just when i thought the day couldn't get worse...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by axpan, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    they called me from day care to pick up my Iris because she had a fever of 103. i was so angry at them. i'm sure her fever didn't go up from one minute to another and they really should have caught it earlier. anyway i picked them up and luckily we had a pedi appointment scheduled that afternoon for vaccinations. so the pedi sais Iris has a double ear infection and Nefeli (who I thought was just fine) has the croup :eek:
    and as if this wasn't enough for one day we get home and dh dropped Nefeli. after bathtime she was all wet and slippery and she fell on her butt and back unto her head. this was on a soft wood floor. i'm so worried. i called two pediatrists and they both told me to wake her up a couple of times during the night, watch out for vomiting, unresponsiveness, crossed eyes or lack of appetite. if any of that happens to take her to the er. can you think of anything else I should watch out for???
    i'm so freaking out here. it's 7pm in this part of the world so they've just gone to bed.
    i await your words of wisdom....
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you had such a rotten day! I really think Nefeli's head is probably OK. If you are really worried, you can call the on-call doc at night, but I think they gave you a good list of things to watch for. (The only thing I might add -- not that I know anything! -- is that if she's really fussy, she might have bruised her tailbone and need some Tylenol.) Babies & toddlers have remarkably hard heads.

    Sarah fell backwards off the top of the slide (a low slide -- maybe a 4-foot fall) at the playground the other day and landed on her shoulders & the back of her neck. She was terrified and turned really pale, and I was scared for a few minutes, but after she stopped screaming, she squirmed out of my arms and ran off to play some more. She is totally fine and has shown no signs of injury at all.

    I am convinced we are going to drop one of the girls when getting them out of the tub one day, especially when they're squirmy. When we do it, I just hope they hit the floor (like Nefeli did) instead of the side of the tub.
  3. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    What a hard day! I hope everyone is feeling better soon. As far as signs to look for, I guess this is the same as unresponsiveness, but if you're having trouble waking her up that's a big concern. The signs the doctor mentioned are all classic signs of a concussion. Good luck!

  4. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry this happened. We just went through a good knock on the head with Ethan a couple of weeks ago. We kept him up for naptime and I slept in his room that night. I watched for what the drs. told you to watch for. Also make sure she is acting normally (walking ok -- not falling over, etc). I also took Ethan into a dark room and turned on the light to watch his pupils dilate -- wanted to make sure they did and that they both reacted the same way. He was fine. I think Nefeli will be fine but it's scary when they hit their heads hard.
  5. R2cuties

    R2cuties Well-Known Member

    Sorry you are having such a bad day. She's probably fine though. They are pretty tough. the week before the girls' birthday, Lanie rolled down the stairs. Thank God she was okay. I took her to the hospital for a cat scan and just kept checking on her that night. If she shows changes, I'd take her for a test to make yourself feel better.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Try not to worry too much!! :hug99: She'll be fine! They are So much more resilient than we imaging. Since she's not feeling well already, it's doubly concerning I am sure! Hope you have a good night!! :hug99:

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