Kindle Fire...too much?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Utopia122, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I'm thinking ahead to December, but I have to...Me, my husband, and all three of our kids have birthdays in December, so it requires quite a bit of planning to get everything for that month including Christmas. The girls will be 8 and are wanting an iPod for Christmas, I think it's going to be a waste, personally. They already have a DS and they aren't in to music a great deal yet. However, they read constantly and are both reading 4th and 5th grade level books, so I thought a Kindle Fire might be a better option. I could load books on there and they could read, watch videos and play games. It just seems a little more worth the money. As a matter of fact, one girl just came and got my kindle and took it to bed with her while I was typing this. They each have flashlights by their bed and usually read just about every night until they fall asleep. It seems ideal....however, sharing one probably won't work. If I bought each one, can I buy books and share them among both Kindles? Not really sure how that works so wanted to ask on here and get some opinions on this idea. TIA!.
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, once you purchase something for one kindle, you can download it on a second kindle.

    Our kids were 11, 6 and twin almost 4 yr olds last christmas. My older two have DS's already. So I debated getting the leapfrog leappad's for the twins, or DS's or something. I decided to get a kindle fire for my 4 kids to share. Best.Thing.Ever. They can read books, play games, watch netflix on it. They share very well on it. I have one myself so the 4 kids share the two kindles a lot of times. I'm not disappointed with it at all. And the games are, at most, $2-3 each, rather than $20-25 each for DS or leappad games.

    If all 4 kids want to play at the same time, the older 2 kids bring their DS's out, and all 4 of them take turns and mix and match the kindles and ds's. My oldest son did 6 book reports off of kindle books last spring. Was wonderful not having to try to find something at our very small local library, I just jumped on the kindle and searched for the books he needed, a couple were free (the classics) and a couple cost me a few dollars.
  3. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    My boys got Kindles for their birthday and they love them.

    Once you buy an app or book once, it can be shared on all the Kindles. You manage it directly from your Amazon account too, so I can buy books or whatever and put them on their Kindles without ever even turning the Kindle on. The new ones also have the FreeTime app which allows you to set time limits for each activity.
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    At 8 I'd definitely go with a kindle or kindle fire... but if you go with the fire I would still do real books. I have a kindle fire and I can't really imagine reading on it... it wouldn't be as relaxing as a real book or a kindle and would probably just tire my eyes after a while. I mean, it does count as screen time, whereas a kindle would not.
  5. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    My girls love their Ipod touches. They are not super into music but they love personalizing their Itouch and listening to their songs. They also have basic Nooks, that are cheap and they can take to school. Their grandma recently bought them Ipads that we do not allow go to school. But I have no problem with the Nooks going there.
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    The girls have an iPad mini and I have one when they both want to play
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    My girls both have Kindles and use them all the time. We can borrow books at the library to our Kindles (and my Kindle app on my iPad). So no, I don't think they are too much. :)
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