I really want to get the kids trikes for their birthdays. Everyone raves about the kettler ones (including the folks at the bike shop where we get our bicylcles) but I just want some expert opinions from those who have them (or decided not to get them) before I splurge. So . . . - if you have one, what made you decide to get it, has it been worth it, and how long will you use it (will this do us until they are ready for big kid bikes with training wheels?)? - if you didn't get one - why not, what did you get instead and are you happy with your decision? thanks everyone!
We had Kiddio ones from TRU that are also made my Kettler I believe but don't have the pushbar (that is a feature of the Kettrike right?). I think we paid $30 for our trikes and I kid you not they looked exactly like the traditional Kettler. K&K got them for their second birthday and we just passed them along to another set of twins this past winter, as far as I know they are still going strong. Ok, looks like the cost has gone up in the last 3 years (big surprise there right?), but you can find something pretty close to what we had (although not exactly) here. I loved their trikes, they loved their trikes and we definitely did use them until they got regular bikes! I don't have any complaints.
We have the Kettler trikes and got them on the recommendations of several people. The tricycles are really well made and I can see them lasting for several years. My kids got theirs for Christmas when they were 18 months old and they still have a hard time pedaling the tricycles. The tricycles are a bit heavier so I think it's makes it a bit difficult for them to pedal. The pushbar was nice to use when they were younger for walks around the neighborhood but we don't even use them now. We also have a fisher price plastic tricycle and that one they can pedal with no problem.
QUOTE(Dianne @ Jun 11 2007, 09:22 AM) [snapback]287663[/snapback] We had Kiddio ones from TRU that are also made my Kettler Dianne - a co-worker of mine who has 4.5 y.o. twin girls also recommended those. I found this version that does have a push bar and is for ages 2 and up (vs the one you linked is ages 3 and up). http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?p...rentPage=family seems like a great option for us - thanks for the suggestion!
A friend here curses her Kettler everyday. She keeps having it repaired and it keeps breaking. She also bought it with the idea that it would last for years. Since we can't afford Kettler anyway, we went with the twist trike from Radio Flyer. So far, so good.
Ours looked very similar! Glad you found one with the bar, I didn't see it in my search! A little pricey still but definitely less than the Kettrike.
We had the Kettlers, and they rode them from age 2 until they got two-wheelers (with training wheels) at age 4. One is still in my garage, and the other I sold to a neighbor. They are great. My friend wanted one after seeing that they don't tip as easily as many of the other trikes.
you guys gave me another idea - i checked craigslist and found a couple - so maybe i can find a used one (or two). they seem to hold up so well that a used one would work well, i think. i'm always looking for a bargain!
QUOTE(Dianne @ Jun 11 2007, 10:22 AM) [snapback]287663[/snapback] K&K got them for their second birthday and we just passed them along to another set of twins this past winter, as far as I know they are still going strong. I loved their trikes, they loved their trikes and we definitely did use them until they got regular bikes! I don't have any complaints. They are still going strong!! We are planning to bring them to the Cape with us next week to keep there for the summer. They will be able to get a lot more use from them down there because it isn't as hilly as here at home.
I think they are WAY overpriced for a tricycle that your kiddos will use for 2-4 years max. I got dd a radio flyer with handle and she used it for 2-3 years and its still in exc cond. Now one of the boys is using it and my inlaws got one for the other twin. I think we paid maybe $40 for it at TRU like 6 years ago? And now the boys can ALREADY petal them pretty good. So i dont see them using them more than 2 years and then they will be on regular bikes iwth training wheels.
I got a Kettler with the Pampers points and the help of some very kind Twinstuff'er. Honestly, I don't see what the hype is all about. Granted, it's sturdy and fun looking. But I think that the size it's recommended for is not right. Moshe still can't get his legs to the pedals, nor to reach the floor. The seat is too far from the handlebars. Would I pay for a full priced? no way.
We love ours and count them as some of the best toy investments we have made. DS #2 received one for his 3rd birthday and rode it constantly until 2 years later when N&D were ready for it. Then I bought one more from One Step Ahead and also the double seat that converts the first one into a two-seater. They LOVE their bikes. They can pedal really fast on them and have never tipped them over. The size also adjusts very easily. My large, almost 6 year old can still ride it - although he prefers his 'real' bike. The twins, who are nearly 4 still love them and ride them all the time. FWIW, I (and both boys) prefer the original Kettler that we purchased at a bike shop, over the other Kettler that we bought from One Step Ahead. It seems to ride a bit smoother, and the turn is a bit wider (making it more stable). We love them both, but I think the more expensive ones are made a bit nicer.