Kids Table and Chairs?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sam & madi's mom, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. sam & madi's mom

    sam & madi's mom New Member

    What age if at all did you let your twins try to eat at a little table or kid picnic table?
    I was over to a friends for a birthday party and the girls ate at a kid picnic table and loved it and ate everything. I am just wondering if it was a noveltie and if they had it at home it would just be a huge mess???
    Help if anyone has switched your children
    Thanks Tania
  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I think my DS was definitely 2. He was old enough to each with utensils I think. We love our little table. It would be a good Christmas present for your girls!
  3. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I found a great deal on a Little Tykes picnic table ($7!) so I got it, thinking they wouldn't be ready for it. Got it home, cleaned it all up & set it out for them and they just LOVED it. So I've been keeping it in the house for snacks, or taking it to Grandma's if we go over for dinner (if we're eating outside on the lawn).

    Today, though, I was wanting to hose off the regular high chairs really well, so I had them in the driveway to be cleaned & thought it'd be a good time to see how they did with just the table.....what a mistake!! Although they love it & will normally eat well at it, today they just wouldn't sit still. They'd take a bite, get up & all over the house. Come back for another bite & take off again.... :rolleyes:

    Anyway, we still love ours & I think for awhile still it'll be the "snack table". :)
  4. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I was at my friends house over the weekend and my travel (hook on) high chair didn't fit on her table so she brought out her son's table and chair set. I was a little nervous to put them on the chairs but we had to other option. They sat on those chairs and and ate off the table like big kids for the whole meal. I was totally shocked!! I would say yours are most likely at a good age to start, maybe it would be a good Christmas present. ;)
  5. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Goodness, we have been eating at our little table and chairs or picnic table for some time (since maybe 18-20 months). They usually get lunch on one of those tables, and then the other meals are at the big table with the family. They love sitting at their pint-sized tables and they sit and chat while doing so. It is fun to watch. BUT...mine usually do not eat as well at their little tables because I am not sitting with them. WHen we all sit together and eat, they tend to eat well and mealtimes are a little less stressful.
  6. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    That was their 2 year b-day gift from my MIL. At first, they didn't eat at it until I hurt my back. And, then that became easier than picking them up into chairs. Mine really like their set a lot. We use it everyday.
  7. Brownsugar

    Brownsugar Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting this. I was just on trying to decide on table & chairs fior my two. Anyone reccommend any one in particular? Thanks!
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