Just found out - 8 weeks pregnant with twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by tootsie roll, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. tootsie roll

    tootsie roll Member

    I am new to this site, and found out yesterday that I am pregnant with twins. The dr. was able to see 2 different sacs and we heard the two different heartbeats. Dh and I are kind of in shock at the moment. I look forward to spending lots of time here to answer my questions and calm my nerves. I have a 2 year old daughter, and am a sahm in Texas.
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi and welcome to Twinstuff! :welcome: Congrats on your twins! :Clap:
  3. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    Congrats! I am due with twins tomorrow, am a SAHM as well, and also have a two year old daughter. This is a great site full of wisdom and support. Good luck with your pregnancy.

    38 weeks 1 day
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TS and Congratulations on your Twin Pregnancy!! :woo: We look forward to getting to know you!
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :wavey: and welcome to Twinstuff! Congrats on your twins!! :woo: The :shok: feeling is totally normal! :hug: We look forward to getting to know you!!
  6. cmccarthy

    cmccarthy Well-Known Member

  7. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    CONGRATS....i just have 4 words for you....STAY OFF THE NET! if don't want to scare yourself to death it will do you good to stay away from internet research. just post your questions and concerns here and you will feel much more at ease...trust me!

    good luck, you are in for one hell of a ride :)
  8. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Congrats and welcome! This forum is great :) but I agree stay away from general internet searches as there are lots of scary stories out there.
  9. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!! I was in shock when my 2nd pregnancy was twins, so I do understand the feeling. I hope you have a great pregnancy!
  10. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TS and congrats on your twin pregnancy! You will love this site. Once again congrats!
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to TS! Congratulations on your twin pregnancy!
  12. qfmom2009

    qfmom2009 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!!!!! :woohoo:
  13. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :welcome: Congrats on your twins!!
  14. kryscline

    kryscline Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your twin pregnancy!! :yahoo: :yahoo:
  15. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

  16. mrsrahgo

    mrsrahgo Member

    Hi and welcome!!
  17. Adrienne4

    Adrienne4 Member

    Welcome and congratulations! I am new to this site as well and I'm 9 weeks pregnant with twins. I have 2 boys (5y and 19mos). I am a SAHM in New Jersey. I think we're in for some journey. It's all so very exciting and scary!!! All the best.
  18. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Congratulations and :welcome: to twinstuff!! x

    Congratulations to you as well and :welcome: to twinstuff! x
  19. alynenicole

    alynenicole Active Member

    Welcome :wavey:

    Like you i was very suprised to find out i was going to have twins, i have two boy's one nine and the other 16 months. We just planed on having one more but i guess someone up stairs had other plans for us seeing that i'm going to have twin boy's. I am super excited on this new jorney and hope you will have a great experience too! Again welcome to the twins forums, it is a big help..
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