Late crawlers

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sthomas81, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. sthomas81

    sthomas81 Well-Known Member

    My Sydney is still not crawling or pulling up. I was just curious if anyone else had late crawlers. We are supposed to be starting PT but I am still waiting for approval.
  2. bennysusie

    bennysusie Active Member

    Some kids never crawl. My best friend's daughters never crawled. My pediatrician's son never crawled.

    My daughter Jessica just turned one. She started army crawling at 10.5 months. Crawled on her hands and knees a month later. Still does not pull up consistently, but has been making many attempts, where she never would before. She still does not cruise. She is in EI for her torticollis and now because she has gross motor delays. I used to really stress and compare her to my other daughter Natalie, but what I have learned as long as Jessica keeps improving which she has, she will get there in her own time.

    I just read your post in the 1st year forum and it sounds like Sydney is doing great! How is Sydney's personality? Jessica is definitely the more laid back of the two, where Natalie has to be in everything. Have you tried Early Intervention? Talk to your pediatrician. and you can PT services through EI. Good luck!
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls didn't crawl until 10.5 months. But like PP mentioned, some kids just never crawl. My niece never did. She went from sitting to pulling up, standing, and then walking.

    PS - Time to change that ticker!! ;)
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I had one crawler at around 11 months ( army crawl then regular crawl) and the other around 13+.

    They walked at 14 & 18months. They were 8 weeks preemie. We DID do PT from abotu 17 months to 24 months for gross motor delays. My later crawler was also later to sit, run, and jump. But now at 3 she keeps up with her sister just fine!!

  5. cole715

    cole715 Well-Known Member

    Gracie does not crawl. She just turned one. She scoots herself around. She gets in the crawling position then falls over and rolls. Now that she can scoot, she is not too interested in crawling.

    The ped. is concerned about her not pulling up. She will not even straighten her legs out when you hold her up. She tries to pull up with her arms, but it seems as though she has no strength in her legs. She gave us some recs. for pt. I am going to call on Monday.

    Claire is crawling everywhere, pulling up and I think will soon be walking. It is so crazy how different they are.
  6. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    Have you contacted EI yet? Don't worry too much; I had a late crawler who didn't walk until almost 2, and you would never know it now!
  7. sthomas81

    sthomas81 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for the comments. I did contact EI when she was 9 months but they denied her and said she was not delayed enough. I called again and I am waiting for a call back. We are also going to go for PT through our insurance but I am just waiting for all of the approval. I know I have heard that a lot of babies just never crawl but lately when I have heard that their babies walked early like 9-12 months or so. I know I am just being paranoid but it is so hard not to be when her sister Karlie is everywhere crawling, pulling up, standing alone and soon to be walking. Their personalities are so different which I have to remember also. Sydney is totally laid back and content to just watch while Karlie needs to be in the action at all times.
  8. bennysusie

    bennysusie Active Member

    My friend's daughters who never crawled, neither of them were early walkers. One walked at 14 months and the other at 18 months. It's funny, I never remember her stressing out about them not crawling. Maybe because she didn't have two side by side to compare at the same time.

    It's hard not too stress and compare both of them. My niece is a month younger than my girls and she crawled before both my daughters and it looks like she will be walking before of them.

    Kids develop at different rates and my girls balance each other out. If one wasn't more laid back, I'd be going nuts right now! :p
  9. t_and_j_mom

    t_and_j_mom Active Member

    Mine didn't crawl until 12 months, then walked at 14 months. Some are just later with the gross motor skills with no explanation and have no other delays. I wouldn't worry.
  10. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    My boys were in EI for gross motor delay, too. They didn't crawl or do any sort of movement until just shy of their first birthday (I mean, they would roll around, but not for a purchase such as getting from point A to point B. They weren't really pulling up or anything, either). They couldn't even sit unassisted for more than a few moments at 9 months (hence the EI). That being said, once they figured out the crawling business, they picked up on the walking real fast. The therapist was shocked they were walking by 16 months.
  11. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Maia just started crawling about 2wks ago. I am going to mention it this week, just to get it off my chest, and I have an appt with EI this week too.
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