jumping any one else???

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by soonmommyoftwo, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. soonmommyoftwo

    soonmommyoftwo Well-Known Member

    Hello My twins will be 18 months in a couple of days. Both have started jumping. But my son I swear hes evil knivel! He has started puting pillows and blankets on the floor and has started jumping off the couch on to them. I dont want to make to much of a scene becuse I know he is in a testing phase but when will this stop? Im scared he will hurt himself..... My daughter jumps but on the floor.. Hes always climbing on stuff Like fliping baskets over and climbing on these and jumping off. Is this a phase??? And if so when will it pass??? Please someone tell me this is a boy thing...

  2. soonmommyoftwo

    soonmommyoftwo Well-Known Member

    Hello My twins will be 18 months in a couple of days. Both have started jumping. But my son I swear hes evil knivel! He has started puting pillows and blankets on the floor and has started jumping off the couch on to them. I dont want to make to much of a scene becuse I know he is in a testing phase but when will this stop? Im scared he will hurt himself..... My daughter jumps but on the floor.. Hes always climbing on stuff Like fliping baskets over and climbing on these and jumping off. Is this a phase??? And if so when will it pass??? Please someone tell me this is a boy thing...

  3. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    Ok- I have an 8 year old boy & 2 1/2 year old B?G twins. In my experience, yes, this is a boy thing.
    I'm pretty sure both my boys exist to test the strength of my heart!!!
    My daughter gets brave every now & then, but her version of being a "dare-devil" like her brothers' pales in comparision!!
    Some days, it's the stairs, some days it's climbing..... I never know which adventure I have signed on for that day! But it is fun!
  4. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Yes, mine jumped and they still do sometimes. My girls occassionally still jump off the couch and their beds and you have to hear it from my basement. Anyway, they still know that they aren't supposed to but sometimes they still do. Now I just tell them to stop with the hopes that one day they will. When they were that age I used to tell them that they could jump up and down on the floor with pillows but not off of anything. Just keep telling him that and hopefully it will be a phase they he gets over.
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