Kindermusik or Gymboree? ...and what age is best?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kellyx2, Jan 6, 2007.

  1. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    I'd like to enroll the girls in something in the spring but I don't know what.
  2. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    I'd like to enroll the girls in something in the spring but I don't know what.
  3. duranjt

    duranjt Well-Known Member

    Before you enroll in anything, check the parent/kid ratio required. I wanted to sign up for a gymboree class and was told that I had to have an adult for each baby because the class was "mobile". If they were still "lumps" (my word, not theirs[​IMG] ) there was still only one class I could bring them to, but otherwise I would still need another set of hands for the boys.
    [​IMG] Nicole
    P.S. let me know if you find out anything about kindermusic classes..I did them myself at home with my older girls, but if they're more twin friendly, I could look them up!
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We did Gymboree, but I didn't start it--or any classes until they were 14 months and solid walkers. Up until then they were too busy eating and sleeping for me to get them anywhere. Personally, I feel that classes before a year are more for the mom than the baby. I am lucky enough to have a network of friends and we would just babysit for each other and have playdates on a weekly basis.
  5. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    We have been going to gymboree since about 4 months. I am fortunante enough to have my mom go with me. I actually drive 45 minutes so it is convenient for my mom to attend with me. I think at 0-6 months it is definitely more for the moms, but after that it becomes more for the kids. I think you get out of it what you put in it. They have handouts with home activities and many good challenging activities in the classes. Mine are absolutely exhausted at the end of the class and I know they love going (or I wouldn't spend so much $$).
    You definitely need 2 adults for a while.
    I don't know about kindermusik, so I can't help you there.
  6. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    With my dd1 we did Kindermusik beginning at 5.5 months. We continued until she was almost one. It was a blast! I hope to do it with my little girls this spring while dd1 is at her pre-preschool. Our classes are pretty casual & I bet our teacher will let me have both babies by myself (but just in case, I'll check).
    Good luck & have fun!
  7. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We took our first class at around 3-4 mos. It was a mommy and me type of thing through the neighboring city's rec center. Like Sharon, it was DEFINITELY more for the moms than anything else. Mine just chilled out on their tummies or in their bumbo seats (a great tool to use if you go to things like this with pre-sitters).

    Our second class we went to, and one in which we are still enrolled, we started at around 7-8 months. It is a mommy and me class (like an intro to preschool) that involves music and free play. The second year incorporates crafts, stories, recess, and much more. This is through our local school district and very inexpensive. In the beginning, this class is definitely for the moms. Now, it is for both! [​IMG]

    Our third class we went to was a baby gymnastics class at 1 year (geared for pre-walkers). This was lame. The kids couldn't walk (but could crawl) and were all over the place. I was fine with that, but it involved a lot of one-on-one which was near to impossible with infant twins.

    My advice? It doesn't matter what class you take, but understand that it is more for your benefit at this point. It is a time for you to get out of the house, socialize, and meet new people.

    Enjoy!!! I love taking classes and have from the beginning.
  8. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    Anyone know of classes that doesn't require two adults? I was thinking about this myself... and need "two adults". I was even thinking about swimming class... 2 adults needed so hopefully they have a weekend class. husband's friend's wife swears by these classes both for her and her daughter.
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