Kids Harness users, did you use 1 or 2?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lrothrock1, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    I am thinking about purchasing 2 harnesses for my girls. I've never liked the idea of these, however, I often have to football carry my girls back into the house becuase they gang up on me and run different ways. I'm wondering if I need only one, or should just by two to be safe. I found them on Ebay for $9.00. I've been running scenarios through my head that if one wants to get out of the stroller and walk, then the other probably would too. So 2 harnesses seem necessary. I can also see them getting tangled up together if they are both wearing them. What was your experience if you used a harness?
  2. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    I got two for our plane trip to FL last month. They are only $15 new at target and walmart. We got the puppy and teddy ones.

    Anyways, its was a JOKE! They boys would just pull us all around and then flop on the floor so we ended up carrying them anyways [​IMG] But when we tried them at home and at the Mall they worked well. Go figure.

    Good luck!!!!!!
  3. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    I bought 2 of the Eddie Bauer ones (look like a stuffed animal) at Target for $9.99 each. At 20 months, I've started taking the boys for walks outside with them on. Want them to get used to holding my hand and walking but this is extra protection in case they bolt. Both boys have done well with theirs and they give them a hug when I pull them out.

    Here are 2 pics of the boys with them on waiting for their walk. I don't have the leashes on yet, but they match the fabric of their bears.

    Pic 1

    Pic 2

    We do keep Ethan on a short "leash" as he gets going pretty fast and trips. If we hold the leash up close, we are able to catch him before he lands :)

    Good luck with whatever you decide.

  4. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    I have them. I also have the Teddy and Doggy from Walmart that were around 10 each. I haven't used them yet this summer. I do plan on it though. I am even thinking of getting another for when I am babysitting a little guy a month older than my 2.
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I've got the monkey and the doggy and we tried it once at the zoo and it was pretty funny. Picture me pulling the wagon and the two of them going in different directions!! I just had to laugh.

    We haven't really practiced much since, but I am planning to get better at it. It's like anything, if you want to (I hope) you can make it work.

    I have seen those from safety1st or something that have two harnesses and then one that goes between the kids. That's not such a bad idea!
  6. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    We got them as a birthday gift from another twin mommy... [​IMG] Maybe she knows something I didn't...LOL! But we do plan on trying them this summer. I want to use them in the house for awhlie and let them get used to it, before I take them out and they get tangled, or fall. I guess it is just because I want to be able to "practice" it too. Sorry no advice but I will be watching to see what others think about them as well. BTW...the ones we have are a stuffed monkey backpack from Walmart.
  7. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    I don't mean to steal your post by any means. It's just a good point that you bring up. I've been thinking about getting harnesses and wondering if/when I would use them over the stroller. After reading your post, it made me think about using them to get the boys in and out of the car for church. My DH is gone for four months and having to drag out the stroller for that is kind of a pain.
    Good luck w/ your decision.
  8. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    we bought 2 at target.. the bear backpacks for 9.99 each. They love them! it's kind of funny. They feel so proud walking around in them and even ask to wear them inside. I've only used them a couple times in public and it's still hard. Anywhere you want to go you still follow them, so I'm not sure it would work for a walk to church, but it is good insurance if they bolt. But they could always bolt in opposite directions which make it hard.
  9. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    I have these harnesses they are pretty good for us. I like th eidea of the ring to keep them from getting tangled, never had a problem though.
  10. shanm

    shanm Well-Known Member

    We bought them, but oddly enough they just want to hold our hands. They have been getting more ambitious about checking out the environment, so they run off anyways (I don't want them to fall, so when we are in our neighborhood I don't hold the leash). One thing it has done for us though, is that it has taught them that when they have them on, it is walking time and they are expected to hold my hand. Matthew will actually point to them (we keep them on a shelf) when he wants to go walking. So we haven't been completely productive with them because they are really checking out their environment, but it has helped because they have an expectation level. Maybe if we use them more, that expectation level will develop more.
  11. Jenstwins

    Jenstwins Active Member

    My girls are almost 2.5 and we received them for their second birthday and i love them. I gives me the freedom to go out with just them (DH at work or away all the time) we go for walks and to the park and i know they are safe, they love them call them their puppies of backpack and hand me their tails when they are ready to go. Its great when you have to just pop into the store for milk no stroller issues the grocery store near me only has single seated carts.

    Anyway i would say yes two they are great.
  12. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    I would definatly buy two, i dont like the idea of them but know Im going to end up buying some.
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