Ketones and Glucose in Urine

Discussion in 'General' started by agunn, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. agunn

    agunn New Member

    Hello All!  It's been a long time since I've been on the forum...I used it quite frequently when I was pregnant and now my daughters are turning four!
    Anyways, one of my twins recently had a week where she was urinating on herself.  This was very unusual as she has been potty trained for quite a while.  She was not having any symptoms of a urinary tract infection.  She has had issues with anxiety and sleeping, so I took her to the doctor expecting that the sudden urinary issues were related to her prior issues.
    At the pediatrician's, we got quite a surprise.  She did not have any bacteria in her urine, but she was spilling significant amount of ketones and glucose into her urine.  Some of you may know that this is a classic sign of DKA in diabetes patients.  The doctor sent us straight to an external lab for a repeat UA and bloodwork.  Their UA confirmed the results of the first.  However, the blood work came back with LOW glucose.  This is highly unusual since she was clearly spilling glucose into her urine earlier in the day.  We repeated all of the tests two days later, but they all came back as normal.  She has now stopped urinating on herself as frequently- she only had one accident this past week whereas it had been multiple times daily.  She is happy and not showing any other signs of illness.  She has been tested once before for diabetes when she had a sugar spike while ill.  Once more, her levels normalized the next time she had blood work done.  Her twin does not have any symptoms and has never been tested for diabetes.  However, I'm concerned.  As the doctor told me on the first day, there is no reason for there to be ketones AND glucose in the urine other than because of diabetes or kidney malfunction.  Now, he is telling me to forget about the first results since the second ones came back normal.  
    Has anyone else had this experience?  Or does anyone have any medical knowledge to help better explain this to me?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think you should call a pediatric endocrinologist. Yes glucose and ketones in the urine are classic DKA signs, but the fact that they resolved on their own is what's weird.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Also, ketones on their own can be normal from starvation (like being sick) but if she was simply sick, she wouldn't have glucose in her urine. That only happens when he body is unable to metabolize glucose.
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I agree with bex that you should see a pediatric endocrinologist. Good luck :hug:
  5. kim01

    kim01 Well-Known Member

    Also you spill ketones (for non diabetics) I am diabetic have been for 34 years or so. But you can also spill ketones if you have been working out and your burning up muschle. What spilling keytons is is like this- you have blood playlets think of them as circles in your blood stream. As you eat your sugar rises and the sugar begins to stick to those circles. When the circles are full that's whey they spill over in the urine. You only have 2 ways to get rid of keytones- vomiting, and urinating. So it is possible that she had high blood sugar when the tests were taken and that's why it was down when they repeated them several days later. You can get keytone strips over the counter to test your self. You can also get a glucose meter and check her sugars often. When the sugar is high the body is starving for energy, so it will eat muscle,kideney eyes etc to get that energy. That's how a non diabetic would spill keytones is if they were burning muscle. Those that workout a lot or hard might find that they spill keytones in their urine.
    If you have any more questions feel free to pm me.
  6. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was going to say possibly dehydration and maybe a high amount of sugar before the test?? 
    I'm a tad more relaxed and if I got a normal test result and the 'issues' that you were having earlier have resolved themselves-I'd just keep my eyes open for any additional symptoms. 
    Bex knows quite a bit about this though so maybe it wouldnt hurt to see and endo-if that's an option for you right now.
  7. agunn

    agunn New Member

    Thanks for the feedback, everyone!  I think I'm going to follow up with a specialist.  It's just very bizarre, and I want to cover all our bases.
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