Just turned 5 and getting an adult tooth

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Debb-i, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    Our boys just turned 5 yrs old. This past week when helping Luke brush his back teeth, I noticed an adult tooth emerging. :eek: Boy, they are growing up fast now! Anyway, it's coming in on the bottom (central incisor). It's seems young...but the thing that I'm worried about is that it's coming in behind his baby tooth. His baby tooth is not loose at all. He's getting shark teeth (2 rows of teeth! :eek: ).

    I plan to call their dentist tommorrow and see what he suggests. From what I gather via the internet, the baby tooth may have to be pulled if it doesn't get loose on its own. The new tooth hopefully then moves into the right place over time. Has anyone else had a child with this issue? Did the baby tooth eventually fall out or did it have to be pulled? Did their new tooth eventually position into the correct spot?
  2. BGTwins97

    BGTwins97 Well-Known Member

    My DD's four central bottom teeth all came in this way. One happened to have just broken through that way when she had a checkup; the dentist said he sees it all the time, and just like you said, keep an eye on it to make sure the baby tooth eventually loosens and comes out. They all fell out on their own, and the teeth migrated to the proper positions.

    I know it's hard not to worry, but it is pretty common and usually doesn't require any intervention.

    And yes, 5 is on the early end of the scale, but not abnormally early.
  3. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    Yep, it is perfectly normal, and the baby tooth will fall out on its own in time. Both of the twins have had this. It may take a few months for the baby tooth to fall out though.
  4. ehm

    ehm Banned

    Yup, happened here too. The baby teeth have always fallen out on their own (never had any pulled so far at least) and the adult teeth move into place naturally from the pressure of the tongue.
  5. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    Jackson has that going on with his top incisors right now. He visits a dentist every six months and the orthodontist every year to figure out when he'll start braces. Just last month, the ortho saw him and said there was no reason to worry about the "shark teeth."
  6. Haley'sHope

    Haley'sHope Well-Known Member

    we had this with our boys-they had just turned 6. the baby tooth did loosen & come out once the adult tooth started to push it. my husband is a dentist & says this is quite normal & that very often the cause of a baby tooth loosening is an adult tooth pushing it out.
  7. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    my dd had lost 4 teeth by 5 y/o. It happens. I also know someone who had teeth come in behind the baby teeth. I think they keep an eye on it and most of the time it's fine but everyonce in a while they need to be pulled.
  8. Wendianne

    Wendianne Well-Known Member

    My girls went for a checkup right around their 5th birthday and both have loose bottom middle teeth. Just yesterday I realized Cate has two big teeth behind hers. She's not even in kindergarten yet!

    We went through this with our older son and the dentist said to wait a few weeks. We ended up getting the baby teeth pulled because they refused to loosen on their own. The teeth did migrate to the correct spots.

    The dentist did say to call if the top teeth came in this way because it could throw off his bite. That might be just for his particular jaw or stubborn teeth, though, as I see others were told not to worry and it worked out fine.
  9. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    Last night, Jackson finally lost a baby tooth that's had an adult tooth growing in front of it for the last two years!
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