Just Curious And Impatient

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Ericka B, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering when most of you delivered. I am almost 33 weeks with identical boys and I am getting so impatient trying to figure out when they are going to come. I am on Procardia for contractions and my ob said he may take me off of it at 35 weeks, but he may have to keep me on it for my blood pressure which is usually a little high. My ob and my peri say they won't let me go past 37 weeks. I'm wondering how many of you went into labor on your own during this window and do you think the babies having one placenta plays any part in how long you're able to go. I would think that there would be more issues with slowed growth with identicals. I am sooo uncomfortable but I want to keep them in there as long as it's good for them. They are both head down so hopefully they will stay that way even though I'm terrified of a vag delivery :eek: Thanks Ladies
  2. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 38 weeks and 1 day............Noah weighed 5lbs 12 oz and Jacob weighed 6 lbs 1 oz.

    I was dilated for a month; contractions that were mild for a month or so. Monitored 2x weekly NST at the hospital. Went critical the day I was scheduled for delivery.....BP spiked; platelettes crashed after being induced...emergency c section.

    Healthy beautiful boys.....I was in the hospital for a week on mag sulfate to prevent seizures, build blood back up and get platlettes back to a normal range.

    Even though you feel tired, and ready to POP!! Just hang in there for as long you can. Do not worry about a vaginal delivery either........there are benefits to being able to get up and take care of the kids very soon after delivery. C sections you have to heal and the pain.....not fun.
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I was 35 weeks and 3 days... I wasn't even in labor. BUT Baby B had cord issues.
  4. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    I was 37 weeks 1 day when my water broke and 37 weeks 2 days when I delivered ... I tried to induce labor myself since my doctor had talked about me going to 40 weeks and I had had enough, so I ate half a fresh pineapple one night and the next morning my water broke. They couldn't tell if there was one placenta or two with mine so I don't know how much of a factor that was. ID twins don't necessarily have growth issues at all! Like I said, we don't know if mine are ID or not, but they were 5-5 and 6-8, nice-sized babies in my opinion!!!
  5. Mothership

    Mothership Well-Known Member

    I went 36 wks 6 days. I understand about being impatient. My ds was 8lbs 7oz and my dd was 7lbs 4oz. I was so uncomfortable I just wanted to have them. Once we got to 36 weeks I was ready to go.
  6. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    Oh...HANG IN THERE!!! I delivered at 37 weeks and 6 days when my water finally broke...I was going insane. My doctor wouldn't induce me until 38 weeks!>?!?! I was in so much pain and just couldn't take it anymore...[SIZE=14pt]BUT[/SIZE]...looking back on that I would not have changed the long pregnancy for anything. You do not want to have to go through your babies possibly being in the nicu or sick. Hang in there and stay strong. It WILL PASS and then you will be so tired when you have them you will wish you were pregnant again. :D
    GOOD LUCK!!!

  7. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    My first set came at 2 days shy of 39 weeks - via scheduled c-section. I did not have a single contraction!

    My second set came just shy of 37 weeks. I went in for an NST and was having contractions, I was shocked to find out I was dialted to 1.5 and 50% effaced (my cervix has never done anything) - so off to the OR I went.
  8. FondofTwins

    FondofTwins Well-Known Member

    We delivered at 31 weeks to the dot. My water broke two days before. If you can make it to 34 weeks, your babies most likely will be able to suck, which means no tube feedings. You might even get to take them home with you. Don't be impatient. Two months in the NICU is not the best way to start off. I lived at the hospital, and ended up having to get out of the AF, due to their early delivery. So hang in there!!!
  9. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    37/6- no contractions...scheduled c-section. My boys were 5lbs 7oz and 6lbs 12ozs and I did it til the end of Aug in FL (miserably hot and sticky.) You can do this, I know it's uncomfortable and impossible to sleep but this is the least you can do to give your babies the best start possible. I had 9 days of NICU w/ Joseph (not due to being born early) and cannot imagine how the Mommies who go through months worth NICU time cope.

    KEEP BAKING...It will be over before you know it! :hug99:

    We'll see you in FY soon.
  10. I was on terbutaline and procardia and I had my csection at 36 weeks. I was scheduled for 37 weeks, but the pain of the pregnancy and meds convinced my dr to let me deliver early. My babies had to be in NICU for a week though so you have to take that into consideration... the meds are rough, but so is the pregnancy and the delivery!
  11. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    I delivered via c-section at 33w1d due to pre-E. Please try not to be impatient and keep them in there as long as possible. My girls were in the NICU for 18 and 27 days and it truly is heartbreaking. Good luck to you.
  12. piccolo

    piccolo Member

    I delivered by scheduled c-section at exactly 38 weeks. I was not dilated and was told that my cervix had thinned slightly at my last ultrasound. I had no other signs of impending labor. (I'd been having BH contractions for ages.) My perinatologists don't like to take twin pregnancies like mine (identical twins, one placenta) past 38 weeks as they believe that the placenta just isn't as efficient and productive enough for two babies after that point.

    My kids were born at 6.6 and 5.14 and did not have to spend any time in the NICU. Try to keep those buns in the oven as long as you can!!

    Good luck.
  13. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Try to hang in there sweetpea, you don't want to see your baby(ies) hooked up to tubes and wires in the NICU. I would have given anything to be the one in Intensive Care and not Sean.
  14. ems9882

    ems9882 Well-Known Member

    i delivered at 31 wks, but i went into prterm labor @ 28 and was put on meds to stop my contractions. so it for me for about 3wks lol. i know u are probally very uncomftb. believe me WE ALL can feel ur pain lol but hang in there. i was the same way i just couldnt wait to get it over with b/c i was miserabale but now i look back and wish i could of at least got to 35 wks or so. mine both were in the nicu for a little over a month. hang in there and keep us posted! ;)
  15. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    38 weeks, 1 day via scheduled c-section. The doctor said I had zero signs of labor and would have probably gone another 2-3 weeks! The boys were 7lb, 13oz and 7lb, 6oz. My pedi said that 1 week in the womb is equal to 3 weeks in NICU - thinking about this helped me go the distance when I got too big to move and was in pain. You do not want them to end up in NICU - every week you hang on is so valuable!
  16. KentuckyMom

    KentuckyMom Active Member

    Listen hun, there are so many people on this wonderful board who are cheering you on, so you hang in there! I was just like you, wondering and wondering WHEN my boy/girl twins were going to get here. I delivered at about 35 weeks, much to my surprise and with NO NICU time. I wasn't having any contractions (that I knew of anyway) and all of a sudden, at like 615am, my water broke! And let me tell ya, I was terror stricken when that happened! Throughout the whole pregnancy I dreaded delivery day because all I worried about was actually delivering the babies. Both babies were head down for the second half of my pregnancy so I pretty much knew I was going to have a vaginal birth. From the moment I got to the hospital, that was all I could think of. How in the world was I going to be strong enough to do this! I hate pain, I hate hospitals and I hate needles! But the nurses in labor and delivery have seen it all before and know how to handle this. Really get in touch with them and TELL them your concerns, believe me they will be sympathetic. They understand. I got my epidural when I was like 4 or 5 cm and it was the best thing on the planet! I was given some Stadol to calm my nerves and the epidural was not bad at all. The epidural really helped me alot. Unless you are set on a drug free delivery...get the epidural! Good luck!
  17. Alyson

    Alyson Well-Known Member

    I had my girls at 33 weeks. (Two placentas and id twins). They were born healthy with minimal probs. They spent 36 hours in the isolates and 3 weeks in special care only due to their prem status.

    Good luck. Keep those legs crossed. But don't worry. They will come when they want to and with all the medical advances these days they will be fine.
  18. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 31 weeks on the dot, after 15 weeks of bedrest (many of them hospital bedrest). Hang in there, the longer your babies stay inside of you the less of a chance of them having any NICU time. And you absolutely do not want NICU time if you can avoid it.

    My peri would have delivered me somewhere between 37-38 weeks, had I made it that far (miraculously).
  19. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 36 weeks 1 day, after 67 days of total hospital bedrest. Thankfully, they weren't born at 24 weeks 3 days, which is the day I entered the hospital. I thank God every day for modern medicine which allowed my babies to stay in and cook until they were ready to come out. Just be patient!! They will be here before you know it and you'll forget about the discomfort of carrying them. Hang in there!! :hug99:
  20. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    I delivered vaginally at 35 weeks exactly. My water broke at 2:30am. My DS was born at 8:38am and my DD was born at 8:54am. Don't be scared of giving birth. It was actually the EASIEST and most rewarding part of my whole pregnancy. The contractions were extremely painful and I did get an epidural. Both of my babies were 4+ lbs so that is probably one reason that I didn't feel giving birth was too bad. You have so much to look forward too . . . With that being said, also enjoy your time right now. I know that seems crazy for me to say; however, your life is about to be turned upside down and inside out all at once! Best of luck to you!
  21. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    You can do it momma!!! :hug99: I know you feel like you are going to burst and you want your babies...but in "there" is the best place for them.
    I delivered at 39 weeks through c-section. Anthony was 7lbs 14oz and Angie was 6lbs 4oz. I started to go into labor while at the hospital awaiting my c/s. And I was dialated 1cm for about a month.
  22. twomore

    twomore Well-Known Member

    I delivered mine exactly 33 weeks, no contractions though, but my water broke and I had a cerclage and the doc was afraid of infection if he let me go so I have a c-section. They are and were perfectly healthy 2.5 weeks in NICU because they had to learn to drink. Good luck, hang in there till at least 36 weeks, keep those babes out of NICU.
  23. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    Hang in there, I know you can do it. I delivered my girls at 39 weeks 1 day, and I never went into labor. The only reason I had them at that time was because my blood pressure went up so they took the via c-section. I also had one placenta and never experienced TTTS. My girls were 6lb 1oz and 6lb 6oz Boy am I very grateful they stayed as long as they did. Better to go through all the agony now them have to leave them in the NICU. :hug99:
  24. kayleesmama

    kayleesmama Well-Known Member

    I delivered vaginally at 38 weeks exactly. I was induced. They were 6 lbs 7 oz & 6 lbs 1 oz at birth. GOOD LUCK!
  25. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    I was induced at 38 weeks and 4 days (my ob also said i wouldent go past 37 weeks ;) )
    Had a vag delivery with epidural :D :D i to was very afraid of a vag birth. you can pm me if you want to talk. with my epidural it was awsome!!!!!!!!!!! you can read my birth story at my web site www.grazia-ma.com
    You will do great!!
  26. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    I was scheduled for a section at 37 weeks (baby A was breech), but my water broke at 35+1 so that's when we had them. We technichally, 35+2 because they were born just after midnight. As you can see from my siggy they were pretty healthy but still spent 5-6 days in the NICU...and girl, I'm paying those bills right now...if you can avoid NICU do it! I'm very grateful they are healthy and would pay any amount for that, but it's not cheap! Hang in there, you are SO close! I TOTALLY understand your misery....I'm only 5'1" and I was so miserable and huge. I can't stand looking at pictures where I'm really pregnant...I just feel so sorry for myself :)

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