lactose intolerant?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I haven't had them tested at the dr's - waiting for better ins ......but for dd at least it's fairly obvious. We switched to lactose free milk & they both seemed to do better. So I got some Almond cheese for them to try (before all this they LOVED cheese). They had a little of that & then 2 tiny dollups of sour cream on burritos. Very next morning, ds had this explosive poopy diaper & dd cried and couldn't poop for 3 days. :( :(

    So now we've gone back to no dairy besides the lactose free milk & they're doing better. I'm concerned, though, that they're getting enough calcium, etc. How do I know? What else can I give them?
  2. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    It's great that they're doing well on the lactose free milk. I'd talk w/ the ped, but if it's simply a lactose problem, then you can give them lactase supplements that will allow them to handle other milk products. And FWIW, I took B to a dietician, and she said as long as he's drinking formula and has a balanced diet, she feels he's getting everything he needs without excess supplementation. (we think he has milk protein problems - lactaid hasn't worked for us!) So I'd think the lactaid will likely suffice for you!
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    The lactaid pills are great! I developed lactose intolerance about a year before my first was born and then it disappeared when I got pg. My niece was born with it and when she switched to milk, my SIL found lactaid drops to add to the milk. Then, I want to say at about 18mos, she'd crush a lactaid pill in a spoonful of whatever Caiti was going to eat and it was smooth sailing from then on. By about 4, she had learned to swallow the pills whole. I think the Lactaid brand also makes yogurt, cheese and ice cream.
  4. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Mine have been lactose intolerant since birth. We did go ahead and do regular milk at one since the Pedi gave us the go ahead and most out grow it. With the exception of a fee instances of diarrhea they were fine until about 3 months before their 2nd bday. We took them to a Pedi gastro doc and they were tested for a milk allergy...there is no lactose intolerance was negative. The doctor said we can try milk again in a few momths since they may outgrow it. I decided to wait until they were older to try regular milk again especially during PT'ing, that's hard enough the constant diarrhea won't help.
    They drink Lactaid milk w/ calcium, Lactaid cheese and Lactaid ice cream or yogurt ice cream. They never seem to have a problem with anything else but a piece of cheese, a glass of of milk or an ice cream they just can not digest it. They get calcium from other things such as yogurt, a vitamin every day things like that. The thing with lactose intolerance is trial and error. Some kids cannot have a bit of dairy without digestive problems. Others like my two are only sensitive to some things.
  5. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I give mine vitamins, and just recently tried Mac N Cheese with Cheddar cheese (homemade) and lactaid milk. I read online that cheddar doesn't have any lactose in it, so we're still waiting the results of that (they had it for lunch)

    I use lactaid milk or Soy milk, and lactaid cheese or soy cheese slices.. They make a lactaid cottage cheese and ice cream too. My girls LOVE the cottage cheese, and the ice cream when they get it...

    It's hard trying to cook for lactose intolerant kiddo's, I feel your pain..
  6. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I definitely recommend the testing as soon as your able. For the longest time I thought my dd was lactose intolerant .. but after testing found out she wasnt. BUT she does have gluten intolerance and allergies to nuts, corn, soy and some shell fish. So when she ate a bowl of cereal it wasnt the milk that bothered her .. it was the cereal. When she ate an ice cream cone .. it was the cone, NOT the ice cream. Plus any wheat products .. bread, cookies, crackers .. pretty much every thing I was feeding her. It was frustrating to no end .. but were relieved to finally find out what the root of her problems were.
    Even now that she restricts her diet .. she still has bad days .. but its gotten alot better.
    Her gastro told us that milk allergies and lactose intolerance are highly misdiagnosed by pediatricians and parents and many are surprised to find out what their childs allergies really are.

    I hope you can figure out what the problem is soon !
  7. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Michelle - wow, thanks so much! My sister is dealing with gluten allergies right now with her dh & ds; it's no fun. Her dh's is so bad they think it's actually Celiac's disease.

    I will look online for other Lactaid products; I've looked at all the stores here & can't find any. The almond cheese had whey in it; does whey contain lactose? And they liked the Soy yogurt ok, but I could only find vanilla flavor.
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