just turned one and getting a little freaked out

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by melissa1, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. melissa1

    melissa1 Well-Known Member

    I have a few concerns hope someone can help
    My boys are not walking yet steps here and there, but they seem to have no interest in it at all. They will come to me if I beg them, but that's it really.

    I am going to start the bottle weening, but they have a very hard time with food they choke on everything and only have their two bottom teeth (which they just got) so it is hard at dinner time alone,how am I supposed to know they are getting enough?

    Like I said they have only the two teeth so every single thing in the world that they see they put in their mouth..is that normal?

    One last thing and this is a big one..We were at babies r us and a little girl walked up to the boys and waved and said HI. I asked how old she was and her mom said she just turned one the same age as the boys! I am freaked cuz they boys do not wave or say hi or anything like that..They clap and say mama mainly when they cry and daddy mainly when they are happy lol a few other things that nobody can understand but me. Should I be worried??
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: Momma!! Your boys are still really young and I really don't think you need to worry. The "normal" range for walking and talking is HUGE!! There are plenty of babies that don't walk at all until they are 18 months or older. Your boys are their own individual people and will do things in their own time. My girls were all babbles until about 15 months old, then the words started to become more clear and now they don't stop talking!! Try not to worry, they still have plenty of time to learn those new skills. If you are still concerned, you can mention it to your pedi but I have a feeling he/she will tell you it is perfectly normal. :hug:

    As far as the feedings go, I wouldn't switch off formula until they are pretty proficient at eating table foods. Once they switch off formula they will need to get their nutrients from their food, which means they will need to be able to eat pretty well. Milk will just be a drink, and mainly a calcium supplement. We made the switch at 15 months.

    No need to rush, as this time in their lives goes by so quickly!! :hug:
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Your boys are fine! Mine did not walk until 15 months; actually Josh crawled for the first time on his first birthday. I think Dr's become concerned if they are not walking by the age of 2 so I really don't think you have anything to worry about.

    Talking: My boys are 20 months and still do not say any real words. They will say mama, dada, baba ect. They are in speech therapy and progress has been very slow. I know they will talk sooner or later so I'm not too worried about it and neither is their therapist. Josh still does not wave or say hi or point at things. Jake will wave but has yet to say it.

    As far as the food, I would stick with Stage 2 foods until they get more teeth.

    Have you had their 1 year well baby visit? I would bring up your concerns to their pedi. If anything you could request they get evaluated through Early Intervention which is run by the state. It does not cost anything to be evaluated and if they are delayed, the cost of therapy is based on household income.

    The one thing I have learned is not to compare them with other kids or even with each other.
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry. The worst thing with these forums and meeting other moms is how you can't help comparing to your kids!

    Keep offering them small bites of food, eventually they will get it!

    My two are almost 19 months... they still put everything in their mouth, they still don't have words (they try but what they say is so far off that I'm not sure it counts!), they just started waving a month ago (and DS still doesn't do it much). DD just started walking 3 weeks ago (she has muscular issues though so and can't walk more than 10 seconds without falling but we're working on that). Now, I know my kids are delayed but still early intervention evaluated them at 14 month for speech, and they have pretty strict time tables.

    I think it's just easier with twins, as you can't spend as much one on one time with them. You're doing fine!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Momma! My DS did not start really walking until he was 14 months old, Krystyn is correct that there is a huge range for walking.
    I do agree with not rushing with bottle weaning (my two were not off the bottle until 15-16 months old) and since they only have two teeth, I would keep up with the purees too. Definitely if you are concerned, you should check in with your pedi :hug:
  6. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I was really surprised to hear that the "average" age for walking is 14 months, and the normal range is very big, 9 months to more than 18 months. My DD wasn't taking any steps at 12 months, and DS took only one or two. Now, they both run and climb like crazy. Mine were also not talking a lot or making the same gestures that other kids seemed to be making. We were even a little worried at their 18 month appointment, and now, just a month later, they are talking like crazy. Complete sentences. It will all happen, and it sounds like your guys are on track. Talk to your pedi if you are concerned, but try not to worry too much. You'll be like me and surprised you were worried at all in a few months! :)
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I want to share a story about my brother. My Dad aways tells me that they were very worried because at almost 2, he would not walk. He would not even crawl; instead he would scoot on his butt across the floor. The day before his 2nd birthday he finally took his first steps.

    He is now 43 and is a marathon runner.
  8. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    hey, birthday buddies! my guys are at the same stage you are. jacob will take steps if i'm holding his hands. owen isn't interested in doing that. neither one stands without holding on to something, and neither one is anywhere near taking a step on his own. they say mama and dada and they've each tried to say "kitty" but that's it. they've only just started waving with any predictability in the last couple of weeks. owen self-feeds but jacob still gives me this dramatic gag face if i feed him textures and unless something is REALLY yummy he's not interested in putting food into his own mouth.

    both boys have about 6 teeth but i should mention that the doctor seemed surprised that they had so many teeth already. so i wouldn't worry if your pedi isn't worried. it's tough when you feel like your babies are behind and you meet another child of the same age who's already met milestones. but they'll get there soon enough.
  9. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    ditto PPs! don't worry! my girls just started toddling around in the past week or two here (at 14 months), and they just started waving within the last couple days. they used to say mama, dada & keekee (for kitty i think) a lot, but haven't said any of them in the last month (i think they've been focused on walking).

    i know how you feel though - my nephew is 3.5 months younger than my girls & he's been walking for a couple of months now. :pardon: babies are all so different.

    as for the food issue, i would also take the switch slow if they aren't eating well. my girls still only have their two bottom teeth & i give them just about everything to eat - just keep offering lots of different healthy choices every day & they'll get the hang of it. as for knowing whether they have gotten enough or not, i am a firm believer in that if you offer a variety of healthy foods throughout the week, toddlers will get what they need. they will not starve themselves. GL!
  10. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    its so hard not to compare, isn't it? we don't have any real words - ours are 16 1/2 months old... though today my dd said Ball, I'm sure, and signed it! woah! I'm so excited. My ds says mama, but who knows if he means mama... just keep plugging along teaching them new things. Waving... ours didn't either, the I realized I didn't coax them to wave. I started waving and saying bye bye to daddy in the morning and to others when we are out and about, they really started catching on. though still its funny... sometimes it takes their brains a bit to catch on to wave... like a minute later they'll do it, and we're already past that person - haha!

    If they are taking steps, walking should come fairly quickly, I think it was a month when ours started taking misc. steps until they were walking, and then another month until they were doing it well.

    as for foods... there are a lot of foods you can feed them that don't take teeth... oatmeal, lentils, yogurts, cottage cheese etc. and if you cook the veggies soft enough they can gum quite a few of them, carrots do real well and sweet potatoes, there are lots that you can cube up and they can self feed - which helps with hand/eye control too. but, yes, make sure they are getting good nutrition before you ditch the formula.

    As the pps said, bring up your concerns with your pedi, you are doing a great job.
  11. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I agree with Kyrstyns whole post! :good:

    My two didn't start walking until 14/15 months. They will get it!!

    They also had me worried about clapping and pointing. It just took them a bit to get it PLUS I never waved to them or really pointed at things. :huh: So, in other words, I just assumed they'd start doing these things. Once I was thinking more about it and started doing it more frequently, they caught on fast!

    As for the food, they can eat with no teeth, just make it smaller pieces. Having said that, my ds had alot of teeth and didn't eat table food until he was 16/17 months old. They will get there, in their own time. :hug:
  12. Carrie27

    Carrie27 Well-Known Member

    It is THE hardest thing not to worry about what your children are or are not doing, especially when comparing them to other children or even their own sibling. My oldest dd didn't walk until she was 14 months old, the twins are both taking more and more steps each day. Do they talk? My son says about 5 or so words, his twin sister, not so much just mama and dada and other babble noises, not words.

    To be completely honest, I was happy that my dd held off on walking. I didn't have to worry about her wanting to be taken out of her stroller or walk around the store when I was hugely pregnant with the twins.
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