
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Stephanie1074, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    Ok, so this morning my daughter (3 years old) climbed into bed with me after my husband left for work. While she was sleeping she kicked me right in the belly, not that hard, but hard enough to think about it... I haven't really felt any different during the day, but I was wondering if I should be worried about it? I am only 17 weeks so they probably have a lot of cushioning around them still... Any thoughts?
  2. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Personally I wouldn't worry about it. If you've felt fine all day then I'm sure your baby is fine. My girls, who are 4-1/2, still have a hard time remembering to stay away from my belly. Last weekend Kelly laid down her head rather hard on my belly and it felt different than it normally would. I winced but I think it was more because I was in protect mode then it relly hurting.

    Just check how you feel but I'm sure that your baby is ok. :hug99:
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I scrapped my belly on a counter (don't ask) and I was really nervous. My doc said as long as I didn't have any bleeding or cramping then not to worry. The babies have tons of protection in there. Just be aware of anything feeling different and in the meantime try not to stress because that can make you feel things that you wouldn't normally feel.
  4. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I was thinking that if it was something to worry about then I would have felt differenly, but I was still thinking about it all day! I am glad to hear others have had similar experiences with no problems!
  5. yeytheirtwins91907

    yeytheirtwins91907 Well-Known Member

    Just to make you feel better my aunt was kicked in the stomach by a horse and her daughter is about to turn 30! You should be fine!
  6. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    While I was shopping yesterday, I was at a store where they have those really deep deep carts. Well, while unloading the cart to pay for my groceries, I kinda smooshed the top of my belly. Baby B got really mad at me I think b/c he kicked the mess out of me and kept kicking me for a while after I did that. I felt fine though and he has been moving normal since yesterday so I am not worried.
  7. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all of the reassurance... I was hoping it was nothing to worry about. I feel fine, no changes or anything!
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