later moring naps

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gimena, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    My los' used to take thier nap (one a day) at about 10 am for about 2 hours... now
    they stay up until 11 and sleep sometimes for 3 hours (which I love!) but I don't know
    when to give them lunch... they have breakfast and a snack before nap, but when they
    wake up at 1:30 or 2 should I do a snack? they have dinner about 5:30 or 6 the latest..
    they are not really hungry for lunch at 11 (seeing that they eat a little snack..fruit,etc.)
    ahh..these changes....
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys are on 1 nap, and it's usually after lunch (around 12:30 or 1). But some days they just can't make it (esp. Jack) and need to do down earlier. Jack fell asleep in his highchair TWICE last week when we were serving lunch! :blink: On those days, I just put him down and give him lunch afterward. You can try giving a smaller, earlier snack and do lunch at like 11, or just make sure they have a big snack and give lunch after their nap.

    Hope this helps! :)
  3. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    Sounds like yours probably wake a little later than ours but our schedule is:
    Out of cribs and get a sippy of milk - 7:00am
    Breakfast - 8:00
    Sippy while lunch is prepared - 10:30
    Lunch - 11:00
    Nap - Noon to 2:30 (minimum), but sometimes will sleep till 3:00
    Snack and juice/water - 3:30
    Dinner and milk - 6:00
    Bath - 6:45
    Bed - 7:30

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    We do an 11:00am nap, so we have the same issue with the timing of lunch. What we've found that works is breakfast at 7:30am, no snack, and lunch at 10:30. They used to have a second lunch at 2:00pm, but as of a few weeks ago they've protested getting in their high chairs and wouldn't eat. So, we've started a traditional snack at 2:00pm, and we do dinner at 5:00pm, with bedtime at 6:30 and wake-up at 6:45.
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When mine were taking 2 naps a day, their morning nap was at noon. So their lunch fell after that, around 1:30-2pm. It worked good for us because we eat supper late, at 7pm, so they would get a snack around 4:30-5 and then be ready for supper at 7.
  6. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    we had the same problem
    my "babies" (ok we're 2 now but they will always be my babies) are up between 6 and 6:30am
    so we do breakfast at 7:30 but they don't eat much
    so we do lunch at 10:30 and nap at 11;30 or 12
    good luck!
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    like some of the others suggested, I would probably try hard to skip the snack or make it very abbreviated and then do a lunch 30-45 min. before the nap. Then a snack after lunch.

    gotta love the changes, but it sure does make it interesting to figure out how to fit all the snacks & meals in! while I was figuring out our schedule there were many a day that they didn't get lunch b/c they were too cranky... and did sleep fine for their nap.
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