Kids reading comic books, what age?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by jenn-, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    DD brought home an AR book from school and it is a Spiderman comic book (hardcover edition). This book is on her AR level but I don't know how I feel about letting her read it. Spiderman is full of violence with full detailed pictures to go along with the words. So mommies, do you think I should send it back, or let her read it?
  2. JenJefLog

    JenJefLog Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, that's a good question. I'm assuming you probably wouldn't let her see the Spiderman movies, but if you do, then I don't see the harm in reading the book. What other types of shows does she watch? Again, if she normally doesn't see this type of stuff on TV, then maybe it would be better for her not to read it. Of course, Spiderman and all the other superhero comics have been around since most of us were kids and I don't think there was such a concern about the violence in them back then. To me, it's not as desensitizing as the violence you see on so many TV shows these days since it's so obviously not real. Not sure I've helped much here....
  3. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Well in the end I decided I wasn't comfortable with her reading the comic book. This was actually a twofold issue, one being the violence in the book, and the other would she be able to handle the comic book format for reading. She probably does see more violence on tv then she would have in the book, but I am trying to cut back on it. The books she came home with today were much better.
  4. JenJefLog

    JenJefLog Well-Known Member

    I think, in the end, doing what you did is the most important--going with your gut and what you're most comfortable with.
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