Late Walkers

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ec twins, Jun 20, 2007.

  1. ec twins

    ec twins Well-Known Member

    Just a question for you parents out there with late walkers. My boys are approaching 15 mos. and haven't taken their 1st steps yet. They cruise around the room and seem ready any day now. I was never really worried about when they'd walk until everyone started asking.

    As soon as you tell people their age, the first thing you get is, "Oh so they must be walking right?" I feel like I have to give reasons why they aren't (they are preemies, etc.) and list off all the things they can do. I know people mean well, but I feel like I'm on the defensive. Am I just being overly sensitive? I'm preggers, so maybe it's the hormones?
  2. mommy2btwins

    mommy2btwins Well-Known Member

    hi i went through the same exact thing with sophia..lexie walked 13 months...sophiA just started walking...16 months...and meanwhile.. the pedi made me get a pt eval on her b/c she walked on tippy toes... but they denied her pt b/c her play and social skills were of a 2 1/2 yr old... next thing i know shes walking everywhere.... but i get all the time..oh why isnt she she behind..ohh yeah it must be a twin thing.. im like shut up dont worry they will go when they are ready....
  3. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I just got through that situation. DS started walking at 11 months. But DD just started walking last month- at 15 months. I would constantly get asked if they were walking and upon my explanation, sometimes get a concerned look that DD was not walking. My pedi said the normal range is by 15 months and DD's orthopedist, by 18 months (she sees one for mild hip dysplasia at birth). So if I was feeling like I was attacked- like was I not concerned- I would say just that- her doctors say she is fine. But usually most people, after I said no- would say- "Oh-it'll be soon..."

    Yours seems like they are on the brink- enjoy it now! ;)
  4. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    DS didn't walk until 15 months (almost 16 months). Our pedi was not concerned since he was cruising, but my family would not let it go. My MIL had "grammy bootcamp" when we were all on vacation together last summer and she was determined to get him walking. I was irritated with the whole thing since I knew he would do it when he was ready and the pedi assured me that he was still well within the normal range (9-18 months). She succeeded in getting him walking, but I think he just did it to get her to stop obsessing about it ;)
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Bea started walking at 11 months and Ainsley not till almost 19 months. So yeah, I got comments about that. Ainsley had a gross motor delay (still a little delayed, but not the 25% delay for EI), and she is just a cautious child anyway. Bea took off and started walking with not much cruising time. Ainsley cruised and used a push toy forever, at least 4 months. I just let her do things in her own time.
  6. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    Normal walking range is anywhere from 10/11 months to 20 months. Mine walked at 18 months. I was watching the Dateline NBC on Prince William and Harry the other night and Harry picked on William b/c he didn't walk till he was 20 months. And look at him now!

    So don't worry - and just ignore all the people. I always said it was a blessing in disguise that they were late walkers. And it is true b/c watch out when they do start! Opposite directions for a while!!
  7. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    Alexandra and Paige both started walkng a few days shy of 16 months. They both cruised everywhere but only Alexandra would take little practice walks of a few steps and then stop. I had a play area set up for them to play in, in our livingroom so they never had to walk to get anything. The day after I took down the play area they got up and went. I truly beleive they may had walked sooner had they not been so confined in the livingroom.

    Even though they didn't walk till they did, it never bothered me. All kids are different and will walk when they are ready.
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Oh, I'm going through this. Lily's been walking since 11 months (very early for a 9 week early preemie) and Grace still hasn't walked. She cruises and all that, just not walking yet. Everyone is always asking "so, is Grace walking yet". I wish she were, because at this point in time I think it would be easier, but no she's not walking yet.

    Hopefully soon. I would love for her to do it by her 15 month pedi appointment, so we have a little under a month until that is scheduled.

    I do have EI come out for her, but she is on track for walking - they have up to 18 months for normal range (20 months for her since she was 2 months early). She qualified because at that point in time, she couldn't get herself into the sitting position.
  9. logansmommy7

    logansmommy7 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(east coast twins @ Jun 20 2007, 12:32 PM) [snapback]299856[/snapback]
    Just a question for you parents out there with late walkers. My boys are approaching 15 mos. and haven't taken their 1st steps yet. They cruise around the room and seem ready any day now. I was never really worried about when they'd walk until everyone started asking.

    As soon as you tell people their age, the first thing you get is, "Oh so they must be walking right?" I feel like I have to give reasons why they aren't (they are preemies, etc.) and list off all the things they can do. I know people mean well, but I feel like I'm on the defensive. Am I just being overly sensitive? I'm preggers, so maybe it's the hormones?

    I was so worried about this, and my ds didn't walk until he was almost 16 months. He is 2 now and still isn't "running" as the pediatrician calls it. He gets around fine though. Don't worry, they will walk!!!
  10. Holdentwins

    Holdentwins Well-Known Member

    16 months here!! after months of them pulling up and cruising they finally walked. i was so sick of everyone assuming or asking. it will happen eventually.. my pedi said as long as they were cruising and stuff by 18 months it was fine.. i was just paranoid.. now they run everywhere!
  11. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    Brooke walked at 17 months and Natalie not until 20 months. So we definately got it here too. They both got PT and our therapist just kept on telling us they would walk when they were ready. They are both walking great now. But we'd get the comments all the time. Our girls are really big for their age and we would get even more comments/looks when we were out in public. The same kind we are getting now when they are not really talking that great! But it will all come in time ;)
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    My girls were also 16 and 17 month old walkers. I think Sierra would have waited even longer if she hadn't seen Ainsley do it. :) They cruised and crawled just fine though so I guess they saw no need to walk. Luckily, I didn't get many questions about it, which is kind of surprising because I come from a big family.
  13. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Ours was really hard because Jazz walked 2 weeks before their 1st birthday and Jessy didn't walk till she was almost 16 months old. Jessy's legs just weren't strong enough. She now walks well and keeps up pretty well with her siter who has been walking twice as long
  14. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    With the twins it wasn't too bad, they started walking within a month of each other (12 and 13mos). Nathan had been behind in all other things (except eating) so this wasn't a surprise. Now we have Brandon that just passed up the 14mo mark and he still isn't walking. Of course MIL is thinking something is wrong, but I know he will do it on his own. He is just now free standing, which is weird because neither of the other mastered this skill until they walked.
  15. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    My singleton didn't walk til 14 months. It has nothing to do with twins. I met a girl of 8 mths who was walking. The ages vary a lot. Don't worry,. There is still time.
  16. Mia D

    Mia D Well-Known Member

    One of my girls didn't walk until - count them - 22 months! Her sister walked a full year ahead of her (at 11 months). We went to every specialist and they all said the same thing - there's nothing wrong, stop worrying. She's 2-1/2 now and she's my running/climbing daredevil.

  17. ec twins

    ec twins Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. Good to know I'm not alone. The boys get around to wherever they need to go, so I was never concerned. It's just the way people ask you that makes you defensive.

    I'm sure the same goes for crawling, speaking, going to the sippies, etc. That's why I never ask people if their kids are doing such-and-such yet. As long as they're happy and healthy, who's keeping track!
  18. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    My older Dd didn't walk until a few days before she was 15 months...once she started, she was walking across the room within days.
  19. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    My preemies started walking at 14 1/2 months. And I know how you feel, when my girls were 9 months old everyone was asking "are they walking and talking yet?" I knew it was WAY too soon b/c they had just started crawling at that point but I still felt that I had to give a reason rather then just saying "no" almost like I didnt want them thinking that something was wrong with them or me for that matter, kwim? I dont think it is hormones or anything of the sort, just a typical mommy...
  20. Holly Wiebe

    Holly Wiebe Well-Known Member

    Josh walked at 15.5 months and Nate at 17.5 months. Nate would just crawl around and not even seem interested in cruising along the furniture. Then one day he just stood up and walked across the room.

    Kids develop at different stages/ages. I think people make comments (I get A LOT of them) just to make themselves feel better. It just makes me more sensitive to other parents.

    Don't worry, sounds like they are doing just fine!

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