Just curious

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, May 19, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Just wondering if you notice a dominant hand/side yet. I'm left handed as is my mother and both of my half sisters (who are twins). I'm left handed but the only thing I actually do with my left hand is pretty much write, eat, and throw a ball everything else I do right handed. I was wondering if my girls would end up left handed but so far they appear to be right handed. At least I have noticed that they pick up their food usually with the right hand and they tend to hold toys in their right hand (I think) most of the time. How about yours???
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I wondered about this too because I am a lefty and (eating, writing, putting on makeup and shooting pool - but play tennis and all other sports right handed). I want one lefty!! Especially as I want them to play tennis. It's a good thing to have a lefty!!

    They say it's not set for a while. I can't remember when it is set..... sorry!
  3. CapeBretoner_123

    CapeBretoner_123 Well-Known Member

    Perfect post. We notice this from a early age. Fh and I are right handed. FH mom is a lefty. Sarah is right handed..
    Kristina(baby A-right side) right handed. Lauren(B-left) is left handed. Even when she was really small she always used her left and still does.
  4. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    I think it can change up to 5-6 yo, but I can't remember for sure. I'm left handed, and so far I've got one of each. Keegan is a lefty and Colby is a righty. They've been that way since they were about 18 months. My DD hasn't shown a prefernce for one or the other.
  5. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    Aaron has always preferred the left, and now that he is learning to write, he only uses his left. We were never sure about Connor. He always went back and forth. Now for writing he always uses his right, but for things like baseball, he prefers to hit as a leftie, but holding the bat right handed. (very strange, but he hits is really well!)

    We had to search through boxes and boxes of baseball gloves to find a leftie for Aaron. They don't make many, especially for little kids!

    I think they are mirror image twins anyway. They always cut their teeth opposite, their hair swirls the opposite way, etc...
  6. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    cameron showed a left side dominance/ preference at an early age - it actually caused quite a bit of concern as they aren't supposed to show a preference until 18 months - 2 yrs. he ended up having an mri, physical therapy (it was limiting his physical development), saw a neurologist a few times, etc. i'm still convinced he is going to be a permanent lefty. and alisha will be a righty. they biggest preference they have is their thumbs - she sucks her right, him his left. it makes for some cute pictures!
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both of mine always eat with their left hands. DH and I are right handed as is our oldest DD. But both of DH's sisters are lefties.
  8. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    It can take as long as 6-7 years of age, which I confirmed with some of the teachers I used to work with when I taught Kindergarten. I believe that usually by 5-6 when they start formal school, you usually can tell what hand will be dominant.

    Sharon :)
  9. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I too have been told that handedness isn't set until 5 or 6. I believe I have one of each although Kyle does alot of switching. The teachers have been taking notes to try to figure it out and honestly, one teacher will have eats with right another will have eats with left/one teacher will have stacks blocks with right and another will have stacks blocks with left. I do think he will be lefty, he is playing tball in the field as a lefty but he bats as a righty!
  10. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    Both of my maternal grandparents are lefties and 3 of their 5 children are. We thought our 8 yr old was going to be a lefty but she switched. Our girl twin so far is a lefty. When she eats anyway. But we'll see :D
  11. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    i've heard that you cant tell until they are at least 3, but so far thw twins are both righties.
  12. Trouble(aka Roxanne)

    Trouble(aka Roxanne) Well-Known Member

    I have one twin that is left handed and one that is right handed....and they are identical...one has a mole above her right eye and the other one has one above her left eye..
  13. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    I'm a lefty, both my girls appear to be lefties, too. It drives my husband (A righty) crazy! Its fun to watch him squirm every time they eat with their left hand. I even caught him once trying to hold down their little left hands while they were eating to see if they could hack it with their right hands. After admonishing him, I had a good laugh. They're only 1 yet, though, so I know it could change (I'm not telling him that, though)!
  14. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    I am a lefty to the same extent as you. My brother, DH's dad and sister are also all left handed. Both of our girls show a preference for their left hands, but I know it is too early to tell.
  15. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Hannah is for sure a righty. From the moment she could hold a spoon or crayon, it was obvious. Ben still switches and so the verdict is out, but he prefers his left hand for coloring.
  16. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    Are all TSer's lefties??? :)

    I'm a lefty, DH is a righty. I can't tell much yet, but DD sucks her left thumb and "carries" toys in her left hand. She crawls on the ground and has a toy in her hand. I'm waiting for her to sprain/break a wrist doing it, but she takes it wherever she needs to go - only in the left hand.

    When they eat: DS uses the left hand primarily. DD uses both.

    My mom is a lefty, so I'd like to have another generation with a lefty. However, I remember all of my issues with being unique - like writing funny, not sitting in desks properly, etc.
  17. MJXplus2

    MJXplus2 Well-Known Member

    I'm a lefty but both girls strongly seem to be right handed and DH is right handed. They don't switch hands much at all so far. My son will be 6 in August and we still have no idea. I think he may be ambidextrous because he still uses both hands equally for just about everything. He'll be coloring a picture with a pencil in both hands coloring at the same time and I don't notice any better or worse proficiency with either hand. I'm looking forward to him starting kindergarten in the fall to see what his teachers have to say about him.
  18. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    My girls are young yet but I think one might be a lefty. Liberty seems to perfer her left more then her right. The weird thing is no one in my family or my DH's family are left handed. It'll be interesting to see when they get a little older. I have a feeling I'll have one of each.
  19. TTTSMiracleMom

    TTTSMiracleMom Well-Known Member

    I'm left handed, the only one in my entire family. All five of my sons are right handed. Go figure.

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