Keep Germs at Home

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bensona, Dec 22, 2006.

  1. bensona

    bensona Well-Known Member

    a post about the tummy bug made me think about this woman i overheard in line at the craft store yesterday. get this... she had a very sick looking 10 year old with her. a friend of hers stopped to say hello and asked why the boy wasn't in school. she proceeded to whisper that he had the Flu but she had so many errands to run that he was 'hanging in there'.

    does that strike you all as wrong? not only did the boy need rest but how many other people are now going to get sick b/c she needed junk from the craft store. ugh.

    just needed to vent. we stay home when we're sick and we don't go out until fevers have been gone for 24 hours. i sure wish more people did too
  2. bensona

    bensona Well-Known Member

    a post about the tummy bug made me think about this woman i overheard in line at the craft store yesterday. get this... she had a very sick looking 10 year old with her. a friend of hers stopped to say hello and asked why the boy wasn't in school. she proceeded to whisper that he had the Flu but she had so many errands to run that he was 'hanging in there'.

    does that strike you all as wrong? not only did the boy need rest but how many other people are now going to get sick b/c she needed junk from the craft store. ugh.

    just needed to vent. we stay home when we're sick and we don't go out until fevers have been gone for 24 hours. i sure wish more people did too
  3. Whoa Mama

    Whoa Mama Well-Known Member

    Well, my kids are my absolute #1 priority, so if one of them was sick we'd be at home s/he would be in bed and I'd be making sure s/he had what they needed to be comfy, get rest and be better.

    Anything else in the world can WAIT!!!!!
  4. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    yeah that's pretty bad. if my kids were sick they would most def. be acting miserable and I wouldn't want to take them anywhere! poor thing, he probably just wanted to go home and lay down [​IMG]
  5. bensona

    bensona Well-Known Member

    you know he did, he can't asking his mom to feel his head b/c he felt hot [​IMG]
  6. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I have to admit I have been in Target with a sick kid, but it is because I need to get his meds, and if I don't take him, we would have to wait until the next day if DH got home after 7. But I do take care to keep him away from anyone and touching things. I definately agree about a craft store, though, not a necessary trip!

    BTW, I am fortunate in that my kids are rarely sick!
  7. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Well, my kids are my absolute #1 priority, so if one of them was sick we'd be at home s/he would be in bed and I'd be making sure s/he had what they needed to be comfy, get rest and be better.

    I agree. It's kind of like when you have the flu, you would rather be at home sleeping/resting...the last thing you want to do is being drug out to run errands. I feel bad for that little boy.
  8. Shanonlee

    Shanonlee Well-Known Member

    My kids have been sick since Wednesday and they havent left the house (just to go to the Dr's). Ive sure had errands to run the last few days too but i would never think of taking them out in public being as miserable as theyve been! Thats not fair to her kid or everyone else shes exposing him to.
  9. tracyob

    tracyob Well-Known Member

    Last week we had colds here and missed the last library session for the year. I was bummed they missed it (they just love it) but I would never even think of bringing them anywhere sick; it isn't fair to them or others they would infect! Poor kid should have been home in bed!
  10. MOM2AAA

    MOM2AAA Well-Known Member

    When I was working this irked me more than anything because I would have to take a sick day (more valuable than GOLD!) if my kids were sick, not to mention that it no fun for anyone when one of us is sick!
    We stopped putting DD1 in the nursery at church because all of these moms kept putting their sick, snotty, diarea kids in the nursery to all suck on the same toys, etc... It seemed like every week she would go to church she would come down with something on Wed the following week. It was maddening. I think some people were upset with us, but if we wanted to go to church we would pack snacks and toys and sit in the very back row so as not to have to put her in the nursery.
    We also follow the same 24 hour rule. No one goes anywhere until they have been fever-free, vomit-free, and diarea-free for 24 hours. We also don't go anywher if the snot running out their noses is green in color!

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