Just to introduce myself

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Roo74, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. Roo74

    Roo74 Member

    My twins just turned 1 on July 4th, so I guess I am now a member of this board. I have been lurking here for a few months, just to learn more about what is to come.
    I have boy/girl twins born at 35 weeks. I had cervical issues and had a cerclage put in at 19 weeks as my cervix was 1.3 cm at that time. I was on bed rest in the hospital for a week then was sent home on modified bed rest until I had a C section at 35 weeks. My girl (4lbs 1 oz)spent 11 days in the NICU and my boy (3lbs 12 oz) spent 18 days.
    I am excited (and a little sad) to be out of the 1st year. I loved our first year together, but am enjoying them even more now as they are so much fun and learning so many new things every day. I am a teacher, but took the first year off on maternity leave to SAH, now I have taken an unpaid year off. Still undecided if I will return to teaching after this year or will wait a few more. I love being a SAHM.
    We had a great first birthday party (or a "We survived the first year with twins" party) last weekend. It was so nice to celebrate this milestone.
    I am sure there will be all sorts of new challenges over the coming years though, and would love to have other people to chat with about them.

  2. tri159

    tri159 Well-Known Member

    Hey Roo!

    Welcome!! I recognize your name & birth story from Babycenter....do you remember me?? We ended up having our twins on the same day!! Mine was by C-Section after my water broke & the girls were not presenting head-down. So glad to have found you again! I haven't been on Babycenter basically since the girls were born...truth be told, I forgot my password...and I find TS much more helpful anyways!
    We just had our first birthday party yesterday and I feel like you: excited but sad that the first year is over. How time flies. How are you LO's doing now? Crawling? Cruising? Walking??? I need details!

    Welcome again, so glad to have you here!

  3. Roo74

    Roo74 Member

    Hi Melissa,
    I did post on Babycenter for a while, but don't do so very often anymore.
    That is cool that our twins were born the same day.
    My girl has been ahead of my boy right from the start. She is walking all over the place and has been for a month or more. My boy is cruising the furniture and walking holding on to my hand, but hasn't taken any steps alone so far. It was the same with all the milestones though, she was always a month to 5 weeks ahead of him. On the other hand he has hair (she is a baldy) and had 12 teeth (4 top, 4 bottom, 4 molars) when she only had the bottom 2. The last week she has gotten another two on top, so hopefully she will catch up.

    How are your girls doing?

    I have their 1 yr appointment on Tuesday, so am interested to see how heavy they are and how much they have grown. Not looking forward to their 1 year shots though.

  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: Roo!
    :bday: to your sweet boy and girl!
    I'm a mom of b/g twins too :wub:
  5. Roo74

    Roo74 Member

    Thank you Nancy!

    Boy/girl twins are great! Although I would have been happy with whatever combination I got probably.
  6. tri159

    tri159 Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear your LO's are doing so well! My girls are too, although they sound a bit slower than your two. Mine just started crawling at 10months, and are now climbing stairs, pulling up to stand, and cruising a bit. They don't really understand the whole putting one foot in front of the other to walk concept yet! Izzy has 3 teeth with one coming in, and Kate just cracked her first the day before they turned one. They are nursing, it took a while to get them started (3 months) but now they are pros! I'm also interested to see how they've grown at their 1 year appt, but have yet to make one since we're battling some illness here. They haven't been sick since they were 8months, so I guess it was about time, but I'm not used to all the neediness and lack of sleep!!

    Once mine are well, we should totally get together for a playdate! You're in Belleville, right?

  7. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday to your LOs and congratulations on surviving the first year! :clapping: Your story sounds similar to mine (bedrest until 35 weeks, C-section, and a boy in NICU for 18 days). :)

    Welcome! :D
  8. Roo74

    Roo74 Member

    Melissa, sorry, that is not me in Belleville. :( Wish I was so we could have a play date. I am in Nova Scotia.
  9. tri159

    tri159 Well-Known Member

    Thats right! Sorry, about that. I remember in our twin thread talking about differences in care depending on region. Well, thats too bad! I know there was one twin mom from babycenter who lived near me.......
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