) Alyssa is always black and blue, she has had 2 blackeyes and isnt even walking yet. Well I take that back.... SHE TOOK HER 1ST STEPS YESTERDAY!! None yet today. She is always into everything, but really only things she is supposed to be into, she takes full advantage of her toys! :D She likes quick hugs and smooches but then is off to see and find the next thing. Busy little bee!

    Ashley, is my snuggle girl, she loves to sit and read and play with mommy. BUT she will only let Daddy put her to bed now that she is weaned. We call Ashley "silent but deadly" because she is very quiet and lovey but you can bet your butt she will be into EVERYTHING she is NOT supposed to be into... cupboards, the bathroom, the garbage, the dogs mouth.... everything!! Ashley doesnt show the slightest interst in walking yet, but as soon as she sees Alyssa going I am sure that will change! We call Alyssa Monkey SEE and Ashley Monkey DO because she is a huge copy cat for attention!

    I am loving every moment with these sweeties and feel so blessed they were given too me at the same time!

    My new favorite twin moment.... Ashley washing Alyssa in the tub... she shows many traits of being a little "mommy"! PICS... dont mind my yucky tub... new one is on order soon!

    Now lets hear everyones.....
  2. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Mods could you fix my OOOPS? PLEASE! Apparently I really really wanted to post this topic! :p I have no idea what I did?

    ETA: please keep this post (with the attached pics) and delete the other 4 or 5.... jeese I am a dunce sometimes! :D
  3. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

  4. JessicaD

    JessicaD Well-Known Member

    Briana--that bruise is healing...I see it's in the "yellow/green" stage! =) Doesn't look like it slowed her down a bit!

    Changes, changes...I think I'm seeing something nearly every day! Tiana has just been the happiest little stinker ever, even considering the runny nose...she's always giving us this cheesy little grin and she scrunches up her nose while grinning. She's also walking...I call her my little "drunken monkey" because she reminds me of a little drunk staggering around! It's so cute though! Donovan is constantly babbling away to himself and giving me cute smiles and cuddling. He's been really sick, and wheezy (doc says possible asthma now), but he's a trooper. He's not walking yet, but he's a lightspeed crawler!
  5. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(excitedk @ Apr 1 2008, 11:31 PM) [snapback]700389[/snapback]
    Here are some cute twin moments of my two:

    Love the one of them holding hands...sweet as can be.

    Latest observations of my two...

    Jonas is my rough and tumble boy. He's determined to climb anything and everything. He is also the mama's boy...always hugs and loves on me. He also loves trying to play with L but sometimes L just isn't in the mood. Jonas tends to be more "moody" too...and he's a big grump in the morning just like mommy.

    Lucas is my quiet guy. He will quietly play with something (that is until J decides to take it away and which time the battle ensues). He likes quick hugs and kisses but not too much mushy stuff. Lucas is generally my happy little guy too...always has a smile for mommy.
  6. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Latest observations......

    for some reason they've both taken to calling dh & I by our 1st names. :)

    while working on potty training dd, she in turn is potty training all her baby dolls. :) It's sooooo adorable!!

    whenever dd gets hurt, she comes up to me & says, "Rock-a-baby!" ..... she wants me to rock her like a baby

    ds is really into Disney movies (might not be a good thing! :) ) ..... last night he was watching Finding Nemo while I was making dinner & I could hear him laughing hysterically!
  7. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Thanks for sharing!! So cute the pic of the babes holding hands in the carseats!!

    JessicaD- yes the bruise is healing... doesnt it match the color of our nasty tub nicely! :p

    snoopytwins- My Alyssa is my groucho in the morning until she gets some food and my Ashley is my toy stealer... ticks Alyssa off... oh my goodness.

    naomi- all my kids went through a phaze of calling us by our 1st names too! But we are a blended family so I am sure they were confused. The 2 oldest now call me mom and their bio mom mom also, RaeLynn calls Owen, Owie or daddy and her Dad daddy boone (his nickname) so it all works out. We will see what the twinks pick! ;)
  8. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    A-dorable everyone!
  9. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    My latest favorite observation is their 'reading' styles. We have a bunch of board books out that they love to look at and of course have us read to them. When they're looking at them by themselves, here is what they do:

    Porter opens to a page (not necessarily the first page) and studies the pictures. He looks at every detail and touches the face of every character. Then he skips forward (not necessarily just one page at a time) and does the same thing on the new page. Lately when I'm reading a book to him, he won't let me turn a page until he has touched all of the faces.

    Bridger opens to the first page and quickly flips through every single page, never missing one but never really looking intently on what's on the pages either. When I read to him, he's constantly wanting to turn the page for me before we're done with it. He's all about turning pages.

    (Yes, this does make it difficult when we're all reading together. Porter's constantly studying and touching the pictures, while Bridger's getting frustrated because we're not turning the pages quickly enough! And when Bridger turns the pages too quickly, Porter gets frustrated because he didn't get to study and touch enough!)
  10. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Briana we have the same bathroom tub! I can't wait until we redo the bathroom next year. That lovely gold 70s color is groovy and all, but we are definitely looking forward to an upgrade. Your girlies are so cute in the 70s tub though :p

    Things the girls are doing now:

    Meara's use of the word Uh Oh is cracking me up! Any time something is wrong or out of place or if there is a spot on the floors, etc etc etc. she walks up to it points and says Uh Oh. And continues to say Uh Oh and look at me until I do something about it. Last week I was wearing wool socks that were pilly (sp? is that a word?) Anyway, they had little balls of fuzz on them. She sat with me and pointed out each fuzz ball with an accompanying Uh Oh until finally I took the socks off because there was nothing I could do about all the Uh Ohs!

    I don't think the girls get to be naked enough. Whenever I take Ana's clothes off (to change her into something else or at bath time), she looks down at her belly and gets so excited! She starts pounding on her belly (thing WWF wrestlers), laughing and "whoop"-ing (literally thats what is sounds like she is saying!). She usually runs away from me marching around the room pounding on her stomach with both fists whooping and laughing. It totally cracks me up because she is normally such a quiet, reserved little girl.

    Aside from the new drama queen tantrums, I'm loving this age! They are each developing their own sense of humor and that is just so fun to watch!
  11. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    all the pics are so cute and i loved reading whate all the kiddies are getting up too. My girls have taken to try and climb onto everything now that hey can walk and victoria feeds ME at meal times. they are so cute.
  12. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    Great topic.

    Well my two are in to walking everywhere - Sienna does it so gleefully - she is still very proud of her self. Jordan has been walking for over 2 months is much more sure of himself and almost looks like he is running sometimes.

    Jordan talks to anyone and everyone - hands gesturing wildly. Doesn't make much sense but he is very passionate about it, and can actually give you a good fussing if you don't respond the way he wants. He also loves to talk on the phone and will grab it from me and walk around with it to his ear chatting nineteen to the dozen.

    Sienna the princess is a little quieter but mischevious in her own way. Everything goes into her mouth. We just put a full length mirror up in our bedroom and she loves to sit down in front of it and look at herself. She also loves shoes. Oh and give her a teddy bear and she gets giddy with excitement. She also pushes everything that can move. Her stroller, her radioflyer, her high chair....

    They chat away to each other and look at each other for response all the time. They play really well together when jordan isn't smacking her on her head. (must teach him to stop that). But If I tell him to say sorry he hugs her and kisses her.!!

    Love, love, love this age!!!
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