just need some encouragement from twin mommas..

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by christiedawntoews, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. christiedawntoews

    christiedawntoews Active Member

    So.. 26 weeks tomorrow!! Yay, thats good at least.. but this week has been absolutely terrible.

    Monday.. appt. at peri.. too much fluid around both babes (had it with the girls too :( ) I am measuring at least 36 weeks.. so started on indomecin to get fluid down. appt. at regular ob and had to do diabetes test. then sent to hospital to get first round of steriods.
    Tues. back to hospital to get another round of steriods
    Wed. at home
    Thurs. Progesterone shot in morn, nurse comes weekly to our house. appt at peri in aft to check fluid levels, down some Yay! Started having major contractions in late eve.
    Fri. Contractions all night that never let up.. slept for a bit.. wood wake up to more. Finally called ob in morn and they said to come in and get on the monitor. Well, we go up there and of course they start slowing down and only a couple show up.. Which is wonderful but they were so bad. She said it was prob cuz I wasn't sleeping and then of course started worrying and they just escalated.

    And ya, that was my week.. I just don't remember it being this bad with the girls. I know I got more rest cuz I didn't have 2 1/2 yr. girls to run after. I just don't know how we will make it. The doc doesn't think I will get to 36 weeks even. To many variables.. cerclage, irratable uterus, polyhydramnios (too much fluid) have been on modified bed rest since 20 weeks. Just want to hold these baby boys and have them strong and healthy. Just asking for encouragement and prayers.
  2. Janclamat

    Janclamat Well-Known Member

    So sorry you are going through this. Definitely have 2 other ones does not make it any easier.Do you have some help from family or friends to help you so there is a little less to worry about? I hope and pray you can make it as long as possible with your little boys. Keep us posted.
  3. christiedawntoews

    christiedawntoews Active Member

    Ya, have help. Our families live within 10 min. of us so thats a big help. Someone comes every day to straighten up. My mom and Mom-in-law deep cleaned the house this week. Our church group is has been bringing some food and as of next week diff ones are gonna bring food Tues and Thurs for supper. Just feels so helpless for me. I want to do stuff for my family and yet have to lay there. The cupboard fills up with dishes, there is still laundry.. So, yes, despite all this there is lots of blessings. I need to look at the positive side.
  4. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    Try to stay positive. Your babies won't mind packed-up dishes or laundry. I can understand you are not getting as much rest as you were with your first pregnancy, but I think emotional calmness is worth way more than physical inactivity.

    You'll do fine! Trust yourself.
  5. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    You can do it! Try and stay positiv and rest as much as you can with two toddlers running around.
  6. lilybay

    lilybay Well-Known Member

    Oh, yikes, what a horrible week! Hang in there, you are doing great!!
  7. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    hugs hugs hugs and more hugs
  8. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    Praying for you all, for a calmer week to come and lots of hope! I was on bedrest from 20 weeks onward and it was hard - without toddlers to take care of. But I made it to the 40th week which no one believed possible. Try and get help, and try to rest as much as possible, especially lie down everytime the girls are napping or quietly occupied (dishes, laundry etc. are not that important). GL!
  9. numbers6and7

    numbers6and7 Member

    Praying for a better week for you. I know its hard...I'm on bedrest with 5 other kids, but it helps that my baby is 6.

    Stay put boys! What's up with all the boys wanting to escape early this year?
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