July 2009 Mommies to Be

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Sammy'sMamaRae, Nov 17, 2008.

    Hi! I'm new here and looking to get to know and talk to women who are expecting twins around the same time as me...July 2009. I'm a little overwhelmed and think it would be wonderful to experience this with others going through it too. :)

    Here's a little bit about me.
    My name is Rae and I'm 29.
    My DH is 29.
    We have a 17-month daughter Sammy. (Conceived via IVF.)
    We did an FET (frozen embryo transfer) on October 25 and found out November 14 we are having twins!
    I am due July 14, 2009 and I'm 5w6d today.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you!
  1. kryscline

    kryscline Well-Known Member

    I'm due with twin girls in February 2009, not in July but I wanted to say congratulations to you. :banana:
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi Rae and welcome to Twinstuff! :wavey: Congrats on your twins.

    Here is a thread about May and June 2009.
  3. Thanks for the welcome girls!
  4. vyckie72

    vyckie72 Well-Known Member

    Hey Rae -

    It's Vyckie from mybabyish. Congrats on the twins again. And welcome.
    :banana: :welcome:
  5. Thanks Vyckie! I may just post on the thread you started because it seems there is no one else out there due around my time. :)
  6. DayDreamin

    DayDreamin Well-Known Member

    Hi Rae. I am new to TS also, and I would be happy to join you, though I am a few weeks ahead of you. I am 8w4d, due June 28th. I also just started posting on the May/June thread, but most of the ladies seem to be quite a bit ahead of me - though it is giving me great insight on what is to come!

    I am sure there will be more people on this thread in the next couple of weeks, as people find out they are having twins.

    Congrats to you on your expected blessings!
  7. Hi DayDreaming! Thanks for joining me. :) I'm sure more ladies will be joining us. I think I just found out about the twins earlier than others probably do.
    Do you have any other children? Or are these your first?
  8. sfried93

    sfried93 Well-Known Member

    Hey Rae,
    I am due July 6, 2009 and conceived my 18 month odl son Austin through IVF and have done an FET Oct 16 and am now 7w3d with twins. ISn't science wonderful?????
    We transferred 3 embryos and thankfully only 2 took. I could not have handled triplets. Looking forward to getting to know you.
  9. DayDreamin

    DayDreamin Well-Known Member

    Hi Rae & Sfried.

    This is going to be my first and second, and after 4 long years of trying to concieve, my DH and I are so excited. We also did FET this round and transfered 3. All three actually took, however last week we lost Baby A. It was very bittersweet. On one hand we are terribly sad about losing a baby, and on the other we were a bit relieved. The thought of triplets was just overwhelming, although I must admit I was starting to get used to the idea. But we are very excited about the twins. I just had an appt this morning and both babies are measuring great, and have heartrates of 180bpm and 200bpm. I was a bit concerned about Baby B having a heartrate of 200bpm, but the dr didn't seem worried and just said that Baby B was already wiggling around everywhere.
  10. vyckie72

    vyckie72 Well-Known Member

    Just bumping you back to the first page.
  11. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Wow! Congratulations to you all! I had my twin girls on July 14th, 2008. My 40 week due date was July 30th! I can't believe there are July 2009 Twin Mommies already. Just seeing the title of the post brought back so many memories of my due date club.
  12. sfried93 ~ Hi and welcome! Sorry I've been MIA, but I actually forgot all about this board until today! Whoops! Wow, we have practically the same story! How are you feeling about having a just 2 year old and twin newborns?

    Daydreaming ~ Sorry about the loss of Baby A. But I understand how you feel relieved.

    June07girl ~ Congrats on your twin girls!

    AFM ~ I really feel like I popped out over the last two days. It's crazy! How about you girls?

  13. Birgits@sbcglobal.net

    [email protected] New Member

    Hi everyone:
    I am new here as well.
    I am due with twins May 2009.
    I have a 6,4, and 2 year old and we were hoping for a #4. We are very excited about twins but also a little worried.
    No IVFs etc for us. So were were a little shocked at first!
    My two younger kiddos were born at 36 weeks (just went into labor). They were fine and I could take them home after 2 days. But with twins coming early anyways, I am worried they might come real early. My perinatologist is putting me on progesterone shots starting next week (am 16 weeks right now).
    Anyone done the progesterone shots? any success with those?
    By the way, I never really showed with my first 3 single pregnancies (even though I am pretty slim) but this time around, oh, boy! I am barely 16 weeks and my stomach is already way up at my ribs...I feel like I am 30 weeks along!
    Good luck to everyone and hope to stay connected!
  14. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    Hi, May I join you?
    We have 3 yo son ( conceived through IVF in 2004)
    and we had our ER on October 25 and tansfer the day before halloween
    My beta started like regular singelton pregnnacy. 13dpo - 76.7
    At 5w2du/s Re saw one sac and because we transfer 3 she was looking for others but didn't find anything. I had another u/s during spotting episode at 5w6d and we only saw 1 sac but at 6w2d my Re finally found another sac. it was hiding behind the first one and it was impossible to see if it is valuable or not.
    So a week later I had u/s in maternal fetal center where they confirmed 2 gestational sac with heartbeating :) both babies measure 2 days behind but I assume this is ok on this early stage.
    Anyway my EDD - 07/18/2009
    and I will have my OB appoitment next week.
  15. leokon

    leokon Active Member

    Hello! I would like to join your thread. I am very new to this forum. My due date is July 8, 2009. My name is Lydiya, I have a 2 years old son, conceived naturally. And I am pregnant with twins with IVF help.
  16. melthoreson

    melthoreson Well-Known Member

    Hello--- I'm kinda new here, too... I am due July 16th... conceived through IUI... and I also have a 2 year old...would love to talk about the transition for him! I'm excited but would probably be even more so if I didn't feel so sick...oh well, it's temporary, right?!?!
  17. Birgits@sbcglobal.net

    [email protected] New Member

    this is great to make some instant friends here who go through the same thing.
    I am now 17 weeks and feel a little more energy and my morning sickness is a little better. Yeah!
    I did the nuchal translucency test at 12 weeks and that might come up with you pretty soon as well, right?
    They never asked me if I also wanted the blood test with it or not, they just did. My values came back a little low and they got me all worried...but once I talked to a perinatologist he calmed me down again. There is not much known (unless you have identical twins, which most of you since you had IVF don't). Anyways, read up on the blood serum test before agreeing to it. If I had to do it again, I would not ever do the blood test ever with twins!
    Hope all is well.
  18. Hi Girls and Welcome to the new girls! I think this is going to be fun getting to know you all and going through the same thing. I haven't seen my OB yet. Not until next week. I'll be past 10 weeks then so we'll see what testing they'll want to do. I wonder if they'll give me a sono to see the twins for themselves. How is everyone doing?
  19. oh-baby-baby

    oh-baby-baby Well-Known Member

    I'm here too!! Due 7/8/09!
  20. ~*Nessy*~

    ~*Nessy*~ Member


    Im Vanessa and I am due May 28th 2009.
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