Just waiting around....

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Susanna+3, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    You know, I really didn't think I would go into labor until February. My dh works horrible hours in January, and I just felt like this poor kid would be cheated at birthday time every year. But now that I'm actually past 39 weeks I'm getting really impatient for labor to start. I was in labor at this gestation with my last child...granted it was a three day labor...so I could still have this kid around the same time-frame with a shorter labor. My mom took my kids this weekend, knowing that my dh was going to be working the weekend again and wanting to give me a break. God bless my mom. But I am soooooo bored. I feel like I'm just sitting around waiting for something to start. I've definitely had an uptick in contractions, on friday night I even had 2 hours of contractions that were 10 minutes apart on the dot. But he was moving around a lot so I just had a hunch that it wasn't the real deal.

    Anyway I should be enjoying this unexpected break before this baby comes, but I find myself totally bored to tears. It's like I got everything done on my list to accomplish before he comes... his stuff is ready... I cleaned my house from top to bottom on friday (that explains the contractions! lol)... I'm caught up with my scrapbooking... I've got my cameras ready... I even went out and bought and wrapped the birthday gifts for my twins' birthday in March and my niece's birthday in March so that it would be all ready to go. About the only thing left I could do is to stencil in my son's bedroom...a project I didn't get to in the fall when I did the girls' bedrooms. But we did put up wall stickers already in his room, and it's such a big project to stencil I'm not in the mood. I feel like I need to crochet something or knit! LOL. I don't know how I coped with the boredom when I was on modified bedrest for weeks during my last pregnancy. I can't seem to deal with 2 days of down time!

    Well... I guess I'll go eat lunch. LOL.
  2. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    LOL. I know all about being impatient. Both my singletons were late. I kept second guessing myself when I went into labor with Sam since he was the only one I went into labor with (was induced the 2 previous times). Glad you found things to do!!! Becca's birthday is February 2nd so I'll hope your LO arrives then. It's a nice day :)
  3. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    My c-section is in 9 days and I swing from wanting it to hurry up and get here to wanting/needing a little more time to get everything ready. I'm trying really hard to cross things off my to-do list and this weekend we accomplished a ton (14 of 17 to do's down!). I've been having more contractions and the baby is always head-butting me in the cervix which is something I never experienced with the twins since they were never head down. It reminds me that I'm really about to have another baby! I'm not necessarily bored because the kids keep us moving (wish our families lived closer so we could have a little down time or a date before this little girl's birth) but doesn't the end of pregnancy bring on a wild range of emotions? I go from happy and excited to nervous and teary-eyed hoping I can handle three babies at once in an hour's time. Just wanted to let you know you're not waiting alone! Enjoy your down time!
  4. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Still here... got the kids back this morning. The break was nice, but I did miss them. And of course, I felt great this weekend, and as soon as the kids are back in the house Caleb is bouncing off my cervix again, sending shock waves down the nerves in my thigh and hip! He must've been bored without them too.
  5. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    Can't wait to hear your birth story and see pics!! I hope he comes soon, I know waiting is hard.
  6. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Still here... sigh... due date is tomorrow. I've had more contractions the last 2 days, but they always seem to taper off at bedtime. Just trying to ignore the due date at this point... My latest baby was just 3 days late, so I'm hoping this kid isn't trying to set any records!.... And go figure we're due for a nice snow storm this weekend...
  7. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That means baby!!!!! ;) Good luck! Can't wait to hear your story!
  8. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    yup, still here... today's my due date....yahoo...
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