Just so i am very clear to EVERYONE

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kaylaishaving2, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    Just so EVERYONE knows ...i posted the other day that i was supposed to have my csection right at 35 weeks due to the fact that i am moving in about 1-2 weeks and have no choice since my husband is in the military and we are getting relocated ! It was on short notice ..it wasnt supposed to be until after the babies are born but hey its the military and what they say goes and they change what they want when they want and there is nothing you can do . I dont appreciate anyone coming on here telling me that i should be more worried about the health of my babies rather then "my own convenience" if anyone thinks i would ever do anything intentionally to harm my babies then you are crazy ..my kids are my life . Im not just some young girl on here that is complaining about being too fat or in too much pain and im just ready to get them out of me ...what drives me crazy is the fact that i will be 36-37 weeks traveling and could go into labor at any given time and i would be stuck with no dr no nothing and giving birth on side of the road in my car ...so if i am selfish for wanting to give birth to my babies in a hospital with a team of drs that i know and trust then i guess i am selfish . But please dont come on here when i am asking for support because i am scared to death for the well being of my babies and tell me that i should be more worried about the health of my babies and what is best for them and that i am doing this for my own convenience ..because that is far from the truth . I started going into labor at 31-32 weeks and the fact that i have held it off this far is amazing to me and my drs . I have had 3 steroid shots so far for my pregnancy ...the 3rd as of yesterday because my drs are afraid im going to go into labor any day ....i started dialating at 32 weeks . So please if you dont know the whole story and you cant give me some positive support then dont say anything at all . I want to thank all of the people who did however give me great support on here ! I am a very sweet and kind person but if you start critisizing me on not doing what is best for my babies when you know nothing about me i do not appreciate it at all . Like i said before ..my children are my life ! Sorry for the rant but i had to get that off my chest .
  2. Renald99

    Renald99 Well-Known Member


    I didn't catch your post the other day, but just went back and read it. I saw no mention in that thread about your husband being military and you being due to move. I know I wasn't familiar with your situation, and I'd be willing to bet thats the case for most of the posters on the other thread.

    That said, IMHO doing what's best for the babies is the bottom line. Its up to you, your doctor & your husband to decide if that means having the kids before the move or after.

    Good luck!
  3. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(Renald99 @ Feb 23 2008, 09:36 AM) [snapback]636997[/snapback]

    I didn't catch your post the other day, but just went back and read it. I saw no mention in that thread about your husband being military and you being due to move. I know I wasn't familiar with your situation, and I'd be willing to bet thats the case for most of the posters on the other thread.

    That said, IMHO doing what's best for the babies is the bottom line. Its up to you, your doctor & your husband to decide if that means having the kids before the move or after.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the support ! This is what i had posted in reply to someone on my topic of scheduled c section for 35 weeks .

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    QUOTE(Overachiever @ Feb 15 2008, 09:56 PM)
    My girls were taken by c/s at 35 wks exactly and spent 3 weeks in NICU as feeders/growers. They were tiny, 3 and 4 lbs, and that was why we had the semi-emergnecy c/s. Their lung and heart development was fine, thank goodness. We'd had shots but I think they would have worn off by then.
    The biggest issue I faced (apart from that excruciating month in the hospital) was that they did not nurse well until they would have been 40 wks gestation, so about 2 weeks after they came home. I almost gave up a couple times.

    Good luck! Why are they scheduling the delivery at 35 wks?

    Well other then the fact that im almost 35 weeks and still under 140 lbs and having alot of trouble due to the size i am and the babies 3 weeks ago were 4 lbs and 3 1/2 lbs if the ultrasound weight check was right and my husband is in the military and they just threw at us that we are leaving on the 29th with new orders and my docs want to go ahead and deliver so they can have time and i can have time to recover ..i was really hoping to make it to 36 weeks but ....im just hoping and praying that things go good and the babies are healthy and im just under so much stress right now with everything that is going on ...i had the steroid shots at 32 weeks so im really hoping that it helped with lung maturity
  4. walker006

    walker006 Well-Known Member

    I will say i'm sorry for upsetting you. But you say you've had 3 shots already . And the lungs still aren't mature. Obviously that should mean something. I wasn't the only one saying i thought it was too early for them to do c-sec.
    My waters broke at 35+1 and my 2 were fine. BUT there are also ones born at 36-38 weeks and have problems. I'm not saying you should get in the car and have the babies. But why can't you stay with friends or in a hotel ? Until the babies decide they are ready.
    Good luck and i pray everything goes ok for you.
  5. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member


    I am with you 100% on YOUR decision.

    I scheduled my c section for 35 weeks 2 days for one cuz I WANTED IT!!!! and 2.. cuz they are identical and that's when my Docs take them, and 3-because I knew they would be okay (lungs were checked at 35 weeks and good.) OBVIOUSLY-- you would not have your babies if it was a risk to them. I wouldn't have either but I was MISERABLE and my Peri recommended it. They certainly wouldn't have done it just cuz I wanted it for "fun!"

    I totally agree with you and I'm sorry that you are having sooo many changes happen at once! That's the pits. I totally know how hard it is to be HUGE and run out of room. I should post some pics of myself cuz it was amazing. I gained 100 lbs by 35 weeks, babies both 6 lbs. I went from a very small size six to a size almost 18!! I couldn't even walk w/o hunching over!! It was amazing. I was having contractions every 3-5 minutes from 31 weeks on and was on MAJOR anti ctx drugs which made me ITCH and break out in hives! I was crying all day and nite for 4 weeks. I had such bad insomnia the doctors had to give me sleeping pills or I would have died. I would have done anything to have those babies NO MATTER WHAT at that point because I truly think I had "lost my mind" from all the drugs, lack of sleep, pain and agony that I endured for all of that time.

    You do what is best for you and your babies and no one should question that you are doing what is best for your kiddos. Your doctors did the amnio to ensure the safety of your babies. Trust them.

    When I told people that I was having mine at 35 weeks they questioned me also but I was confident in my decision so it didn't bother me. I KNEW what I was doing was the right thing.

    You are going to hear different opinions on boards like this- that's just the nature of the beast; if you will. If you feel that you are not in the right emotional state to handle differing views- you probably shouldn't post about it. I wouldn't.

    The most important thing is to be SURE OF YOURSELF and your decisions. I know that is hard at a time like this. At 36 weeks, you may not even need any NICU or you may. But everyone will be just fine, I am sure.

    Take care of yourself. It's tough but it's about to be over with.. at least this part..

    I am here for you please pm me if you wish. I do not judge others on their personal choices. I believe that everyone does what they believe is right for themselves and it probably isn't up to me to say otherwise.. Good luck and I cannot wait to hear all about the births!!!!

    Good luck and try to rest... YOU'RE GOING TO NEED IT! LOL!!
  6. denali_ice

    denali_ice Well-Known Member

    You know what. I am going to say it as a mother who delivered at 35w1d. If you think that ANY NICU mother is going to post and say "oh, it's ok honey... go ahead and intentionally deliver early due to something that isn't a medical emergency. It is likely not going to happen. Some 35 weekers are fine with no NICU time, some like mine only spend a short time in the NICU, and others spend weeks. I will tell you that there is nothing more heart wrenching than having to leave the hospital without your babies, or having people tell you when you can and can't touch or hold them. For the record, Jenner and Cody's lungs were mature.

    On the opposite side of the same coin, every baby has a chance to be a NICU baby - preterm or full term, you just never know. I personally know of a full term baby delivered vaginally who had to be on a vent for several weeks because her lungs were not mature.

    So while you want everyone's support... you also need to have respect for everyone else. As someone else has already posted, you need to weigh your options with the medical staff and make the best decision for you and your babies. That is a personal choice.

    Personally, even though it was risking my own life at 34 weeks, I was fighting to have more days before delivery.

    I am certainly sorry that you didn't feel supported (I never saw the 1st thread) but what would this community be if the posters didn't tell "how it is."
  7. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(walker006 @ Feb 23 2008, 11:06 AM) [snapback]637075[/snapback]
    I will say i'm sorry for upsetting you. But you say you've had 3 shots already . And the lungs still aren't mature. Obviously that should mean something. I wasn't the only one saying i thought it was too early for them to do c-sec.
    My waters broke at 35+1 and my 2 were fine. BUT there are also ones born at 36-38 weeks and have problems. I'm not saying you should get in the car and have the babies. But why can't you stay with friends or in a hotel ? Until the babies decide they are ready.
    Good luck and i pray everything goes ok for you.

    No i had the first 2 shots 2 weeks before i had my amnio when i was 31-32 weeks when i was in pre term labor that they got stopped thank god .....i got the 3rd one yesterday at my appt and they only drew fluid from 1 baby and it was Baby B wich is 6 days behind Baby A and they said that could have been why they werent quite ready yet since they didnt get fluid from the other baby ...My docs want to do another amnio next week because they think they will most def be ready next week and if they arent then im not going to make the decision to go ahead with it because i dont want to see my babies in bad shape ...i want nothing more then healthy babies . I have no friends here ...we havent been here that long i think 6 months or so ....and honestly i dont have the money to rent a hotel for 2-3 weeks ...that can get a bit pricey if you know what i mean ...thanks for wishing me luck and i will post next week and let everyone know how things go . i just want you to know that im not trying to rush them out for no good reason because i would never do that .
  8. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Feb 23 2008, 12:03 PM) [snapback]637157[/snapback]

    I am with you 100% on YOUR decision.

    I scheduled my c section for 35 weeks 2 days for one cuz I WANTED IT!!!! and 2.. cuz they are identical and that's when my Docs take them, and 3-because I knew they would be okay (lungs were checked at 35 weeks and good.) OBVIOUSLY-- you would not have your babies if it was a risk to them. I wouldn't have either but I was MISERABLE and my Peri recommended it. They certainly wouldn't have done it just cuz I wanted it for "fun!"

    I totally agree with you and I'm sorry that you are having sooo many changes happen at once! That's the pits. I totally know how hard it is to be HUGE and run out of room. I should post some pics of myself cuz it was amazing. I gained 100 lbs by 35 weeks, babies both 6 lbs. I went from a very small size six to a size almost 18!! I couldn't even walk w/o hunching over!! It was amazing. I was having contractions every 3-5 minutes from 31 weeks on and was on MAJOR anti ctx drugs which made me ITCH and break out in hives! I was crying all day and nite for 4 weeks. I had such bad insomnia the doctors had to give me sleeping pills or I would have died. I would have done anything to have those babies NO MATTER WHAT at that point because I truly think I had "lost my mind" from all the drugs, lack of sleep, pain and agony that I endured for all of that time.

    You do what is best for you and your babies and no one should question that you are doing what is best for your kiddos. Your doctors did the amnio to ensure the safety of your babies. Trust them.

    When I told people that I was having mine at 35 weeks they questioned me also but I was confident in my decision so it didn't bother me. I KNEW what I was doing was the right thing.

    You are going to hear different opinions on boards like this- that's just the nature of the beast; if you will. If you feel that you are not in the right emotional state to handle differing views- you probably shouldn't post about it. I wouldn't.

    The most important thing is to be SURE OF YOURSELF and your decisions. I know that is hard at a time like this. At 36 weeks, you may not even need any NICU or you may. But everyone will be just fine, I am sure.

    Take care of yourself. It's tough but it's about to be over with.. at least this part..

    I am here for you please pm me if you wish. I do not judge others on their personal choices. I believe that everyone does what they believe is right for themselves and it probably isn't up to me to say otherwise.. Good luck and I cannot wait to hear all about the births!!!!

    Good luck and try to rest... YOU'RE GOING TO NEED IT! LOL!!

    thank you so very much ....i was 34 weeks 6 days when i got my amnio and they done it from Baby B only becasue of the position of A and Baby B is actually 6 days behind A so that is why they are saying her lungs may not have been quite ready yet although i had the steroid shots they said they arent always affective for all babies and each baby grows at its own rate and there was no need to worry but they didnt want to do the section without the lungs mature and i completely agreed with them 100% and i do understand that there are going to be opinions on here that differ from my own but the only one that really set me off was the lady who said i was thinking about myself pretty much and my convenience rather then the safety of my baby because that isnt the fact at all . Im actually relieved that we had to put it off another week because that took alot off of me because i really was worried about delivering right at 35 weeks . thank you for everything you have really helped me out alot ! I have an appt on monday with my doc to talk about everything and set some dates so i will let you know !
  9. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(denali_ice @ Feb 23 2008, 12:10 PM) [snapback]637163[/snapback]
    You know what. I am going to say it as a mother who delivered at 35w1d. If you think that ANY NICU mother is going to post and say "oh, it's ok honey... go ahead and intentionally deliver early due to something that isn't a medical emergency. It is likely not going to happen. Some 35 weekers are fine with no NICU time, some like mine only spend a short time in the NICU, and others spend weeks. I will tell you that there is nothing more heart wrenching than having to leave the hospital without your babies, or having people tell you when you can and can't touch or hold them. For the record, Jenner and Cody's lungs were mature.

    On the opposite side of the same coin, every baby has a chance to be a NICU baby - preterm or full term, you just never know. I personally know of a full term baby delivered vaginally who had to be on a vent for several weeks because her lungs were not mature.

    So while you want everyone's support... you also need to have respect for everyone else. As someone else has already posted, you need to weigh your options with the medical staff and make the best decision for you and your babies. That is a personal choice.

    Personally, even though it was risking my own life at 34 weeks, I was fighting to have more days before delivery.

    I am certainly sorry that you didn't feel supported (I never saw the 1st thread) but what would this community be if the posters didn't tell "how it is."

    I understand what you are saying but i dont think you unerstand where my drs and I are coming from although there is no medical reason other then the fact that they are already worried about me going into labor at any second for whatever reasons they think but also the fact that i have to get into a car at 36-37 weeks with twins and travel for hours not knowing what may happen ....because im sure as everyone knows on here anything can happen at anytime with twins so if i am wrong for worrying that im going to go into labor in the middle of nowhere with no dr then im sorry ......My drs are the ones who recomend that i do it now instead of having to make the travel so i guess if they are wrong too then you can tell them that . The only thing that made me mad was the comment about me doing it becasue i think it is what is convenient for me and not what is good for my babies because i am thinking of them ..at least if i have them here and they need anything i will be in a hospital with drs that i know and trust and not on the side of the road or some odd place where they cant get the help that they need . i would never make any decision to danger my children just for the fun of it ..im sorry if you think that is what im doing ....i have alot of stress on me right now iwth my husband being in the marine corps and us having to leave right at the end of my pregnancy ..if you know anything about the military then you know that they dont care if your grandma is on her deathbed your going to be where they tell you to be at the time and date they set or your going to the brig . The only thing my husband can do is after i give birth he can try and get his orders set back 1 week if they wont give him his TAD orders for 10 days ..that is all he gets ...so im sorry if you feel that im risking my babies lives .....
  10. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Just a thought....Can your doctor set you up with a practice where you are moving or at least refer you to one in the area you are moving?? That way you can call them let them know your situation and they can put you in the computer as a new patient. I know you are afraid of going into early labor but if you have your current doctor plus a doctor set up/expecting you where you are moving then maybe you would only have that one day where you move but you will be safe either way....GL!
  11. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I am sorry you are feeling ganged up on and that you are feeling judged. You need to know that you are doing what you can for your babies and you are doing this with the help of your dr's. I don't think you are being selfish in trying to get your babies the care that they need and you have not endangered them by delivering them when their lungs are not mature enough. Everyone has their own opinions based on what they have experienced and what they have been told by their dr. Don't let this post stress you out that would not be good for the babies. Do as your dr's direct and the rest will fall into place. I think if more people had known the whole situation from the beginning there would not have been "judgements" made or advice given in such a way that suggested you have much choice. I am sorry you are having to rush through the end of your pregnancy and have the birth of your babies be stressful. Just remember you are their mom and you will do what is best for them.
  12. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(Shadyfeline @ Feb 23 2008, 12:44 PM) [snapback]637222[/snapback]
    Just a thought....Can your doctor set you up with a practice where you are moving or at least refer you to one in the area you are moving?? That way you can call them let them know your situation and they can put you in the computer as a new patient. I know you are afraid of going into early labor but if you have your current doctor plus a doctor set up/expecting you where you are moving then maybe you would only have that one day where you move but you will be safe either way....GL!

    I had mentioned that but the way the military works is you have to go to a tricare office first to set all that up and then they give you your list of drs you can see with the military insurance and usually base is booked so i would have to go into town possibly ....That is what i wanted to do but my husband cant do that until we get to where we are going wich still puts me at risk of going into labor with no dr until we can get all that done ..i am trying to think of anything possible to keep my babies in ...thanks for the advice
  13. denali_ice

    denali_ice Well-Known Member

    Here's the deal. You need to start reading the actual words of a post and not what you think may be "between the lines." Don't read into my post what is not there. Take a deep breath and read what people are actually posting to you. Never once did I say that I thought you were risking anyone's life. Geesh. Many think I am stupid for trying to delay delivery. It is a personal decision between you and your medical team. (as was my situation) Didn't I say that? Trust me, I understand that your emotions are playing havoc with you, but don't assume the worst when someone is responding to you. I also was trying to get you to understand where the NICU moms were coming from. If any of us could help you (or any other mother) find a way to be able to avoid the NICU, we would do it in a heartbeat.
  14. TwinMilf33

    TwinMilf33 Member

    Kayla, whatever you decide, is your decision. Plain & simple. Don't mind what others are saying. Honestly, I'd do the same thing if I were in your shoes. Who wants to have a baby, let alone TWINS, on the side of the road somewhere? Or in a hospital where you aren't familiar with or with doctors whom you don't know. I had my twins at 35 weeks & they turned out perfect! They had to stay in the NICU for just a short period just to be monitored. Good luck to you!

    Now traveling with newborn twins...THAT should be fun lol! Take lots of naps in the car
  15. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(nifer @ Feb 23 2008, 12:46 PM) [snapback]637231[/snapback]
    I am sorry you are feeling ganged up on and that you are feeling judged. You need to know that you are doing what you can for your babies and you are doing this with the help of your dr's. I don't think you are being selfish in trying to get your babies the care that they need and you have not endangered them by delivering them when their lungs are not mature enough. Everyone has their own opinions based on what they have experienced and what they have been told by their dr. Don't let this post stress you out that would not be good for the babies. Do as your dr's direct and the rest will fall into place. I think if more people had known the whole situation from the beginning there would not have been "judgements" made or advice given in such a way that suggested you have much choice. I am sorry you are having to rush through the end of your pregnancy and have the birth of your babies be stressful. Just remember you are their mom and you will do what is best for them.

    Thank you . I am trying to do what is best and what my drs think is best and i just wish people had asked a little more before judging and thinking i was just doing it to get it done with because that isnt the case at all ...my babies are my life ....i have a 2 1/2 year old that was born at 37 1/2 weeks and was beautiful and healthy and i would have never done anything to danger her or the two i am carrying now ..i am just trying to think and decide what is best for them . I just wished i could have finished my pregnancy before having to leave . Life is full of many changes and suprises as we all know ! i am hoping this last shot helped finish up the lung maturity because i do not want to deliver babies who have lungs that are slightly immature and that is what the dr said is that they can just be slightly immature ...but without it being positive just at 35 weeks they dont want to deliver and i agreed and went home hoping for better outcome next week . I ask everyone to keep us in their prayers
  16. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(TwinMilf33 @ Feb 23 2008, 12:54 PM) [snapback]637248[/snapback]
    Kayla, whatever you decide, is your decision. Plain & simple. Don't mind what others are saying. Honestly, I'd do the same thing if I were in your shoes. Who wants to have a baby, let alone TWINS, on the side of the road somewhere? Or in a hospital where you aren't familiar with or with doctors whom you don't know. I had my twins at 35 weeks & they turned out perfect! They had to stay in the NICU for just a short period just to be monitored. Good luck to you!

    Now traveling with newborn twins...THAT should be fun lol! Take lots of naps in the car

    im sure traveling with twins will be quite the journey ....lol....but i have so much faith in the lord and i know he is going to take great care of me and my babies ...i have tons of support from moms on here and i have the support of everyone from our church praying for us ..i know some people may think im being rude but im not trying to be i just feel like some people are being a little rude to me if that makes any sense at all ...im hoping and praying since i will be 36 weeks things will work out for me ...i would love to keep them in longer ..wich my docs wont let you go past 38 weeks anyways due to other issues im assuming ...they never really told me just said they wouldnt let anyone with multiples go past 38 weeks but they didnt see me going past 36 due to i guess lack of room and me being so small and i have only gained 37 lbs so far wich i guess is a good thing ?!? thank you for supporting me ..i have alot of hard decisions to make !
  17. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kaylaishaving2 @ Feb 23 2008, 12:54 PM) [snapback]637249[/snapback]
    Thank you . I am trying to do what is best and what my drs think is best and i just wish people had asked a little more before judging and thinking i was just doing it to get it done with because that isnt the case at all ...my babies are my life ....i have a 2 1/2 year old that was born at 37 1/2 weeks and was beautiful and healthy and i would have never done anything to danger her or the two i am carrying now ..i am just trying to think and decide what is best for them . I just wished i could have finished my pregnancy before having to leave . Life is full of many changes and suprises as we all know ! i am hoping this last shot helped finish up the lung maturity because i do not want to deliver babies who have lungs that are slightly immature and that is what the dr said is that they can just be slightly immature ...but without it being positive just at 35 weeks they dont want to deliver and i agreed and went home hoping for better outcome next week . I ask everyone to keep us in their prayers

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know how it goes. I wish you the best of luck, this must be hard on all of you, your poor DH must feel awful too.
  18. yaniah

    yaniah Well-Known Member

    I don't think you should owe anyone an explaination either. If you all that this is best for YOUR family, then that is the way it should be. I think your doing what would be better for them. Don't let people get you down, just know that you are doing the best that you can, and what is right for your family. Everyones situations are different, hardly any are exactly the same. Obviously if there was something wrong with the babies and that it would harm them this soon, I think the doctors would let you know. I would be doing what you are if I was in that situation. Hang in there, don't let ppl get you down. Just know that you get to meet your babies soon.
  19. micmose

    micmose Well-Known Member

    Let me start by saying I know its hard to tell the tone of a post. But my question is real not sarcastic. I was just wondering if you know what you and DH would do if, God forbid, your babies needed to stay in the NICU for a length of time past your moving date(for whatever reasons)?

  20. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    What you really need to understand is that on a site like this, you may come for support but you will also receive opinions whether they are asked for or not. To want everyone to support you is normal, to actually receive this will probably never happen. This is an amazing group of people on this board who are strong in their beliefs and when you have moms who have suffered with their babies in the NICU it strikes a chord. I have posted on here before wanting support and I have received a lot more than I bargained for but that is what happens when you have people who care. My concern is what, heaven forbid, your loves should require NICU stay. If the military is completely uncaring you may be moving with your babies in the NIcU or staying behind while your DH travels. I just read your initial post. I see on there a lot of women who were concerned for your babies as well as your mental well-being if they should need NICU time. I am 4'11", I was able to carry my boys, uncomfortably for 35 weeks which is when I went into labor. I was a c/s and even though I had steroid shots they were still whisked away. Just know that the people here care, more than you know and that comes out in many ways. You may receive virtual hugs or words that you may not find comforting but when you post here you will get a little of everything. Good luck and God Bless You in your final decision.
  21. Tripsmommy

    Tripsmommy Well-Known Member

    I was going to ask the same thing. B/c of restrictions on traveling etc... what if the babies do end up in nicu? Does the hosp have like a Ronald McDonald house type situation for parents? And DH can go ahead of you? Just a question you should ask your docs. Hey, I would've given my right arm to have the "option" of 35/36 weeks! I only lasted 29. Not good.
  22. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Tripsmommy @ Feb 23 2008, 07:56 PM) [snapback]637373[/snapback]
    I was going to ask the same thing. B/c of restrictions on traveling etc... what if the babies do end up in nicu? Does the hosp have like a Ronald McDonald house type situation for parents? And DH can go ahead of you? Just a question you should ask your docs. Hey, I would've given my right arm to have the "option" of 35/36 weeks! I only lasted 29. Not good.

    Me too. I lasted only 30. More power to you and cannot wait to hear their birth story.
  23. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I was going to ask the same question...what plans do you have in place should the babies not be ready for travel by your moving date?? Is there any way to postpone it altogether? Will the military not make some kind of exception for your dh b/c of the birth of his children? Even if you were full term I don't think I'd relish a move when my babies were a week or two old. Wow...that's gonna be really difficult. Hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you.
  24. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(Susanna+3 @ Feb 23 2008, 03:28 PM) [snapback]637399[/snapback]
    I was going to ask the same question...what plans do you have in place should the babies not be ready for travel by your moving date?? Is there any way to postpone it altogether? Will the military not make some kind of exception for your dh b/c of the birth of his children? Even if you were full term I don't think I'd relish a move when my babies were a week or two old. Wow...that's gonna be really difficult. Hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you.

    Now everyone knows why i am so stressed ! The marine corps wont do anything other then give my husband an extra week after the birth of the babies ...and then after that he has to leave with or without me . My hospital offers rooms to rent for families whos babies are in the NICU . I have enough of faith in the lord that things are going to work out for us .
  25. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kaylaishaving2 @ Feb 23 2008, 08:57 PM) [snapback]637418[/snapback]
    Now everyone knows why i am so stressed ! The marine corps wont do anything other then give my husband an extra week after the birth of the babies ...and then after that he has to leave with or without me . My hospital offers rooms to rent for families whos babies are in the NICU . I have enough of faith in the lord that things are going to work out for us .

    I really feel for you military mommas...someone high up in the military should have twins...maybe policies would start to change!! Seriously though they need to get a better policy in place for helping out/giving support for families that have to be separated around the birth of a child when the woman has no family support. I feel like there are so many stories on here of moms who after the birth of their twins or singletons basically have to fend for themselves with no dh or family support due to frequent moves. Why don't they develop some system...even of volunteers who will come in and help women out for the first couple of weeks post-partum!! Especially where c/s are concerned!!
  26. Christyrosele

    Christyrosele New Member

    QUOTE(kaylaishaving2 @ Feb 23 2008, 08:29 AM) [snapback]636982[/snapback]
    Just so EVERYONE knows ...i posted the other day that i was supposed to have my csection right at 35 weeks due to the fact that i am moving in about 1-2 weeks and have no choice since my husband is in the military and we are getting relocated ! It was on short notice ..it wasnt supposed to be until after the babies are born but hey its the military and what they say goes and they change what they want when they want and there is nothing you can do . I dont appreciate anyone coming on here telling me that i should be more worried about the health of my babies rather then "my own convenience" if anyone thinks i would ever do anything intentionally to harm my babies then you are crazy ..my kids are my life . Im not just some young girl on here that is complaining about being too fat or in too much pain and im just ready to get them out of me ...what drives me crazy is the fact that i will be 36-37 weeks traveling and could go into labor at any given time and i would be stuck with no dr no nothing and giving birth on side of the road in my car ...so if i am selfish for wanting to give birth to my babies in a hospital with a team of drs that i know and trust then i guess i am selfish . But please dont come on here when i am asking for support because i am scared to death for the well being of my babies and tell me that i should be more worried about the health of my babies and what is best for them and that i am doing this for my own convenience ..because that is far from the truth . I started going into labor at 31-32 weeks and the fact that i have held it off this far is amazing to me and my drs . I have had 3 steroid shots so far for my pregnancy ...the 3rd as of yesterday because my drs are afraid im going to go into labor any day ....i started dialating at 32 weeks . So please if you dont know the whole story and you cant give me some positive support then dont say anything at all . I want to thank all of the people who did however give me great support on here ! I am a very sweet and kind person but if you start critisizing me on not doing what is best for my babies when you know nothing about me i do not appreciate it at all . Like i said before ..my children are my life ! Sorry for the rant but i had to get that off my chest .
  27. Christyrosele

    Christyrosele New Member

    I wouldn't worry about a thing, with the steroids those babies are fine! Your ready! My sister had her twins at 31 weeks with no steroids and they are wonderful, i'm sure it doesn't work this way all the time, but at 35 weeks and with the steroids your babies are going to be fine. Your doctor would NOT do the csection if they thought it was wrong. Good luck to you!
  28. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I am sorry you felt that you weren't being supported. I hope you know that anyone taking the time to relay thier thoughts on the situation must care :hug99:
    If these are your first children then I really know where you are coming from. When I was pg with my two I started dilating and contracting at 30 weeks. I didn't understand the seriousness of the situation. Once you have those precious babies, you will look back and be so glad you did EVERYTHING you could to make sure they are healthy. I look back and can't believe how I wanted to be induced early (luckily doc didn't listen!), how I wanted to rush things. The longer they stay in the easier it is in so many regards.

    My question is:
    How will it possibly be easier to have them in the NICU (most likely they will be) and have to stay there vs staying there and waiting to deliver?
    Why can't you fly to your new destination? How long would the flight be?

    I think if anything we are trying to help you work thru thoughts/issues.
  29. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(excitedk @ Feb 23 2008, 06:42 PM) [snapback]637554[/snapback]
    I am sorry you felt that you weren't being supported. I hope you know that anyone taking the time to relay thier thoughts on the situation must care :hug99:
    If these are your first children then I really know where you are coming from. When I was pg with my two I started dilating and contracting at 30 weeks. I didn't understand the seriousness of the situation. Once you have those precious babies, you will look back and be so glad you did EVERYTHING you could to make sure they are healthy. I look back and can't believe how I wanted to be induced early (luckily doc didn't listen!), how I wanted to rush things. The longer they stay in the easier it is in so many regards.

    My question is:
    How will it possibly be easier to have them in the NICU (most likely they will be) and have to stay there vs staying there and waiting to deliver?
    Why can't you fly to your new destination? How long would the flight be?

    I think if anything we are trying to help you work thru thoughts/issues.

    I dont have money for a plain ticket ...we are just getting by for now as it is . My husband is an E5 in the marine corps wich is a Sgt so we have enough money to pay the bills and have some left over for other things that we need .and with having a 2 year old and now twins things are going to be a bit tighter ..My doctors seem to think there is a great chance my babies wont have to stay in the hospital ...im praying they are right although we ..the drs and i know that anything can happen . I have had a great pregnancy so far .
  30. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(excitedk @ Feb 23 2008, 06:42 PM) [snapback]637554[/snapback]
    I am sorry you felt that you weren't being supported. I hope you know that anyone taking the time to relay thier thoughts on the situation must care :hug99:
    If these are your first children then I really know where you are coming from. When I was pg with my two I started dilating and contracting at 30 weeks. I didn't understand the seriousness of the situation. Once you have those precious babies, you will look back and be so glad you did EVERYTHING you could to make sure they are healthy. I look back and can't believe how I wanted to be induced early (luckily doc didn't listen!), how I wanted to rush things. The longer they stay in the easier it is in so many regards.

    My question is:
    How will it possibly be easier to have them in the NICU (most likely they will be) and have to stay there vs staying there and waiting to deliver?
    Why can't you fly to your new destination? How long would the flight be?

    I think if anything we are trying to help you work thru thoughts/issues.

    I would doubt any airline will let her on the plane at this point, no matter how long/short the flight is.

    I want to wish you the best of luck! My boys were born at 36 weeks, exactly--one of them spent 36 hours in the NICU--and he was the big one at 6-10. It sounds like your doctors are being proactive and careful at the same time. I would think being able to travel with DH and him driving, even with very young newborns is better than the uncertainty of not having given birth. Actually, it might not be that bad, since you will be forced to rest--while driving, and newborns tend to sleep most of the time anyway--the tough one will be your older daugher!

    Good luck!
  31. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(CSnyder81 @ Feb 23 2008, 04:20 PM) [snapback]637430[/snapback]
    I wouldn't worry about a thing, with the steroids those babies are fine! Your ready! My sister had her twins at 31 weeks with no steroids and they are wonderful, i'm sure it doesn't work this way all the time, but at 35 weeks and with the steroids your babies are going to be fine. Your doctor would NOT do the csection if they thought it was wrong. Good luck to you!

    Thank you so much ...i need the support . I see an excellent dr ..he actually deliverd my husband so we wills ee what he has to say on monday and what his thoughts and suggestions are at this point !
  32. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    QUOTE(sharongl @ Feb 23 2008, 06:48 PM) [snapback]637561[/snapback]
    I would doubt any airline will let her on the plane at this point, no matter how long/short the flight is.

    I want to wish you the best of luck! My boys were born at 36 weeks, exactly--one of them spent 36 hours in the NICU--and he was the big one at 6-10. It sounds like your doctors are being proactive and careful at the same time. I would think being able to travel with DH and him driving, even with very young newborns is better than the uncertainty of not having given birth. Actually, it might not be that bad, since you will be forced to rest--while driving, and newborns tend to sleep most of the time anyway--the tough one will be your older daugher!

    Good luck!

    Thank You ! My daughter would be the toughest ..lol..although she is a very good child ...you are right newborns do sleep alot ...and i would get some rest with the travel ...we will just see how things go at my appt on monday and the drs thoughts and i will update everyone ...im sure 100% without a doubt that they would never do anything that would cause me or the babies any harm ..they know what is best for me and if they thought that there was any kind of risk at this point they wouldnt have set the date for when they did . thanks for your support
  33. lisaessman@verizon.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    My heart goes out to you. This should be such a beautiful and exciting time in your lives, and you are forced to deal with all this stress. Military families really do have to deal with a lot. :( I know this is pointless to say, but I wish you were AF. It seems they take so much better care of their families. But, that is just my opinion and doesn't mean anything right now anyway! Do Marine hospitals have Fisher Houses? (The military version of the Ronald McDonald houses?)

    I will pray for you and your little ones, and I am so thankful you keep speaking of your faith. It will carry you through these next few weeks which will present you with one new challenge after another. God Bless, Lisa
  34. Mrs. Johnny

    Mrs. Johnny Well-Known Member

    Hello- I usually don't want to get involved with these kind of things, but I just wanted to say that I had my daughter
    at 34 1/2 weeks and brought her home with me and all was just fine. Babies could go full term and have problems.
    I'm only 27 weeks in the hospital and WISH I was far along as you.
    But as for all your going through- seriously you have enough on your plate than worry about someone's strong oppinion.
    I read everyones post. I do understand a lot of peoples views. But your listening to your Dr.'s and doing your best.
    Seriouisly, sometimes e-mails are hard sometimes to understand how the person has said it. Because we all really
    don't know eachothers personalities. Me, I think I'm a goofy fun loving person :).... I would think most of the people
    on here are out of concern. Because we're all pregnant and emotional AND have been through things that want you
    to be aware of. But gosh, you are strong and going through what you are going through being in the militaty and all....
    All will be fine :)..... I know how you feel though. Just remember that you are at a GREAT term for those babies!
    And know that a lot of us on this site care. Everyone that reads this: I pray for you all every night.

    Good-luck to you- hope you have an great labor and try not to let things get to you too much. I've been here in
    the hospital for over 3 1/2 weeks now and think I've only NOT cried twice! But I tell myself not to get too emotional-
    I don't want it to be stress on the babies. Take care- big hugs!
  35. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I didn't see any military mention either but I just assumed you had a legitimate reason or else the doctors wouldn't have agreed. 35 weeks isn't exactly dangerous territory.

    Since your c-section was canceled, that puts you in a hard position. Have the babies at 36 weeks (possibly) with the chance they will still need to be in the hospital when you need to move or make the drive and map every single hospital on your route and hope you don't end up needing the information. You definitely have my support in your dilemma. :hug99:

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