Late teeth... 13 months and no sign of teeth!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nateandbrig, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I know I've seen other posts about those that have late teethers but I'm really starting to wonder! My dd is 13 months and has NO teeth, I can see them under the gums but they aren't coming up... The ped said that if she still doesn't have them by 15 months then we'll start to worry. Well that's only 2 months away!! The ped did have us do a blood draw and checked her thyroid and everything was normal, so that made me feel better, but I could really use some similar stories!
    My ds is a whole other story, he got his at 6 months and they come in pairs. He's on 8 and 9 :eek:
    Thanks in advance!!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I had a late teether too- at 1 she had one tiny nub that popped thru. But now at almost 2 she caught up to her sister and they both have 15 teeth (almost 16).
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Tyler had his 2 bottom teeth at 13 months and that was it. My older DD had all of her teeth including her one year molars by that time. I bet they will come with time.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I have a friend whose both girls didn't get a single tooth until they were 15 months--and they ate total table food at 10 months. :)
  5. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    DD got her first tooth around 12-13 months. (How awful is it that I don't remember!) Now she has 12! Four top and four bottom, plus one set of top molars and bottom molars.

    DS got his first tooth at 5 1/2 months. Now he has a whopping four teeth--two on top and two on bottom.
  6. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    Sarah was on the later side for sure, no teeth at all until almost 12 months! She definitely caught up though. I think it's great your pedi is staying on top of it. I'm willing to bet they'll be in in no time!
  7. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Luke didn't get his first tooth until 13 months and Naomi didn't get hers until 15 months. They caught up just fine and they've never had any problems with their teeth.
    If you can see them under her gums they'll probably be through really soon.
  8. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I can't even remember now when mine got teeth, but I remember it was late. Then there they were, nearly a mouth full in just a couple of months.
  9. Stephanie3

    Stephanie3 Active Member

    My oldest didn't get her first tooth until 14 months. She just lost her first tooth at over 7! The dentist said actually the later the better. My doc checked everything out too. good luck.
    PS At 7, she barely believes there is a tooth fairy! Kinda sad.
  10. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    You will love this one! My DD did not get her first tooth until she was 18 months old!!!! Now at 2 and a half she has all teeth but her 4 eye teeth. I'm wondering if those will come in before she is 3. eeeekkk You can always see a Ped dentist they can do x-rays to see if they are indeed there. I did not opt for that because the Ped dentist office told me I could not go back with her and she would possibly be papusedto a board so they could get good xrays. That was SOOO not happening! I ended up taking her to my dentist and he said he could clearly see the teeth under the skin. Wouldn't you know the VERY next day she cut her first tooth
  11. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    I was shocked when my girls started getting teeth about 9 months old since my brothers and I were all 13-15 months before we got any teeth. I wouldn't worry about it right now and give it those two months as the ped suggested.
  12. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    Both my girls got teeth late. One got the first at 13 months they other got the first right after her first b-day. They got 4 really quick once the first one came in, then nothing for a while and then another spurt of 4 really quick and that is how it went up until they turned 3 when their two year molars finally came through. Getting teeth late is not a big deal, but we would often wonder the same thing at the time...would they ever get teeth. :D
  13. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to post that my dd finally popped a tooth!! It finally happened at 13.5 months and it's the top right middle tooth... No sign of any bottom teeth, but I'm just so happy she finally has one! She also was really good about the pain, unlike her brother :laughing: !
    Thanks again for all of the responses!
  14. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Sophie had not teeth till around 13 months and then 6 turned up at one time! She now has more teeth than her brother who got his first tooth at 10 months x
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