Kind of depressed

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Cindy123, Oct 19, 2007.

  1. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    I know I know I know I shouldn't worry about milestones but now our pedi has set up an EI eval for us. Add to that that DH was laid off the next day and I'm just needing some reassurance about something right now. One DD just started army crawling this week, the other rolls and pulls herself forward (although she did try to sit up from her tummy twice last week). They both support their weight if we hold them but don't try to take steps, neither one has ever shown signs up pulling up. The don't play peek-a-boo or wave. Both are very "talkative" and I think my name is Ham, but no words yet other than babbling.

    What do you all think? I thought the doctor was being too premature but now I am not so sure.
  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    My one daughter didn't start crawling until around 13 months. It's good you are getting an evaluation, it can only help them. Grace got an evaluation at about the same age as your girls are. She's been progressing right along, never got any actual therapy yet, but she will starting in November because she's still not walking consistently on her own. She can walk, just takes a ton of prodding.

    Early intervention is really good if your girls need it. It will help a lot, don't stress. Every kid has their own timetable. Mine are on timetables that are like 6+ months apart from each other, it's really hard not to compare.
  3. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    I know how you feel about the evaluation coming up. My Nefeli is behind in her physical milestones and she started physical therapy a couple months ago. We will be seing a child neurologist/developmental specialist in the next couple of weeks. The way I try to see it is that either there's something I should know in order to help her along better or everything will be find and the assessment will have saved me alot of worrying and wondering. But it's like I want to know but then I don't. Hope everything goes well with the evaluation. Let us know how it went.
    Hopefully your dh will land a better job than the one he is being laid off fromm soon.

    :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Cindy, I am glad that you are getting the evaluation. In my opinion it can only help, either with reassurance, or by giving you some direction on how to help them progress. If they are delayed at all, the earlier that they begin therapies, the better.

    I'm so sorry that your dh was laid off.

    :love0028: :love0028: :love0028: Please keep us posted. You are in my thoughts. :love0028: :love0028: :love0028:
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I certainly can't hurt to get an evaluation. They might benefit from some therapy and you'll have something new to focus on.

    I'm sorry DH lost his job! :hug99: That sounds like an awful lot of stress!!! Hang in there and keep your chin up. Things will turn around soon!! :hug99:
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Becky. I think it's a good thing to get them evaluated, just in case. If they do need therapy it would benefit them to start as early as possible.

    Sorry to hear about DH. I hope things will turn around for you!
  7. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm sorry this is happening all at once. I agree with everyone in that the evaluation is a positive thing, they can say everything is fine or start working on helping them out. I know it's hard and we are all here for you. :hug99: I hope new doors open up for your dh soon. Please keep us updated. :love0028:
  8. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you're feeling bad. Both of my girls have been very slow to move too. Bella was born with clubbed feet and dislocated hips, so we expected her to be slow. But Josie doesn't have anything wrong with her, and she just started walking independently full-time about two weeks ago, at 19 months. At one year she was wasn't moving at all - not even rolling to get places. After seeing a PT through EI for about 6 months she went from not moving at all to walking. I bet your kids will start doing a lot of new things over the next couple of months. Hang in there!
  9. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone, I already feel better with your positive encouragement, you guys are awesome! :love0028:
  10. cmudeanna

    cmudeanna Active Member

    I also had them evaluated by EI and they qualified for speech. They are going to be part of a communication playgroup in November for six weeks and then they will be evaluated again.

    They were crawling at about a year and one of my guys started pulling himself up at about 13 months and the other 14 months. One started walking about 15 months and my other guy just started walking about three weeks ago.
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