lactose free milk

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ceb023, May 30, 2008.

  1. ceb023

    ceb023 Well-Known Member

    We've been trying to make the transition from rice milk to regular milk and it's not going well at all. I had the boys tested for a milk allergy at their one year appt. and it came back negative so I figured it would be safe to start offering milk products. I started with cheese for a week or two and it went great, no problems. But we started milk a week ago and they have had very loose stools, LOTS of painful gas (they double over and screech when they toot), night wakings, and an increase in spit up that smells rotten and curdled. So, I'm taking it that they're not reacting well to milk. When our pedi talked to us about switching from formula to milk she said we could try rice milk or soy milk since we thought at the time that the boys had a milk protein allergy. We started with rice milk but it's so thin that my boys are never satisfied with it. It's also expensive and I can only find it at one store near our house. My husband has issues with soy (ughhh) so that's not on option. I'm wondering why the pedi didn't suggest lactose-free milk. Does anyone have their kids on it? Is there any reason why I shouldn't try it with my boys to see if they tolerate it better?

  2. Tracy B

    Tracy B Well-Known Member

    My kids don't use it but my husband does as he has pretty bad lactose intolerance. I don't see why the kids couldn't have it as long as you get the one labeled as "with calcium". It tastes a little different. I can use it on cereal in a pinch, but could never drink a glass of it. I see that it now comes in chocolate too!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Carrie, with my two oldest, we went from soy formula, to Lactaid, and awhile later to whole milk, and they did fine. Josh went from soy formula to whole milk. With the twins, we went from soy formula, to rice milk, and at 18 months to whole milk. I tried the Lactaid with the twins and they didn't tolerate it well at the time, so we went with rice. Good luck!
  4. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    We did lactose free before switching to whole milk so we would know if it was an intolerance or an allergy. Turns out it is neither and for whatever reason milk based formula was not tolerated but milk is.

    We were on soy for most of the 9 months they were on formula.
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I've used Lactaid when the kids were sick (diarrhea) and they still insisted on having their milk, but couldn't have dairy! :hug99: I would certainly try it!! :hug99:
  6. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    My boys have had issues with formula/milk since birth as infants they drank Alimentum and now they still drink Lactaid w/ Calcium. They were tested in November for a milk allergy which came back negative, however, the GI told me to give it a few months and in March I could slowly try milk again. I discussed it with their Pedi at their well check-up in February and he said their is nothing wrong with continuing with Lactaid/Calcium and they could also get extra calcium through things like yogurt (which they tolerate). Mainly my boys seemed to always have a problem with Milk and Cheese only so they drink Lactaid and eat Lactaid Cheese everything else they are fine with. I would try it it does take a few days to get their system back to normal so they may still have loose stools for a few days after starting the Lactaid Milk....GL!
  7. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    we used lactose free formula for a long time, eventually switched to regular formula, but when we switched to whole milk, becca had some issues, so she is on lactose free milk (lactaid or organic) and jake is on regular (which is a pain). We had to teach them which bottle or sippy cup is theirs.

    she can eat yogurt and cheese, but for some reason milk is really hard on her system. The only issue with the lactose free is that is sometimes difficult to find whole milk versions and i can almost never find 1 gallon, so we are buying milk all the time. Also we try to buy organic and they don't have a whole milk version, but it's usually around 140 calories which is close enough.
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