Just venting

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Eribour, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    Sorry to vent but.....

    My baby girl Allison has reflux. We are on med (a whole previcid) for it and it has helped. Things were going great for the last two months. She stooped spitting up everything she ate, the cramping ceased, she started sleeping better, and was so happy. And then Saturday happened. She started up with it all again. I was up all night last night with her. She threw up her dinner an bottle, won't eat today, ita aweful!! I'm tired at at a loss. I would take her into the doctor, bit I'm sure it's the reflux. Now she has only taken three ounces at each feeding before screaming. Wants to e held all day (at the hair dresser so baby free at the moment). I'm just frustrated b/c just when I think it's getting easier all hell breaks loose.
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh, I know exactly how that feels.. it seems like there's always something.

    I would take her to the dr. to get her meds re-evaluated. Maybe she needs to up her dosage or try a different drug? Poor little gal. Hang in there :hug:
  3. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. It's got to be frustrating. I know how stressed I am and we don't have any health issues!

    There are a lot of stomach bugs going around right now. It's really bad in our area. Maybe she has something? Since it started up out of the blue when she was fine that's what I would think. If she doesn't eat tomorrow I might just call in to the pedi and get their opinion. Good luck! :)
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yeah, I'd bring her in possibly because the med could have stopped working. That's the first thing I would do. Could she be teething? Or like a pp said, maybe she's got a bug or something?

    :hug: Momma! It's not easy! I hope she-and you-get some relief real soon!
  5. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Bring her in!obviously something is wrong. We are mommies but doctors.we don't know what is wrong. And things changes faster with babies.hope she feels better soon!
  6. zanetaya

    zanetaya Well-Known Member

    Sounds like what my little ones did when they got the flu. They were 3 months old when they got the stomach flu. Nasty stuff!!!
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